The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 764 - The Past That He Should Never See

Chapter 764 - The Past That He Should Never See

It started with darkness, his body floated in the air and he could tell the difference between rising and falling it's like a completed stagnant, then he felt a chill against his skin followed by the sound of a gust of the wind and his nose picked up the smell of mold and dirt, heZhao Li Xin was sure he was somewhere underground, Zhao Li Xin slowly opened his eyes he found himself standing among the old ruins 'Where am I?' 

[No, Lory what have you done!]

Zhao Li Xin's heart tightened when someone shouted Lory's name frantically, Zhao Li Xin raised his head and he saw a man kneeling on the ground he looked up at the sky with his filled with sadness and agony, that man screamed at the top of his lungs. Zhao Li Xin felt a terrifying feeling creep up into his heart, Zhao Li Xin gaze subconsciously followed in the same direction as the strange man.

when he saw what he saw his entire body froze, his eyes bulged wide, and his jaw dropped then his face became as white as a sheet. Without realizing Zhao Li Xin's feet were moving on their own, his mind was messy and chaotic, it felt like his brain was cut off from his body everything moves in a trance.

Zhao Li Xin's eyes were fixed on the figure floating in the sky, a pair of wings that were blackest as the ebony spread across the sky, a sudden whirlwind blew her messy bluish hair as the figure raised further in the air.

Zhao Li Xin felt his blood turn cold as her heart clenched in dread, he knew that figure very well even though her hair looked dirty and longer than it used to, and she looked a little older but he knew her! 

"Lo…ry…" Panic surges through him.josei

Zhao Li Xin was still unable to comprehend the situation when suddenly a strange glowing white figure with silver armor and wings behind them appeared out of nowhere, they all grasp the sword with both hands and they raised their swords simultaneously, a second later they all flew towards Lory, all of them aimed their sword on her and one by one they thrust her body, their movements sharp and swift without a slight of hesitation, just like a broken marionette Lory received every stab readily.

Zhao Li Xin and the strange man scream at the same time "NOOO!"

Zhao Li Xin tried to jump to save her but his feet somehow stuck to the ground, Zhao Li Xin frantically try to release his feet from the ground but it was useless then he punches the ground in a desperate attempt to free herself but to no avail when he looks up he see Lory's body swaying and flinching every time the sword pierced through her body like a knife through butter, overwhelmed with fear and panic he screams "STOP – STOP IT!" but they don't stop, Zhao Li Xin could see the pained on Lory's face but nothing he could do.

Zhao Li Xin fell on his knees shouting and shouting "STOP - Please stop - Please I beg you...PLEASE!"

Ever since he was six or seven years old, Zhao Li Xin stopped begging other people and he stopped crying because he knew that it was a wasted effort, but right now he throws away his dignity he pleads desperately until his voice becomes hoarse, tears fall on his cheek but they don't listen to him, it seems no one knows he was there.

When the attack finally stopped Lory letting out a long holler as she thrust the giant sword into the ground with all her might then followed by a whirlwind a pillar of purple light appeared from the ground and soared into the sky, Zhao Li Xin felt his body go numb.

The heavy impact hit him like a wave but he couldn't feel anything, when the debris and dust gradually subsided Zhao Li Xin saw Lory was left kneeling on the ground and his whole body leaned towards the sword, the strange man approached her in limping, he was crying and muttering in a language that Zhao Li Xin couldn't understand.

there's a purple line across Lory's face and the line enlarged and it becomes a glowing crack, then the crack begins to spread from her face to her neck then her chest until her whole body cover with glowing crack, it was a scary sight but Lory didn't look hurt or scared instead she looked happy and relieved, the cracks got bigger and bigger and the purple light glows brighter and brighter.

Zhao Li Xin lost his strength his shoulders slumped and his hands fell to the ground 'it's over it was dawned to him that he couldn't save her. Zhao Li Xin knew how it ended, Lory smiled like she always does, she said something to that strange man and the next moment her body exploded into brilliant tiny lights just like fireflies, Zhao Li Xin shut his eyes as tears rolled down his face.

'I lost her…" Zhao Li Xin heard a heart-wrenching scream but he didn't know if it was coming from him or that strange man.

"Congratulations boy, you have now reached the level of immortality!~" Huo Long's excited cheers brought Zhao Li Xin's mind back to reality.

When he opened his eyes again he was inside the mystic realm, gradually his memory returned, he remembered he was in the middle of cultivation but then he was dreaming, the dream was so vivid that he didn't know if it was real or not. 

Huo Long who was still cheering until he realizes Zhao Li Xin's condition was not right, then Huo Long saw Zhao Li Xin's distraught expression and there were clear tears marks on his face….wait a minute, TEARS?! since when did this block of ice know how to cry?! 

"Hey, boy, are you okay…..are you….crying?" Huo Long couldn't help but move his head closer to Zhao Li Xin's face. Huo long thought Zhao Li Xin would slap his face but is nothing happened.

Zhao Li Xin remained silent, he didn't make a sound or move. Huo Long never saw Zhao Li Xin behaved like this before and it start to worry him.

Huo Long waved his hand in front of Zhao Li Xin face "Boy, talk to me….hey you scare me"

Zhao Li Xin suddenly got up from the ground without a word he stepped out of the Mystical realm, Huo Long could only watch her departing back with a puzzled look "Is breakthrough to Immortal level painful?" the old dragon scratched his head.

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