The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 765 - A Daunting Dream

Chapter 765 - A Daunting Dream

When Zhao Li Xin returned to his room, the first thing that came to his mind was to look for Lory, when he didn't find her in the room, his heart was pounding like a drum, a voice inside his head started screaming to find her immediately. Zhao Li Xin slammed the door open and run to the exit. 

"Where's Lory?!" Zhao Li Xin shouted to the air since he knew Mong Yi and Mong Ki were nearby. The two of them heard the urgent tone in Zhao Li Xin's voice, they quickly presented themselves in front of Zhao Li Xin in haste. 

"Young Madam is in the main garden, my lord!" Mong Ki kneels down on one knee while cupping his fists respectfully and Mong Yi follows suit.

Zhao Li Xin used her Qin Gong, she flew towards the garden in a hurry, it was so fast that the Mong brothers could only see the shadow of their Lord. Brother Mong exchanged confused looks, although their Lord is a very strong cultivator, alas he is lazy so he rarely uses his martial arts if not absolutely necessary, mostly Zhao Li Xin just suppresses her opponent using her Qi but he rarely fights since he was lazy and easily bored he used to leave the fighting to the four king's palace.

That's why Mong Ki and Mong Yi are confused, could it be that someone is trying to harm the young madam but it's impossible because they just checked Lory's situation a minute ago and she seems fine, Lory is also highly guarded with the shadow guards so if anything happens even a little they should contact him right now and not to mention Lory isn't a soft cotton candy either, on the contrary, Lory is very powerful, so if something really happened they would know about it by now.

"I thought milord was missing Young Madam again…" Mong Yi concluded.

Mong Ki took a deep breath, he had no words to refute his younger brother. 

"I really want to slap everyone who says Young Madam clings to my Lord, obviously it's the other way around…." Mong Yi shakes his head with a helpless look.


The Mong brothers didn't know how other married couples interacted but they were sure there was no husband more attached to their wife than their Lord, other than cultivating and having a meeting with his underlings Zhao Li Xin had nothing to do other than glue himself to Lory it almost like he was lost when Loy was not around, on the other hands Lory was too independent, she always had something to do on her own, Lory rarely looked for Zhao Li Xin first but that perhaps Zhao Li Xin didn't give her a chance.

Like today Lory found something else to do. This time she was flying kites in the garden with Girsha. This morning when she woke up she saw a lot of colorful kites in the sky so Lory interest piqued she quickly asked one of the servants to buy her a kite which happened to be the kite that the servant bought was a kite in the shape of a bird, amused Lory wrote the word 'The Lord of The Sky' on the kite and then she used a wind spell to fly the kite quickly. 

[Hey, you can't use underhanded wind spells you know…] Girsha quipped.

Lory rolled her eyes [Sued me!] she feign ignorant with his comment, Lory pulled and released the string and the kite flew further. 

[By the way, why did you write that on the kite, your writing is bad and the kite doesn't look like me!] Girsha pointing at the kite with his wing, Girsha doesn't know where Lory got her confidence to show off her bad calligraphy, doesn't she feel ashamed. 

[Nope and that kite looks like you, it has a yellow tail like you!] Lory said confidently. 

Lory's comments angered the mighty bird then he hollers at Lory, [My tail is golden like the sun rays at dawn, so is not YELLOW!] Girsha pecked Lory's head in anger and Lory ran to dodge his attack laughing heartily.

when they were running around and joking around in the garden Lory suddenly spots Zhao Li Xin was standing like a statue while watching her with an expression of relief and longing. However, Lory who was busy dodging Girsha's fierce attacks didn't notice Zhao Li Xin's strange expression, she ran towards Zhao Li Xin pretend to be hurt, and whine coquettishly, "Li Xin, help me, Girsha is bullying me!" 

Actually, Lory was looked ridiculous when she running with messy hair and string kite in her hand.

However, Zhao Li Xin didn't pay attention to her appearance, seeing her running with rosy cheeks made his heart flood with sorrow, the image of her being stabbed mercilessly is still fresh in his memory, Zhao Li Xin was etched with pain, he took long strides towards Lory then he pulled her into his arms. The warmth from her body made Zhao Li Xin realize that this is the reality, his beloved princess was still safe, and sounds Zhao Li Xin bury his face on her nape, he worries Lory would see tears brimmed in his eyes.

Lory was surprised he accidentally let go of the strings and the kite flew. Lory never saw Zhao Li Xin act like this before, Lory then looked at Girsha with a questioning look but Girsha shrugged, he didn't know either. 

"Li Xin..." Lory stroked his head gently, "What's wrong, I thought you were cultivating?" Lory could sense Zhao Li Xin's strange mood and she was worried about him.

Zhao Li Xin didn't answer as he continued to bury his face in Lory's nape, Lory got anxious, she didn't know what could make Zhao Li Xin distraught like this, could someone hurt him? anger boil in her chest "Li Xin what's wrong, did something bad happen, tell me, is someone hurt you…." Lory's heart ached for him, she never saw Zhao Li Xin so vulnerable as if the next moment he would break down and cry. 

Lory gritted her teeth furiously, if someone dared to hurt her 'baby' she wouldn't mind showing them the wrath of Princess Lorient. 

"I have….a bad dream….." his voice thick with sorrow..

Lory was dumbfounded, "Dream….did you have a bad dream?" Lory heaved a sigh of relief knowing she had misunderstood. Thankfully Zhao Li Xin wasn't hurt otherwise she would have really lost herself, when it came to protecting their loved ones, Lory hated to admit that she might not be better than Zhao Li Xin, just see what she could do for her brother.

"It's the worst dream..." he said in a muffled voice. 

For someone who used to be haunted by nightmares Lory could understand his feelings "Oh…there – there" Lory tightened her arms around his neck as she kept stroking his head to calm him down "It was just a dream, everything is fine now…." She placed a kiss on Zhao Li Xin's head "Nothing will happen, I'm here.... I'll always be here" 

"Everything it's gonna be alright…" she whispers softly to his ear.


"What flower do you want?" Yang Xi Ying's hand was paused while holding the brush. 

"Hm...anything" replied Lory nonchalantly while holding a small bowl and spoon in her hand. 

Yang Xi Ying contemplates with a serious face "Because this is a wedding it should be red carnation but we can add light red carnation and a white carnation in the mixed, what do you think?" Yang Xi Ying looks at her waiting for Lory's answer.

Lory was sucked his spoon before she answers casually "M – kay…"

On the arhat chair Yang Xi Ying wrote seriously on the small table, and across the table, Lory who supposed to be the bride comfortably ate Osmanthus jelly leisurely. 

"Oh, I got a letter from Yue Yin, lord Zhang, agreeing to represent the elder from your family and lord Mu Jan Ge also agreeing to represent as the elder of lord Zhao, I think elder Mu agreed only to anger Mater Tian Meng Ji" Yang Xi Ying smirked mischievously. 

"Too bad, Zhao Li Xin and his master relationship ended like this" Lory sighed, she felt guilty, it was undeniably all happened because of her. Lory once tried to persuade him to forgive his former master but Zhao Li Xin adamant to stick to his decision so Lory couldn't say anything more.josei

Yang Xi Ying twitched her nose and sneered, "It's not your fault, who told him to be small-minded and stupid!" Yang Xi Ying didn't like Tian Meng Ji even before she became friends with Lory, she met Tian Meng Ji the first time because Mu Jan Ge invited him to her wedding that time she could feel his judgmental gaze on him, Yang Xi Ying later knows it because he had heard about her old rumor.

Thankfully, Mu Jan Ge didn't care about Tian Meng Ji's one-sided opinion, Li Mo Zhen once told her that Tian Meng Ji's basic character wasn't bad he just easily swayed by outward appearances, and a little petty, but it didn't make him as a bad person it only shows he has some flaws like everybody else. Normally Zhao Li Xin would ignore her master's behavior, however, when it involved Lory he refused to compromise.

Lory finished his snack then placed the bowl on another table so as not to disturb Yang Xi Ying "Still, I feel bad, no matter what, Master Tian was the first man that teaches Zhao Li Xin about cultivation" 

"Believe me, according to elder Mu, your great lord has paid his debt in full" Yang Xi Ying waved his hand aimlessly without looking at Lory while still concentrating on the paper "We only have thirty guests, do you think that's too few?" 

Lory wanted to ask about Mu Jan Ge again but Yang Xi Ying's sudden question made her forget what she wanted to ask earlier "Uhm…there will be Grand tutor, famous general and empress Liang Zu herself, do you think my guests are still too little?" Lory raised her eyebrows.

Ming Yue Yin agreed, "You're right!" there will be three legendary figures in Lory's wedding, that three people worth hundreds of noble guests, Yang Xi Ying wrote something more on the paper. Lory was amused by how seriously Yang Xi Ying took this wedding, if people saw this they would think it was Yang Xi Ying's wedding.

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