The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 792 - Princess Lorient And The Red Dragon

Chapter 792 - Princess Lorient And The Red Dragon

Not only Fargo, Fred, and the others, but he also saw Jin Hao, Bei Li Yan, Ming Yue Yin, Yang Xi Ying, Mong Brother, and many others from other worlds as well. This was impossible but why did she feel this was natural as if it was supposed to be like this.

Mong Ki was talking to Fred when they saw Lory's arrival, Mong Ki cupped his fists politely while Fred bowed his head with a smile, beside him Fargo in the middle of an exciting conversation with Mong Ki they looked like old friends, Fargo elbowed Mong Ki on the shoulder when he saw Lory Arrival and Mong Ki quickly cupping his fists while Fargo bowed his head politely towards her.

in the middle of the crowd, Lory also saw Cliff having an amicable conversation with Jin Hao just like the other JIn Hao and Cliff also bowed their head when Lucas and Lory walk across the room. On the other side of the room, Lory caught Bei Li Yan, Wu San Bo, and Jay joking and laughing together, they also quickly lowered their heads when they saw Lory and Lucas.

What surprised Lory, even more, was when he saw Zargan one of her Father Archknight, and Jiang Jin Wei having a serious conversation when they saw Lory Jiang Jin Wei cupping his fists politely and Zargan bowing his head. As expected he also saw Ming Yue Yin, Yang Xi Ying, Jin Hao, and Li Mo Zhen together, there was even Shin Jiu and three celestial beasts present in the room, they all smiled when they saw Lory then simultaneously lowered their heads solemnly.

In the middle of the room Lucas's movement suddenly halted, Lory notice everyone's smile grows wider then she looked at Lucas in confusion. Lucas didn't explain anything just winked at her then he darts his gaze behind her. 

Lory follows his gaze and sees the crowd behind her split and  Among the crowd, she saw  Zhao Li Xin stand with one hand behind his back, he still wears the same grandiose black robe he used to wear, his hair still hang loose cover his shoulder, he's beautiful dark eyes brimmed with warmth and love as he stares at her, the corner of his mouth slightly lifted as he strides towards her. 

Lory subconsciously holds her breath, even though Lory knew this is all impossible but she didn't bother to care. 

Lory even found the other Archknights, Uncle Stephan, Dorian, and Reynald were in the corner of the room, and they all smiled brightly when they saw Lory, Lory could barely hold back her tears anymore, those men including Zargan practically raised her, and Lucas after their mother died, they are him, Friends, uncles, teachers, guardians and especially his family.

This was the most beautiful dream he had ever had.

Everyone cheered and clapped enthusiastically, an overwhelming feeling of joy, longing, and bitterness swept over her like waves lapping against the shore.

Zhao Li Xin gently caressed her cheek while wiping the tears from her cheeks. Shee clasped Zhao Li Xin's hand and the smile on his face grew wider. Zhao Li Xin put her hand on his arm then he led her through the crowd which automatically split as she walked across the room and then she saw a figure standing in front of a giant stained glass window, sunlight gently shining on the figure making a long silhouette on the marble floor, Lory was silent when he saw the familiar back.

"Father..." Lory held her breath.

The figure's back twisted in slow motion as its appearance became clear. The moment their gazes met, Lory's body shook violently, his entire expression shrouded in happiness and disbelief. The father she had always missed smiled warmly as he walked calmly towards her quietly, his smile deepening as he looked at Lory with a gaze full of indescribable love and longing.

Zhao Li Xin nodded her head when Marcus stopped in front of her, Zhao Li Xin then gave Lory's hand to Marcus respectfully. Marcus and Zhao Li Xin exchanged amiable glances as if they knew each other.

Lory who was confused by the interaction of the father and husband looked at Zhao Li Xin with an inquisitive look. However, Zhao Li Xin only responded to her curious gaze with a loving smile.

Lory then cast a questioning look at Marcus but his father pretended not to know. Lory wanted to ask further but she swallowed her words when she saw Marcus smiling gently.

a smile broke on his lips as he realized that the question is not important, nothing is important anymore, why should he be confused with the question when everyone he cares about is here, dreams or reality don't matter, he will only enjoy this moment even if only for a moment.

Marcus cupped her face gently as he did when he was my little boy, the warmth in his hands bringing more tears to his eyes.

"My dearest daughter, Lorient," Marcus said softly, his eyes filled with pride and pleasure.

Tears fell down her cheeks like a broken dam, so many things she wanted to say but they all faded in her happiness.

Lory threw herself into her father's arms and hugged him tightly like she did when she was a child. His father's warm embrace made him feel calm and safe, he had forgotten how strong his father's arms were, all his past memories rush through her mind and Lory was reluctant to let him go.

Marcus stroked the back of her head gently, after a while, he whispered to her "Someone wants to meet you" Marcus slowly removed his hand from hers. Marcus raised his hand and before Lory's eyes could follow the direction of his hand, she was startled by Girsha's loud voice, Lory then saw Girsha flying in the direction indicated by Marcus.

Girsha flew down and landed on the long slender fingers, Girsha flapped his wings excitedly which irritated Lory for a moment because Girsha had never done this to anyone but herself, Lory's eyes shot to the person who was with Girsha.

Long blonde hair, fair skin, and a pair of sky blue eyes. A sweet smile spread across the woman's face like a flower bloom in spring. She turns her gaze at Lory, his eyes were clear and bright it reminds Lory of the bluish sky.  Lory's heart pounded like crazy, it was almost too much to bear. 

"Mother…mother" she weakly said.

Lorenna's eyes filled with tears as she took long strides toward her, Lorenna throw herself at Lory then she wrapped her arms around her "Welcome home, Lory" she said in utter joy.


Lory blinked a few times, she stared blankly at the wooden paneled roof above her, the quietness forcefully brought her to reality. Lory shut her eyes as she tries to swallow the disappointment and sadness that brimmed inside her. 

after a while, she took a deep breath. she rubbed her eyes and feel that the corners of her eyes were slightly wet, she wiped her eyes without dwelled about it too much, cause if she did, she would be crush by pain again.

Lory sat up from the bed, he looked around her finally able to gather her thought. Lory remembered that she was in a hut near the beach, the same hut that Huo Long had built for her when she was locked inside the mystic realm by the worrywart Zhao Li Xin, but the hut seemed bigger than before it can't be called a hut anymore.

Lory lifted the white gauze curtain that covered her bed, then she put on her shoes, and wrapped a knitted shawl around her shoulders. Lory came out of the room but there was no one around not even Girsha was here, Zhao Li Xin might continue his cultivation and Girsha might fly somewhere.

She looks down feeling lonely all of the sudden.

Suddenly she felt someone present nearby, Lory looked out the window and caught someone on the balcony, Lory leaned against the window frame when she saw Huo Long leaning against the wooden railing facing the sea. Lory wasn't in a hurry to approach him, she went to the table then quietly brewed some tea.

Huo Long's shoulders were hunched down while leaning against the railing, his head tilted to the right while resting on his fists. He stared at the sea seemingly lost in thought when Lory suddenly came and startle him a little.

"Tea?" Lory handed him the tea.

Huo Long received her tea with a gentle smile, he took a sip, but secondly, then he wrinkled his nose, "Sour… but sweet" Huo Long then took another sip then leaned against the railing again.

Lory saw her reaction and chuckled "It's lemon tea" she took a sip of her tea then leaned against the railing the same way.

The two of them stared at the unchanging seascape. It had to be a scary fact but he didn't feel there was anything wrong with it, wasn't this everyone's dream to freeze the moment and enjoy that perfect moment for the rest of their lives, to others it was just an expression but to Huo Long it was reality.  josei

"Are you dreaming again?" Huo Long asked without looking at her.

"You know, don't you?" Lory also responded the same way.

"Hm,t his place have that effect on everyone, it will make you dream what you wish to see," Huo Long said with a quiet voice almost like a lament.

Lory turned his gaze to Huo Long while resting her head on her palm. "Are you dreaming too?" 

"I do.." Huo Long answer shortly.

"What are you dreaming then?" Lory ask.

Huo Long smile solemnly "Hope"

"What do you hope for?" Lory gives an inquisitive look.

Huo Long turn his gaze at Lory "A happy ending" he said with longing eyes.

Lory didn't ask further as they both exchanged meaningful smiles.


Row - row - row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily - merrily - merrily -merrily,

life is about a dream.

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