The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 793 - Persistence

Chapter 793 - Persistence

They finally came out of the mystical realm, Lory felt it had been a month since he left the real world but it wasn't even a week since he left. This fact gave him a new feeling as if he had just come out of a rabbit hole.

Zhao Li Xin reluctantly left the mystic realm as he had a lot to deal with in the real world that he couldn't delay any longer, of course, Lory accepted the news happily, after all, she missed everyone outside, only Girsha looked a little disappointed.

When they came out as expected, Mong Ki and Mong Yi approached them in a hurry to report the important news about Guan Men Niang and Wei Zu Tian. knowing the matters is quite big Zhao Li Xin ordered Mong Yi and Mong Ki to summon all the palace kings to the manor as soon as possible.

Lory watched Mong's brother leave, she crossed her arms over his chest and mumbled "No time to relax right"

Zhao Li Xin heard what he said then put his arm around Lory's shoulder, he felt guilty dragging Lory into his mess "If you are tired you can rest and let me handle the rest" 

"And let you have fun with the boys... how dare you!" Lory narrowed her eyes as she refused to be left out.

Lory then caught Zhao Li Xin rolling his eyes, she clenched her chest as she pretended to be offended, "Are you rolling your eyes at me now, are you starting to be passive-aggressive at me?!"

Zhao Li Xin took avert his gaze from Lory then he pulled her closer, "I don't know what you're talking about. Come on, I heard the chef made a new fruit cake and many other cakes for our wedding banquet, do you want to try it" he tempts Lory with sweets as usual. 

"You're trying to distract me, aren't you?" Lori sneered.

"Does it work?" Zhao Li Xin casually asked.

"Yes!" she answered earnestly.

Zhao Li Xin laughed heartily, his wife was kind, honest, strong, and humorous, what more could a man ask for. He couldn't believe how lucky he was, that's why he had to be stronger to protect this once-in-a-lifetime happiness.

A few minutes later the four palace kings entered the dining room, at first, they were confused as to why the housekeeper had brought them into the dining room, not the study but after they saw the various dessert places on the table and Lory in the middle of eating. the cake they finally understand.

Zhao Li Xin sat next to Lory drinking wine quietly while occasionally reminding Lory to slow down and wiping the corners of her lips with her thumb. Lory and Zhao Li Xin didn't realize their affectionate interaction was making all the bachelors in the room ached.

'Ah, we've stuffed with 'dog food' again' everyone groaned inwardly.

Lory saw them then she waved her hand excitedly "Come on – come on, here's a cake for my wedding, tell me what do you think?"

It was Bei Li Yan who first pranced towards Lory "Wow, I've never seen hawthorn cake with lotus root before!" Bei Li Yan sat on the other side of Lory.

  "Jin Hao, why don't you try," Lory said excitedly.

"Ehm, I don't really like sweet things." The sweet smell pierced his nose. Jin Hao subconsciously wrinkled his nose.

"Well you can still choose which cake Xue An wants, I think she likes sweet desserts too" Lory wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

Jin Hao tilted his head for a second before he nodded, "Hmm….I think he likes sweet nuts and coconut." Jin Hao pinched his chin thoughtfully. 

"Perfect, I will tell the housekeeper to wrap it for her, I will give a cake to Xi Ying, help me choose which cake is suitable for pregnant women"

"Of course, young madam!" Jin Hao replied politely.

Lory feel her mood spiked and she was in high spirits after eating so many desserts at once, but she guessed it might be a sugar rush. 

"Let's eat San Bo, Jing Wei, it's delicious!" she gesticulated her hands excitedly.

"Ye..yes" Jiang Jin Wei replied shyly.

Meanwhile, Wu San Bo's eyes glittered with another kind of excitement, "I think we can sell this, but not too much… we can put it in a nice box, make it as a limited edition item and sell it for double the price"

Lory raised his thumb, "Drain their money, Mister Wu!"

"I will!" he smirked slyly.

seeing Lory too excited, Zhao Li Xin furrowed her brows, "Lory, no more cake for you"  he pushed the dessert from Lory, then he raised his hand to signal the waiter to take all the desserts off the table.

"No, my cake!" Lory grabbed the plate the waiter had taken away.

The waiter looked at Lory with a regretful look, Lory could only see the cakes being taken one by one helplessly, and then she glared angrily at Zhao Li Xin but Zhao Li Xin ignore her instead he push fresh tea in front of Lory "Here, have a drink. first"

Lory was still angry but she didn't have the heart to refute Zhao Li Xin's good intention, she lifted the teacup while pouting then as soon as she drank the tea her eyes widened then she spat out the whole tea to the side, luckily Lory was quick enough to turn her head to the side before he spat the whole tea on Wu San Bo face.

Lory scrunched up her face and groaned, "Bitter!"

"Of course, it's Long Jin tea." Zhao Li Xin calmly said.

"Why?" Lory whined, should he know she hates bitter the most.

"To lower your blood sugar" Zhao Li Xin replied naturally.

Lory was so angry that she didn't want to see him as she chides him inside her head.

'He didn't even add sugar to her tea!'


"Brother, you have to help me!" Yang Qiou Xi's loud whimper filled the room making Yang Qiou Ru dizzy who was pregnant. It had been almost a week that Yang Qiou Xi had been bothering him because of the matter with master Long Ming.

"Sister, that Yang Xi Ying refuses to help me!" she pouted her lips angrily "Because of what she said mother became hesitant and stopped me from going further with our plan but how can I? a man like Long Ming only comes once in a lifetime how can I let go of this opportunity!" Yang Qiou Ru complained incessantly.

Yang Qiou Ru was interrupted by Yang Qiou Xi who repeatedly complained but did nothing, instead of making her own plans, she had to bother her all the time just to hear her incessant complaints. Yang Qiou Ru wanted to kick him out of the room but she was afraid that her mother and father would blame her. As an older child, one is expected to mature and succumb to her younger sister but how can she remain silent when Yang Qiou Ru is constantly bothering her, not to mention that she is not in a good mood due to her pregnancy. 

"Enough, you make me dizzy, do you know I'm pregnant now!" she couldn't stand Yang Qiou Xi's annoying voice anymore.

Yang Qiou Xi was shocked then pursed her lips sadly, "Why are you angry with me, if I become Long Ming's wife not only me, you can also benefit from it, do you know Yang Xi Ying became arrogant because she was friends with Long? Ming's wife but if I become Long Ming's second wife or even just a concubine, Yang Xi Ying won't be able to lift her chin in front of us anymore. Yang Qiou Xi said.

Yang Qiou Ru pondered, she thought Yang Qiou Xi's words made sense if his sister married Long Ming even as a concubine their position not only in the family even in the kingdom itself would increase greatly.

When that happens the Yang Family does not need to rely on Yang Xi Ying to be related to the Hei Shen sect then Yang Xi Ying's position will automatically be reduced.josei

Yang Qiu Ru hated Yang Xi Ying since she can remember because everyone used to compare her to Yang Xi Ying since they were little. She hated how everyone who always said that Yang Xi Ying was smarter, prettier, more sensible than her, and everything only got worse when she became a cultivator and even a talented one.

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