The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1260

Chapter 1260

Chapter 1260

Chapter 1260

“Are you Bella?"

Bard hadn't expected the girl standing in front of him to be even more charming than the picture. Her

eyes were clear and vibrant, and her features bore a slight resemblance to his sister, Louisa, but she

had a more refined air about her. Her refreshing aura was like a breath of fresh air.

“Uncle Bard?"

Bard smiled gently, “Yes, I'm your Uncle."

Arabella smiled, "Hello, Uncle Bard."

“Hello, Bard's voice was soft, as if he was talking to a young child, “I noticed no one was getting off the

plane, so I came to check."

As he said this, he looked at the woman on the couch, "What happened to her?"

“Sudden heart attack, but she's okay now."

"Sir" Marcia, who had been standing nearby, rose to her feet and greeted him respectfully, "I work for

the Collins family. Thank God Ms. Collins was here; we would have had a crash otherwise!"

She briefly explained what had happened, and just by her description, one could imagine the dreadful


Bard looked again at his niece, who seemed calm as if nothing had happened.

Such mental toughness, such courage, and decisiveness.

She was indeed his niece.

"Private pilots are required to have an EKG every two years. She didn't do it?” Bard asked his niece.

"She had her medical records on the plane, which showed no cardiac risk factors. She's in good health,

she gets a check-up every year, and the results are always normal."

“What caused it this time?"

“It could be pulmonary embolism, acute coronary syndrome and pericarditis, etc. Once we land, we'll

do a detailed check-up to see if her blood cells, metabolic indicators, and cTnl levels are normal. We'll

also do a chest CT scan to see if it's a pulmonary embolism and an EKG is needed too."

Bard, hearing all the medical jargon, was once again amazed by his niece.

He hadn't expected such medical expertise from her at this young age, let alone that their first meeting

would be under such circumstances.

"I'll ask someone to send her to the hospital’ Bard said gently.

"Okay." Seeing that it was almost time, Arabella started to pack up her medical stuff.

As Susan was being taken away, Arabella asked Marcia to accompany her, in case Susan woke up

with no familiar faces around.

Seeing his niece's thoughtfulness, Bard felt warmth in his eyes again.

By the plane stairs, there were dozens of servants. The elderly butler at the front, seeing Arabella

deplane, promptly raised his voice and bowed, "Ms. Collins, welcome home! I'm Mr. Elliot, it's a

pleasure to meet you!"

"Ms. Collins, welcome home!"

Following Mr. Elliot, all the servants bowed in unison, creating quite a spectacle.

"Hello." Arabella greeted them warmly.

“Bella, this is a gift for you.” Bard took a beautifully crafted rectangular box from Mr. Elliot and handed it

to Arabella.

The box was only slightly larger and thicker than an average smartphone, but it looked exquisite and


At the sight of the box, it was clear that whatever was inside was valuable.

Arabella also took out a gift box from her bag, "This is for Uncle Bard."

Bard hadn't expected a gift from his niece on their first meeting. When he opened it, he found a piece

of paper the size of a smartphone???

He looked at his niece, puzzled.

"This is a paper for bearing wishes. Uncle, you can write whatever you want on it, and I'll make it come

true as long as it's within my reach."

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