The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1261

Chapter 1261

Chapter 1261

Chapter 1261

Bard was grinning from ear to ear, "My wish is for you to grow up happy and healthy, and for your

grandfather's illness to be cured."

"What about yourself?"


This was the first time Bard had thought about it.

He was successful in his career, in this country, he could get anything he wanted with the snap of his


"Uncle Bard, look under the paper.

Bard lifted the paper to reveal a small, transparent vial containing a single pill.

"This is an emergency pill. If you're suddenly poisoned or fall ill, this pill can save your life until I can get

to you."

For someone as esteemed as Bard, there must be plenty who want him dead. Emergencies were

inevitable, and while he could easily buy commonplace items, life wasn't something money could buy.

“You're quite the thoughtful girl, aren't you?" Bard chuckled, “This is quite the unique gift, I feel like I'm

taking advantage of you. A wish paper and a priceless life-saving pill"

“Uncle Bard, your gift is even more valuable."

"Oh, haw so?"

“A box like this weighs around half an ounce, but with the gift inside, it's still under an ounce. This

means what's inside must be something light, like paper."

Bard looked at her admiringly, "Go on."

"Given your status, it could be a blank check, a high-value bank card, or a house key"

“But a blank check might make me hesitant about how much to write, and a house key is unlikely, so

I'm guessing it's a bank card"

Only a bank card would require such a small box.

Mr. Elliot, standing nearby, couldn't help but admire Arabella’s intelligence. Not long ago, Bard had

discussed these three options with him, and in the end, he suggested giving Bella a generous

allowance card, so she could buy whatever she wanted.

Bard was amused by her, "You got it right. Is my gift too predictable?"

“No, from this gift I can see how much you value me"


"Uncle Bard, you could have casually given me a dress or a necklace, but you were worried I wouldn't

like it, so you simply gave me a card. Thank you, Uncle Bard."

Bard laughed again, finding the girl incredibly charming.

On the other side.

After calming down, Serena thought of her mother's cold demeanor the night before and decided to

appease her.

No matter what, she had to keep her status as the Collins family's daughter.

It was already 7:30 in the morning in Solterra. Louisa was sitting at the breakfast table, about to have

her meal, when her phone rang.

“What did you say? Nora had a sudden heart attack last night? Bella flew the plane?"

Kenneth, sitting next to her, jerked in surprise, spilling his coffee.

"Is Bella okay?" Louisa was visibly frightened, gripping her phone tightly.

Kenneth also leaned in to listen to the conversation.

After hearing the entire story, Louisa finally breathed a sigh of relief, "You scared me! As long as she's

okay, that's all that matters."

Who knew the little girl could fly a plane?

Tears welled up in her eyes.

Thank God she could, or the outcome could have been disastrous.

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