The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 99 part1

Chapter 99 part1

Chapter 99: Bursting with happiness

Guogongfuren had already reached her goal; she carried a smile on her face as she leftwith her daughter-in-law, leaving an atmosphere of oddity behind amongst the crowd.Lao furen stared at Li Chang Le long before she began to coldly smile, she said:“Why are we still foolishly standing here, let’s disperse!”

Everyonequickly left, Li Wei Yang and Li Chang Le came out one after the other. Li ChangLe acted normally as she bid her farewell: “San mei, take care.”

Becauseof Li Wei Yang’s brazen attitude, she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by unexpectedfavoritism. After the two had a fallout, this Dajie had never been this benign towardsher, and so she calmly smiled and then turned to leave.

LiChang Le watched her opponent’s silhouette and revealed a pondering expression.Even when Li Wei Yang disappeared from the corridor, her gaze still didn’t wanderelsewhere.

Sincethe morning, the entire Li family had submerged in pessimism. Li Xiao Ran foundout before Lao furen that the Jiang family forcefully sent Li Chang Le back. He,of course, wasn’t willing to see this humiliating daughter ever again, yet the householdwas inseparable from matters in the court. The reason he yielded to them was becausethe Jiang was offering him an even bigger benefit, but how could he explain thisto his muqin and family? He would have never known that the mood in the family wouldcontinue into dinner and eventually explode.

BecauseJiu Yiniang and Qi Yiniang needed to take care of their children, Lao furen specificallyinstructed that they don’t have to serve her during her meals. Si Yiniang and LiuYiniang were like bickering chickens, taunting and jeering at one another nonstop,scheming against each other, creating pandemoniums. Seeing the two, Lao furen becamevery frustrated, so she told them to eat in their yuanzi as well. Thus during dinner,it was Luo Mama who prepared the meals for Lao furen and the one to serve her werethe yatous. From the start to end of the meal, a cough couldn’t even be heard, itwas silent to the point that it seemed like no one was there.

LiXiao Ran looked at Li Chang Xiao who had her head down as she ate. He lightly coughedand Li Chang Xiao swiftly lifted her head and saw that her father was staring ather. She became anxious and then remembered his words, she hesitantly turned herhead and said: “Lao furen, today is the fifteenth, a night of the full moon, thefamily should get together .......”

Laofuren frowned as if she was stunned: “Say whatever you have to say, don’t speakin bits and pieces.”

LiChang Xiao gave Li Wei Yang a furtive glance and noticed that she was quiet as ifshe didn’t understand her meaning. She made up her mind and said: “Everyone is herenow, except for Da jie. She is alone by herself, how pitiful, I beg for Lao furen’skindness---“

Afterthese words were spoken, everyone was shocked. Er furen coldly laughed: “Si Xiaojieis indeed benevolent, Da Xiaojie made a mistake. Lao furen had already showed mercyallowing her to return. And you even want her to eat with us at the table, don’ttake a yard when given an inch!”

LiChang Ru also smilingly said on the side: “Yes, Si Meimei, Lao furen becomes illwhenever she sees her. It’s better for you to not speak such rubbish, eat your food!”

Unrestrainedembarrassment appeared on Li Chang Xiao’s face. She looked at Li Xiao Ran and thenlooked at the expressionless Lao furen, tears were about to flow from her eyes.

LiXiao Ran looked towards Li Wei Yang as if he was hoping for her to put in a word.But Li Wei Yang didn’t even look at him and only quietly drank the winter bambooshoots soup without lifting her head up. Li Xiao Ran felt dissatisfied, this yatouhad always been clever, did she not understand his intentions today, she’s definitelyunworthy of such attention! To Li Xiao Ran, his children must act according to hisideas and must not have any other thoughts or else they are impious! His expressionfroze, he coughed and then turned towards Lao furen and immediately put a smileon his face: “Lao furen, Chang Xiao is correct, the family should all get togethersooner or later.”

LaoFuren coldly looked at him. Both of their gazes locked for a moment and in the end,Li Xiao Ran gave in. He stared at a pan of chrysanthemum fish and earnestly said,“Hope Lao furen will understand your son’s dilemma.”

LaoFuren was stunned and stayed silent for a while.

Havinglistened to the conversation, he couldn’t help but frowned. He looked at Li WeiYang who was sitting across from him and noticed that she shook her head yet heldback and didn’t utter a word.

LiWei Yang sighed. Earlier, Li Xiao Ran was still determined but now that Jiang Danhad returned to the capital, he gave in. No, perhaps the cunning Jiang Dan and fuqinhad reached an agreement. No matter what Li Chang Le will certainly stay and thiswas an unchangeable truth even if Lao furen disapproved. If it was like this, thenwhy prevent it?

Inthe end, Lao Furen let out a long sigh. According to her own conscience, the Lifamily couldn’t forgive such an immoral daughter but since her son was this adamant,she didn’t have the heart to hold her stance --- “Forget it, allow her to dine withus.”

Momentarily,Li Chang Le lowered her head as she approached the table and greeted Lao Furen andLi Xiao Ran. Li Xiao Ran didn’t look at her and only said: “Sit.”

Aftergreeting them, Li Chang Le didn’t sit in her own seat but gently walked over andsaid: “Lao furen, sun nv will help serve you.” Her voice was gentle and warm, makingothers felt like they were listening to blissful music.

LuoMama still had the bowl in her hand, waiting for Lao furen’s response.

Laofuren coldly said: “No need.”

Alayer of tears appeared in Li Chang Le’s eyes, she glanced over at Li Xiao Ran toask for his help. How could Li Xiao Ran not understand her meaning, if she didn’treestablish her position as Da Xiaojie in front of everyone, her return was equivalentto being placed in the cold palace. He recalled Jiang Dan’s words and he bitinglysaid: “Lao furen ---“

Laofuren sighed, unwilling to make her son’s life difficult, she nodded: “Hand it toher.”

LuoMama transferred the little bowl to Li Chang Le. Li Chang Le smiled and followingwhat Luo Mama was doing, she scooped a spoonful of winter bamboo shoot soup. Theglimmer of the soup and the snow whiteness of the bamboo was seen from the bowl,making everyone hungry, as she placed it next to Lao furen.

LaoFuren gave it a glimpse and said: “My body is weak, this chicken soup is too oilythat it makes one loses its appetite, no need.”

LiChang Le quickly apologized: “Sun nv didn’t know Lao furen’s body hasn’t been wellrecently, I beg for Lao furen’s forgiveness.”

LiMin De’s pair of spring watered eyes was filled with cynicism. He looked at hisbeautiful Dajie, seeing her expression of being wronged, it made him felt like heswallowed a fly, revolting.

Erfuren coldly voiced: “Da Xiaojie, no one would blame you for wanting to fawn onand show off your cleverness but you can’t disregard Lao furen’s health conditionand casually let her eat whatever. If she ate something that affected her health,would you be able take full responsibility?”

LiChang Le bit her lips and cried: “Lao furen, it is sun nv’s fault, it won’t happenagain.”

Asshe spoke, she got a piece of steamed pepper bass and placed it into Lao furen’sbowl: “Try this out.”

Laofuren looked at her and then closed her eyes and said with disgust: “I don’t wantto eat.”

LuoMama smilingly said: “Da Xiaojie, recently, Lao furen wasn’t feeling well so shehas eaten less chicken, duck, and fish. You are ---“

LiChang Le wasn’t discouraged and lightly said: “The food on this table is mainlymeat or fish so it wouldn’t be appetizing. If Lao furen don’t mind, sun nv had alreadyprepared a new meal for you and hope that you would give it a try.”

Laofuren frowned and was about to reject but heard Li Xiao Ran urged: “Lao furen, sinceChang Le put effort into this, you should give it a try.”

Laofuren looked at Li Xiao Ran and in the end didn’t reject.

LiChang Le told Tan Xiang who was by her side: “Let them bring forth the dishes.”Tan Xiang left and soon yatous flowed in, holding exquisite platters. Luo Mama orderedpeople to remove half of the dishes on the table and placed the dishes on the plattersbought in by the yatous onto the table.

Erfuren gave a glimpse, sneered and said: “Da Xiaojie, what is the meaning of this,isn’t this meat, what kind of game are you playing, perhaps you think our chef’scooking is not satisfactory and deliberately invited a chef from the heavenly palaceto prepare meals for Lao furen?”

Onthe table were dishes that were not much different, even though the colors weremuch more vibrant and seemed more appetizing, but there were nothing special aboutthem.

LiChang Le smilingly said: “I wouldn’t dare to deceive Lao furen,” Speaking up untilnow, she took a slice of appealing and aromatic ham and placed it into Lao furen’sbowl.

LuoMama frowned and was about to reject for Lao furen when Lao furen changed her mindand had already grabbed the ham and placed it into her mouth. She didn’t open hermouth and everyone tensely stared at her. Lao furen actually revealed a satisfiedexpression and said: “Taste is really not bad.”

Laofuren had always been picky. The chefs in the residence are master chefs hired fromaround the nation yet none had been bluntly praised by her. Dishes that were ableto gain her approval could easily be counted.

Afterhearing this, Li Wei Yang couldn’t help but look at the dishes on the table andrevealed curiosity.

Laofuren spoke: “Where did the ham come from, the taste is refreshing.”

Erfuren refused to give in and grabbed a bite and placed it into her mouth. The tastewas definitely special, this ham was thin yet appetizing, making one want to takeanother bite. She frowned and deliberately said: “It is just so-so!”

LiChang Le showed a smile instead of directly replying and then took the mushroomin the dish of mushroom chicken for Lao furen and said: “Give this a try, sun nvpromise this won’t make you feel it’s oily at all.”

Laofuren listened and then tried a bite and paused. The mushroom chicken that wereoften served were clouded with the scent of chicken and oil so she always felt itwas too greasy. But today, this dish was very different, not only was it refreshingbut it was also aromatic. She couldn’t help but looked at that dish: “How was thismade? That the taste is this unique.”

LiWei Yang finally opened her mouth to speak. Her voice was slow yet steadfast: “Thesedishes from Dajie, are all vegetarian, right?”

LiChang Le couldn’t believe that the first person to guess correctly was Li Wei Yang,who didn’t even taste the dishes. She succumbed her astonishment and then slightlysmiled and said: “San mei has a good eye, the dishes on this table, are actuallyall vegetarian.”

Laofuren was still dubious and grabbed a few more slices and placed them into her mouth.Without distinguishing the difference, she curiously asked: “I’ve eaten vegetariandishes from all around the nation but I haven’t tasted this before, how was thismade?” josei

LiChang Le smilingly said: “The days sun nv spent on the mountaintop, besides practicingabstinence from meat and chanting prayers, I idle away time aimlessly each day.So after a while, I decided to learn how to prepare vegetarian meals from the cook.The vegetarian dishes that Lao furen eats are inarguably prepared by an infamouschef, yet it might not be as legitimate compared to those prepared by the cook whoresides deep in the mountains. In actuality, the way these vegetarian dishes areprepared is very simple. The main ingredients are wild vegetables, mushrooms, fungus,and various kinds of tofu, these simple things, as long as these are prepared well,not only will we save money but the meals would be vibrant and appetizing.

“Thesedishes were all prepared by you?” Lao furen glanced at the dishes on the table andonly felt incredible. Li Chang Le had always boasted her nobility and never stainedher hands with work. Making a bowl of soup once in a while in the kitchen was goodenough but she actually prepared a table of vegetarian dishes, which made everyonecouldn’t believe their eyes. Perhaps she was really a changed person, she wantedto start anew?

“Allwere prepared by sun nv but without the guidance of the temple’s Miao Xin Shifu,sun nv wouldn’t have been able to prepare such local vegetarian dishes.” Li ChangLe was very humble and her attitude was harmonious.

LiChang Xiao couldn’t hold back her curiosity, she clamped a piece of chicken legand gave it a try. She then revealed a shocked expression: “Dajie, how did you makethis chicken leg? How does it still have bones?”

LiChang Le warmly smiled: “Si mei, take a careful look at this chicken bone, whatis it exactly?”

Aftertasting it for a while, Li Chang Xiao ultimately shook her hand. Li Chang Le comfortablysaid: “I’ve boiled the winter bamboo shoots in the water, then scooped them outand cut them into pieces to imitate the bones of a chicken. After, I add the piecesof bamboo into the middle of the tofus, wrapped them up to create various sizesof chicken legs. I fried them in a pot of oil until they are golden, so don’t theylook exactly like chicken legs?”

Otherscontinued to sample and then naturally gasped in admiration. The people all haveeaten vegetarian dishes before but they have never tasted such refreshing ones.Even the best monk in An Guo Temple couldn’t prepare such a delicious meal.

LiXiao Ran showed a rare smile: “If you had calmed your temperament, you wouldn’thave ---“ Amidst his words, he gently sighed and said: “Since you’ve return, wewill let the past be forgotten and you should serve Lao furen well.”

Amodest smile appeared on Li Chang Le’s face: “Yes.”

LiMin De’s brows unconsciously tensed up, this Li Chang Le was entirely differentfrom before. Whether it was her manner of speech or behavior, she was even morebeautiful, noble, and gentle than before. If Li Chang Le was described as a beautiful,fragranced peony, this arrogant peony had transitioned into a luring and sophisticatedorchid. And especially the type that carried a sense of gentleness and a delicateyet weak expression, making everyone not have the heart to reject her.

LiWei Yang smiled gently, usual vegetarian dishes often used vegetarian chicken, duck,and fish cooked in vegetarian oil to imitate the shape of the chicken, duck, andfish. It was very difficult to imitate the taste, it may look like a meat dish butthe taste was actually a vegetarian dish so some might think it’s not delicious.But this table of dishes was elaborately prepared by Li Chang Le.

Erfuren forced a smile: “Da Xiaojie, don’t hide away those talented cooking skills,you should guide your Er mei more!”

LiChang Ru’s smile was stiff and then she heard Li Chang Le warmly said: “If Er meiis willing to learn, then I will certainly advise her.”

LiWei Yang actually shook her head and said: “No matter how much you learn Er jie,I’m afraid you wouldn’t learn how to.”

LiChang Ru clenched her brows: “What is the meaning behind your words?! Am I not assmart as Da jie?”

LiWei Yang’s smile created a sense of discomfort: “Er jie, you’ve misunderstood, WeiYang’s meaning is even if Da jie taught you how to prepare these dishes, the tastewouldn’t be the same.”

LiChang Ru completely didn’t understand and her face showed confusion.

LiWei Yang smilingly picked up a piece of tofu, she said: “Let’s talk about this dish,it looks ordinary but in actuality, it requires ten and more wild chicken for thesoup base. Think about it, how could the value of these be compared to those ordinaryvegetarian dishes? I’m afraid one dish cost about one or two silvers and this isthe cheapest amongst all the dishes. Other dishes look ordinary but with furtherobservation, it is a waste, so how would Er Jiejie be able to prepare these?”

Afterthose words were out, Li Xiao Ran’s expression sank and Lao furen revealed an incredulousexpression.

LiChang Le’s heart was cold yet showed a well-measured smile: “San jie has a goodeye.”

LiWei Yang’s expression was very calm like the sun reflected in the lake: “Da jieis flattering me. In actuality, your dishes look like vegetarian dishes but differenttypes of delicacies have been used to create the essence of the soup. Once thisis added to the vegetarian dishes, then the vegetables couldn’t be tasted at alland instead taste like bear paws and abalones. But for a table of dishes to costa hundred or two silvers, then it is too wasteful.”

LiChang Le’s facial expression didn’t change, she glaringly said: “San mei is exaggerating,it’s merely a hundred or two silvers. From the Li family’s fortune, why should webe so petty? As long as we are wholeheartedly doing it for zumu, it’s worth it tospend even more money. If you hate to part with your money, then I am willing tofinance the ingredients used to prepare the dishes for each of her meals.”Thus, if Li Wei Yang continued to speak on, thenshe is disapproving the idea of expensing for Lao furen, then it would be impiety.

LiWei Yang revealed an anxious expression: “Dajie had completely misunderstood WeiYang’s intentions. The Li family now can, of course, bear the expenses but I amspeaking for the Li family’s fortune in the long-run. If I’ve ruined Lao furen andfuqin’s mood, then please forgive me.”

LiXiao Ran frowned: “Wei Yang, what are you trying to say?”

LiWei Yang slowly spoke: “Fuqin, the Emperor had once said, out of all the officials,you are the most upright. Ever since you were promoted in De Zhou, you only ownedthree pieces of winter garments, you were served meals no more than five, and youonly had four to five small yuanzis in your residence. Such simplicity, who wouldn’tpraise your honesty and uprightness! Now that fuqin is the prime minister, the family’scondition changed and now to fulfill our duty towards Lao furen, spending more isnatural, but ---“ As she spoke, she gave Li Chang Le a glance and continued: “Ifwe let the people in the capital know that a meal in the Li family cost a hundredto two silvers, what will they say about fuqin?”

LiXiao Ran was stupefied and then his expression began to change for the worse. Helooked at the table of dishes and then clenched his brows.

Inthe end, Li Wei Yang’s pair of eyes flashed and she said: “Thinking of this beingspread around, they will call fuqin a hypocrite, pretending to be upright, my heartwould feel awful. To protect fuqin’s upright reputation, integrity, and fame, it’sbetter to not consider these sweet desires and allow Lao furen to indulge in a lifetimeof honor is the most important!”

LiWei Yang’s intentions were obvious. If an outsider found out that a meal in theLi family cost about a hundred silvers, it would cause an uproar. As long as LiXiao Ran is in the position of prime minister, Lao furen will live through gooddays. If they ruined their reputation because of these extravagant meals, the gainscannot cover the losses and they would even become a laughingstock amongst the world!

Laofuren, of course, understood Li Wei Yang’s meaning well. Even though she knew LiWei Yang and Li Chang Le were at odds, but every word that Li Wei Yang spoke wasfor the Li family so Lao furen became hesitant.

Atrace of watered chill slowly flashed across Li Chang Le’s eyes: “Perhaps San meiis overthinking it, it’s simply a table of dishes.”

LiWei Yang sighed and said: “The Empress Dowager’s vegetarian banquet was merely eightysilvers.”

Laofuren suddenly became oblivious, she frowned as she looked at the dishes on thetable: “Take them all away, I can’t accept such expenditures.”

TheDa Li’s Empress Dowager only spent eighty silvers on a vegetarian banquet. The mealof a first-ranked official furen was actually much more extravagant than the EmpressDowager’s, it was like taking the lead to commit a crime!

LiChang Le’s face revealed absolute regret and immediately said: “Lao furen, it’sall sun nv’s fault.”

Laofuren coldly watched her and was about to speak when Li Xiao Ran sighed and said:“Forget it, she had good intentions.”

LiChang Le’s eyes were filled with tears and looked at Lao furen with anticipation,Lao furen calmly spoke: “So be it, in the future, let’s not have those wastefuldishes appear on our table.”

LiChang Le quickly voiced: “Yes.”

LiWei Yang smiled slightly, if it was another person, they would not have the financialresources to host such a banquet. But Li Chang Le is different, Da furen had alreadyfurtively sent all of Li family’s most expensive valuables to her own room. To hosta banquet like this for an entire year or more was not a difficult matter but toactually invite the real vegetarian master to teach her, she didn’t have enoughface. She was just saying how Miaoxin Dashi of the temple taught her how to preparethese, but she was merely speaking rubbish. She was sent to reflect and Lao furendeliberately chose the oldest and poorest temple, it was impossible that there wouldbe such a monk. However, Li Wei Yang didn’t want to expose her because then Li XiaoRan wouldn’t be able to back down with grace.

Inthe end, Li Chang Le was able to return completely because of Li Xiao Ran’s decision.


Translator: Erica

Editor: Pending


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