The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 99 part2

Chapter 99 part2

Chapter 99: Bursting with happiness

sun nv: a way for granddaughter to address herself in front of grandparents

muqin: mother

fuqin: father

fujun: a formal way for a wife to address her husband


Afterdinner, Li Chang Le wanted to help Lao furen up but Lao furen suddenly liftedher hand and pointed towards Li Wei Yang and said: “This yatou, be more attentive,come walk me back!” josei

LiWei Yang merrily went up and gently held onto Lao furen’s arm.

LiChang Le watched their silhouettes disappear with utter disappointment. Shedabbed tears from the corner of her eyes. Standing on the side as he watched,Li Xiao Ran felt a little sympathetic towards her, he slowly said: “Fuqinunderstands your intentions but what you did today was actually too wasteful.If words spread, it will ruin the Li family’s reputation, don’t blame Laofuren, she is only looking out for the Li family.”

LiChang Le’s eyes had tears yet she held back her whimpers and said: “Yes, nv erunderstands.”

LiMin De coldly watched at this pair of father and daughter. Li Chang Le’s actingwas getting better and it will inevitably become huge trouble in the future.

HeXiang Yuan

Laofuren held up her tea cup and gently blew away the hot air. She took a sip andsaid: “Very light, these tea leaves are not bad.”

LiWei Yang smilingly said: “This is the new tea from this year, Princess YongNing sent them over last time.” It was to help get over her shock.

Laofuren smilingly nodded and said: “When I was young, I’ve always liked strongertea. It’s only when I am older that I find lighter tea to be better, light andrefreshing, which makes the taste linger longer.

LiWei Yang smiled without saying a word.

Laofuren slowly said: “Oh, Wei Yang, I’ve agreed to let your Dajie return, did youblame me?”

LiWei Yang smiled and said: “Lao furen, sun nv understands fuqin and your pains.This morning, it was easy to notice that they must have been prepared fromGuogong furen’s manners. If we publicly declined, then the two families willhave a fallout. How could sun nv fail to see the bigger picture? I’m thinkingright now, Lao furen feels much more terrible than Wei Yang, how could Wei Yangadd on to your troubles.”

LiWei Yang was right, Lao furen actually felt displeased deep within her heart.She has basked in glory her whole entire life and had never been coerced byanyone. But both times the Jiang family visited, once was to forcefully place agirl into the family, and another was to force them to accept Li Chang Le, theywere going too overboard! Lao furen bitterly smiled and said: “Oh you, such ayoung yatou, yet you seem like you are thirty or forty, you don’t have any furyof a youth.”

LiWei Yang smilingly said: “Look at what you just said, doesn’t that make me too clever.”

Laofuren lightly smiled but then her smile suddenly disappeared, she said: “I’mold, I can’t withstand these troubles, seeing how your fuqin begged me, Ididn’t have the heart to stay determined.

LiWei Yang’s smile was pleasantly warm: “Lao furen’s heart is, of course, for theLi family. Fuqin had a multitude of things to handle outside so it’sunsurprising that there will be something he neglects. The family had been heldtogether by Lao furen; as long as fuqin’s piety exists, how could there besomething that Lao furen can’t tolerate? No matter what wrong Dajie hadcommitted, she is still flesh and blood, we can’t let her wander aboutdestitute!”

Laofuren’s eyes were slightly squinted yet her vision was reflected upon thecandle flame with a hint of smile, “Your words, not only defended your fuqin,but also helped me save face. In the end, you haven’t wasted how much I dotedon you.”

LiWei Yang smilingly said: “Without Lao furen taking care of me, how would WeiYang live until today. To be able to help serve Lao furen, it’s already ablessing for me.”

“Whatan eloquent child.” Lao furen glimpsed at her and then warmly said, “Your Dajieis the daughter of the main wife and she also has an attractive appearance. Yourfuqin had always doted on her so she would naturally be respected in thisfamily. But now, it is different, the things she has done, I haven’t forgottenany of them. Our Li family is a clean family, nothing like this has happenedbefore. For the sake of the Jiang family, we’ve already reluctantly kept heralive, even though Wu Xian Fei had already set the marriage arrangement but westill have to abide to the three years mourning period. So we only made an oralagreement and haven’t drawn up the marriage contract yet. I’m afraid a mishapmight occur so I am keeping her under my watch to prevent her from causingtrouble and soil the Li family’s reputation.”

LiWei Yang lowered her head, her expression humble, “Lao furen is right.”

Laofuren lightly sighed and softly said: “Wei Yang, even if the new furen marriesinto the family, your position in the family would never change. Moreover, withyour position as Xianzhu, your marriage in the future will most likely bedetermined by the Emperor, others will not be able to interfere.”

Thiswas to console her, Li Wei Yang understood, she warmly said: “Lao furen, WeiYang understands.”

Laofuren said: “You’ve suffered. But there are some grievances, as a daughter inthe Li family, you must experience these. If Chang Le seek you out for troublein the future, if you can’t hold back, then avoid her. We will put this offuntil Jiang Dan leaves the capital.”

LiWei Yang earnestly said: “Lao furen is willing to advise Wei Yang, Wei Yangcouldn’t be any happier.”

Laofuren just began to smile, warm like the spring winds: “It’s good that youunderstand, okay, it’s getting late, you should return and rest.”

LiWei Yang stood up and said: “May Lao furen rest early.” She left cautiouslywithout any noise.

LuoMama placed a cloak on Lao furen, she gently said: “Lao furen, today you ---“

Laofuren’s pondering brows were like the clouds in the sky and they carried asense of inexpressible feeling: “After a year of tranquility, we areimmediately in for waves.”

LuoMama swiftly said: “That --- won’t happen.”

Laofuren warmly revealed a calm smile: “These two yatous are water and fire, howcould they get along peacefully, especially when the water in this yuanzi isdirtied, this time, there will be chaos.”

LuoMama muttered: “But Nubi thinks Da Xiaojie has learned to restrain herself.”

Laofuren coldly said: “You think Chang Le is stupid? Because she had a mother thattook everything for her and a beautiful face, wherever she goes, everyone wouldlet her have her way. Since she led a comfortable life, she has no sense ofpropriety. Now that she had been imprisoned at the nunnery for a year, isn’t itsufficient for her to repent? The fickleness of humans, she must eventuallylearn how to conduct herself.”

LuoMama hesitantly said: “Lao furen perhaps is suspicious about what happened ---“

Laofuren smiled and said: “No matter how foolish she is, she would not dosomething this stupid, naturally it was someone’s doing.”

LuoMama was extremely shocked: “Then why did Lao furen still punish Da Xiaojie?”

Laofuren spoke: “Don’t blame me for being cruel, if she didn’t have badintentions, no one would have harmed her. If she does not have the skills, thendon’t harm others, or else suffer from these kinds of punishment!”

LuoMama stayed quiet, she felt that Lao furen sometimes favored San Xiaojie toomuch when she knew she couldn’t be extricated from the incident ......

Laofuren said: “I know you want to say I favor Wei Yang, that’s right, I reallylike her. Because she is alone and helpless and in order to survive in the Lifamily, she must fight for my support. If I didn’t take care of her, every stepshe takes would be difficult. And because of this, she would think of every wayto take care of me and understand me without being one bit careless. As forChang Le, she is the daughter of the main wife and she also has a strongmaternal backing. The mother and daughter seemed respectful but they’ve done alot that goes against my principles behind my back. Naturally I would not likeher and, of course, I wouldn’t save her. Moreover, everything is already thetruth, no one could have saved her then!”

LuoMama was suddenly enlightened, “So Lao furen would help San Xiaojie, but DaXiaojie is obviously aware of her wrongs ......”

Laofuren smiled and said: “Let’s wait and see.”

Upuntil the morning, Li Xiao Ran was ready to welcome his new wife, the Li familybegan to become busier. Since the early morning, guests flowed in one after theother. To entertain his guests, Li Xiao Ran deliberately invited the mostpopular entertainer group in the capital so that the guests can watch theperformance as they waited. As time inches towards noon, all of the Li family’snoble guests have arrived, royalties, ministers, Li Xiao Ran’s disciples, eachbought along congratulatory gifts, making the entire place filled with richesand honor.

Itwasn’t until sunset where red fogs covered the skies when the bridal sedan wasbought into the residence and the Li family opened the central door to happilyinvite the sedan in. At this moment, the Li family’s door was crowded withpeople mainly because when the eight-carrier bridal sedan was traveling throughthe streets, it attracted the peasant’s admiration. When commoners got married,they only sat in a bridal sedan carried by four people --- only first-rankedfuren can be married in a bridal sedan carried by eight people.

Inher yuanzi, Li Wei Yang listened to the deafening firecracker noise. With fixedattention, Li Min De coldly smiled: “I’ve gone and taken a look, on the bride’sheadpiece are pearl pheasants and peonies, just from looking at it, I’vealready felt bedazzled. She wore a bridal gown that was made with authentic redsilk and on her scarf, are embroideries of rosy mandarins. It is certainlyglorifying ... the Jiangs are definitely willing to spend the money.”

LiWei Yang smiled and calmly spoke: “Not just money but all of their resources.This bridal gown can’t be worn by any brides. She is wearing the wardrobe of afirst-ranked furen.

LiMin De frowned and said: “Can’t believe the Jiangs didn’t even wait until sheenters the family and has already want to request her the title of first-rankedfuren.”

Firstrank is the symbolism of status and position. Li Wei Yang whispered but it wasloud enough for people around her to hear clearly: “If it wasn’t for this, howcould she stand above a second ranked Xianzhu?”

LiMin De’s expression quickly changed as if his face was veiled by a layer offog. Seeing his expression, Li Wei Yang knew immediately what he was thinkingabout. She shook her head and said: “Let’s wait and see, things might not be asbad as we think it could be.”

LiMin De nodded and then Bai Zhi swiftly strolled in to report: “Xiaojie, Laofuren said the bride has entered the wedding room, so she invites all Xiaojiesto accompany her.”

LiWei Yang nodded and then said: “Min De, you go welcome the guests in the front,I will have to leave soon.”

Afterbringing the bride into the wedding room, Li Xiao Ran only lifted the veil andthen went out to welcome the guests. He had to toast with all his relatives andfriends ......

Uponentering the room, Li Wei Yang only heard sounds of laughter.

Thenew bride quietly sat on the giant wedding bed in the most elegant sitting poseas she waited. Er furen by her side was laughing: “I originally thought DaXiaojie was the most outstanding one, yet I would have never thought the newbride is like a deity that had descended from heavens. Lao furen is reallyblessed!”

Laofuren only smiled and said: “It is my son’s blessing.”

Thebride bashed, at this second, the yatou at the door said: “San Xiaojie, you arehere.”

Everythingin the room looked towards the door. Li Wei Yang smilingly walked in and said:“I’ve arrived late, I ask for your forgiveness.”

Thebride lifted her head and only felt a gentle light glimmered in her eyes as agraceful young girl came forward. She had rosy cheeks and cherry lips yet shehad a pair of clear, cold eyes as they smiled at her.

JiangYue Lan couldn’t help but sigh as she revealed an even more gentle smile: “Thismust be Wei Yang.”Even though she thenew bride, she wasn’t a bit timid and overcautious but was rather generous anddecorous.

Laofuren smiled: “Yes, she is the third.” As she said this, she gestured towardsWei Yang and said: “Come, pay respects to your muqin.”

Eventhough Jiang Yue Lan married Li Xiao Ran the latest yet she was officially themain wife. Li Wei Yang went forth to greet her and without any signs ofdisapproval, she said: “Wei Yang greets muqin.”

Onthe side, Li Chang Xiao secretly admired her. She knew seeing this young,beautiful stepmother already made her felt uneasy and greet her with that titleyet Li Wei Yang said it as if it was nothing.

LiChang Le silently watched as she lowered her head, not knowing what to think.

Thenew furen Jiang Yue Lan was beautiful yet wasn’t thin, her voluptuous facewasn’t fat and had on honey peach blush. Her curving half crescent brows flowedalong finely with a pair of moving eyes below. Her nose was as if it was carvedfrom white jade, glimmering like smooth jade. Her cherry lips showed a smile,carrying endless magnanimity; she iss definitely a big beauty but only prettierthan Li Chang Le by a speck.

Thiskind of beauty had actually been hidden until this day, Li Wei Yang couldn’thelp but feel suspicious, what exactly did the Jiangs wanted to do from thestart. There was one point that Li Wei Yang didn’t even know, Jiang Yue Lan wasoriginally supposed to be sent into the palace by the Jiangs. But because Dafuren had passed away, such a good pawn was sent into the Li family instead.

LiChang Ru saw Li Chang Le had her head down. She wanted to provoke her, shesaid: “Dajie, are you reminiscing your birth mother? Oh, in this situation, itis certainly easier to recall old memories at familiar sights.”

Laofuren frowned and disliked Li Chang Ru’s slip of the tongue. Li Chang Le didn’tshow any signs of refutation but revealed grief in her expression.

Watchingthis scene, Li Wei Yang didn’t show any signs of taking pleasure in hermisfortune but only calmly smiled.

Laofuren ultimately reprimanded: “Such a joyful day, how could you not know whatshould be said and what shouldn’t be said!”

LiChang Ru’s face turned white and was silent. Er furen’s expression revealeddispleasure but in the end, she didn’t dare to argue with Lao furen and onlytugged her daughter’s sleeve to signal her to hold it in.

Becauseof this, the atmosphere in the wedding room turned cold, no one dared to opentheir mouth to speak. At this moment, the bride stood up and then walked overto Li Chang Le’s side, she gently said: “I’ve also lost my birth mother when Iwas young so I understand your feelings. Moreover, your mu qin is my cousin,you and I are family. Marrying into here, we are even closer, I will take careof you in place of cousin in the future. Don’t grief anymore.” Saying this, sheeven reached out to grasped ahold of her hand, Li Chang Le actually seemed tobe moved.

Laofuren used her handkerchief to cover the corners of her eyes and said: “YueLan, I couldn’t believe you are this sensible, I hope you can take care of thismore in the future.”

JiangYue Lan’s face was filled with modesty, she said: “Yue Lan will do everything Ican to serve Lao furen and take care of fujun’s children.” Her tone wasindubitably sincere and attitude was absolutely respectful, making othersunable to pick on her. Even Bai Zhe and Mo Zhu who stood behind Li Wei Yangwere convinced by this beautiful and generous furen. She couldn’t help butthink the new furen and Da furen were two different people.

LiWei Yang watched this scene and couldn’t help but smile. If they really wantedto chat as family, they could have done so without anyone knowing, why wouldthey do it in front of everyone? Was it all Li Chang Le’s doing in putting onthis show to gain sympathy or did these two just played along and put on animpromptu show? But no matter what, this new furen’s performance was perfect.As a newly arrived bride, she was this benevolent towards the original mainwife’s children and was also able to give equal treatment to all children ofconcubines, she was definitely a figure.

LiChang Le’s eyes were drenched with tears, she said: “Lao furen, now that thereis muqin, Chang Le wouldn’t feel alone anymore.”

LiWei Yang smilingly said: “Da jie, what are you saying, not only muqin, I wouldnot let you be alone.”

LiChang Le acted with surprise and then looked at Jiang Yue Land. Jiang Yue Lansmiled: “After this, we are a family, this is a definite.”

Laofuren smiled: “Yes, one whole family, we have to be harmonious, I hope fromtoday onward, we can live with peace!”

Thelaughter from the wedding room spread throughout and Luo Mama who was guardingthe yuan zi let out a sigh after seeing the dark clouds gathering overhead.


Translator: Erica

Editor: Pending


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