The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 445.1, How They Spend the Night ~~Act 1~~ Scenes 1, 2 (Split Part 1/3)

Chapter 445.1, How They Spend the Night ~~Act 1~~ Scenes 1, 2 (Split Part 1/3)

In the Nation of T’oued, during the late hours of the night, the Adventurers’ Guild in Eddo buzzed with adventurers, spending the sleepless night away.

In one corner of the tavern, a tense atmosphere hung in the air as two warriors meticulously inspected an array of weapons laid out on their table. They were both former members of the Six Braves — Dragan the Dainty Tiger, and his apprentice Egd.

“Egd,” Dragan said, demanding his apprentice’s attention.

“What is it, sir?”

“Tomorrow, I might die.”

Despite his words, there was not even a hint of dread in his eyes. It was the same for Egd.

“Well, so might I, sir.”

Egd held up one of his swords, its flawlessly polished surface reflecting his face.

“…Thinking back at everything, it feels as if I have not done much for you.”

“Is that so…? That certainly doesn’t feel that way, as far as I’m concerned.”

“You possess an immeasurable magnitude of talent. Someone I can call a genius — that is the kind of man you are.”

“Hmm… I’m not sure about that, either, sir.”

“Heh… That is all right. You are fine the way you are. However, there is perhaps one thing you out to change… I mean, are you sure you are fine with it staying this way?”

In response to Dragan’s question, Egd tilted his head.

“What staying what way?”

“Your relationship with Miss Lina.”

With Dragan saying that outright, Egd’s mouth tightly shut.

He did not nod or speak; he simply stared at his sword in silence.

At that moment, a mage standing in front of Egd spoke up,

“Excuse me. I’m joining this conversation, if you don’t mind.”

“Ah… Mister Hornel. Yes, go ahead, take a seat.”

Dragan gestured for Hornel to sit, and after a small nod, Hornel did so.

“Sorry, Egd. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, really — But I couldn’t let that go after overhearing it.”

Tension was visible on Hornel’s face, just like the other adventurers.

Dragan, noticing this, asked,

“Are you all right, Mister Hornel?”

“Yes, I am. But your concern is much appreciated, Sir Dragan.”

“…It’s hard not to be curious whenever Lina comes up in a conversation, eh?”

At this point, Egd finally reacted to Hornel’s statement.

His response left both Hornel and Dragan wide-eyed as they turned to each other with surprise.

The one asking the questions, Dragan, proceeded to say out of his concern for Egd,josei

“This might be the last night you are able to see her. Perhaps you should at least say something to…”

“…I’m afraid I can’t do that, sir.”

Egd bluntly rejected his mentor’s concerned proposal.

This raised a question in Hornel’s mind.

“I know she’s a busy girl, but at a time like this, I’m sure she’d set aside some time for you. Why not at least try?”

Egd’s response, however, was similar to what he had been asked.

“Well, then why are you here, Hornel?”

Hornel had no response to that.

Egd, like Hornel, held a significant degree of affection for Lina, and that was why Hornel understood Egd’s reasons for being there.

“Egd, you…”

Dragan’s gaze was fixed on Egd with silent intensity.

“Miss Lina already has her eyes on Sir Asley, you see.”

Egd paused for a moment, then he added,

“I may be a hopeless idiot when it comes to some things, but I know at least that much.”

“Egd, man…”

Hornel said quietly, revealing his surprise.

“Then… what have you been screaming her name all these past years for?”

“What about you and your attempts at getting her attention, Hornel?”

Egd glanced at Hornel as he pointed that out.

“What? I haven’t been–“

“–You have. Whenever Miss Lina is within your vicinity, your eyes would be on her most of the time.”

Even hus mentor, Dragan, was taken aback.

“Egd, you mean you are just going to…”

“…Well, thinking is the only unrestricted action a man can take, sir.”

Those words left Dragan in stunned silence, and Egd lowered his eyes after placing his sword on the table.

Meanwhile, Hornel clenched his fists and remained speechless. There was nothing else that he could do.

“So, Hornel, are you with me?”

“…What are you on about now?”

“I’m willing to fight for the woman I love. I’m willing to die for her. I’ll do anything to ensure that Miss Lina lives every extra moment she can. So… what about you, Hornel? Are you with me?”

Hornel was left dumbfounded. Egd’s words left him at a loss for words, just as they did with Dragan. Then, as if to interrupt the moment, three tankards were placed before them, each containing ale. The person who put them there was Duncan, who had been hastily dispatched to Eddo’s Guild.

Duncan only winked at the three and returned to the counter. The three quickly realized that this was Duncan’s way of showing consideration.

“You know, I have thought this since my adventurer days, but Duncan… really is someone who always manages to surprise me…”

Dragan’s words got a dry grin out of Hornel and Egd.

Then, as if pushed by Duncan, Hornel spoke up,

“It’s truly unfortunate, but… yeah, I’m with you.”

This time, it was Egd’s turn to widen his eyes — just for a brief moment, however.

“What do you mean by that?”

Egd, quite aware that he was being made fun of, turned grumpy.

“I meant what I just said.”

Hornel replied playfully.

“That doesn’t sound convincing at all…!”

“Now, now, you two. Since we have ale in front of us now, we might as well enjoy it.”

Dragan mediated while holding up his tankard.

Egd, following his mentor’s advice, and Hornel, urged by a former member of the Six Braves, could not go against the flow. They remained silent and took their respective tankards.

Three tankards clinked together.

That was the sound of determination — of two men who loved the same woman, and of one man who watched over them with joy.


“Bruce, what are you doing?”

Natsu said as she sat on the porch of Team Silver’s mansion. She proceeded to lean against Blazer, turning him into her personal chair. 

In the center of the hall, Bruce, with closed eyes, focused on his breathing.

He was completely unresponsive to Natsu’s question. Blazer, who doubled as Natsu’s guardian, answered in Bruce’s stead, 

“He’s visualizing tomorrow. After all, he’ll be at the front line.”


Gradually, beads of sweat started to form on Bruce’s forehead. With clenched teeth, he stood there, confronting thousands, even tens of thousands of monsters in his mind. His thoughts were fragile and delicate.

“Ngh–! AHHHHHH!!”

He drew his sword from his waist and swung it, as if to ward off an imaginary foe, letting out a yell that made Natsu jump.

“A-are you okay?”

Natsu asked, leaning forward slightly, worried about Bruce.

As Bruce breathed heavily, Blazer quietly asked,

“…How was it?”


Bruce replied, but refrained from saying anything more.

Natsu tilted her head, perplexed.

Blazer, in response to Bruce’s silence, made an unexpected proposal,

“Want me to switch with you?”

That was Blazer’s offer to be the vanguard in his place, but even that failed to get an answer out of Bruce.


Natsu, in contrast, tilted her head again.

In response to Natsu’s puzzled expression, Bruce finally spoke,

“Heheh.. Well, let’s just say that I can’t see a future where I don’t die in the first clash. Hahaha…”

Natsu’s face clouded over for a moment.

But Blazer, with unwavering eyes and a steady voice, repeated his offer.

“Want me to switch with you?”

“Hell no!”

Bruce retorted, his sharp gaze fixed on Blazer.

However, Blazer, with an unchanged expression, accepted the response.

“If you say so.”

“…This is one thing I won’t let anyone else do. Not even you.”

“Yeah, I know. You’ve always been this kind of guy. Someone I trust the most in the world.”

“Heh, you’re talking an awful lot today… eh, Blazer?”

“You’re the strongest fighter in Team Silver… no, among all adventurers, even. Not even the Six Braves are a match for you.”

Natsu, perhaps surprised by Blazer’s calm words, turned towards Blazer, while Bruce looked increasingly impatient with each word.

“Whoa, whoa, Blazer, man–“

“You hate losing more than anyone. You can overcome any challenge. It doesn’t matter what your enemy is — not even the Devilkin. You have the courage to rush head-first against desperate odds.”

Tears began to flow from Blazer’s eyes, a sight that surprised both Bruce and Natsu so much that they were at a loss for words. 

“You’re incredible. You never stopped training — never stopped improving, giving it all your heart and soul to keep yourself ahead of everyone. You have a spirit of steel, never faltering in any situation… I genuinely respect you. From the bottom of my heart.”

“Blazer, no…”

Natsu touched Blazer’s cheeks and cried in the same way.

“And now, you… you’re being sent into a life-threatening situation… So I…”

Blazer’s voice trembled, and he wept while struggling to catch his breath. His face was covered in tears and snot, crumpled with grief. 

“……I can only hope that you don’t resent any of us.”

Natsu held Blazer tightly as they both cried, and Bruce, in silence, clenched his teeth, allowing blood to flow from his mouth as he controlled his overwhelming emotions.

As Bruce looked down, two streams of tears dripped onto the ground. Then he looked back up and showed a wide smile on his face.

Keeping his trembling voice deep in his throat and trying his best to act like a typical Bruce, he proceeded to say,

“C’mon, don’t be like that… You’re our leader, y’know…”

After saying this, Bruce turned his back on Blazer and Natsu, gazing up at the dark sky.

His tears flowed and flowed… as if they would never stop.

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