The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 445.2, How They Spend the Night ~~Act 1~~ Scenes 3, 4 (Split Part 2/3)

Chapter 445.2, How They Spend the Night ~~Act 1~~ Scenes 3, 4 (Split Part 2/3)

In a room within the Silver Mansion, Tifa stared at Tarawo, who was seated before her.

The intensity in both sides’ eyes was unlike anything they had shared before, and neither of them would waver.

“Tifa, it is about time you gave this up. I will head to the front lines alongside Team Silver.”

“You won’t.”

Tifa replied immediately. This time was different from the usual, however. Tarawo, under Tifa’s cold and piercing gaze, quietly lowered his eyes and, after a moment, looked up and spoke again.

“Nothing you do will stop me. It’s impossible to change my mind now.”

Tifa couldn’t comprehend Tarawo’s words. 

She tilted her head slightly, but her gaze remained unyielding.

But then, in the next moment, her eyes revealed a clear sense of surprise.

Tarawo stood up, took a step back, and exhaled slowly.

In that instant, he emitted a radiant light and then transformed into the form of Garm, the King Wolf, sitting right before Tifa.

The King Wolf’s figure was so enormous that it did not seem to belong in this room, but that wasn’t the most crucial detail.

What truly mattered was that Tarawo had willingly taken on his original form.

“But… How…?”

Asley had given Tifa the magecraft of Temporary Awakening, with which she could turn Tarawo into his King Wolf form during combat. However, she had not done anything before he transformed this time — not with that magecraft or any other. This abnormal occurrence and the sight of Tarawo’s unfamiliar appearance left her in shock.

“It seems that… my curse has been lifted. Even without the use of your magecraft, I can hold my own in a fight.”

“You’re lying!”

“I am not. This was gradually becoming the case since the day Cleath came to Eddo. Surely you have seen this coming, and understand the reason why…”

Tarawo spoke with a tone of reassurance.

Tifa, however, vehemently shook her head, denying it.

“You’re lying! This wasn’t supposed to ever happen!”

“You have changed, Tifa. Your actions may have remained the same, but the way you look at me has undoubtedly been different since that day. In the moment when Cleath unleashed his breath attack, I tried to shield you. Though Lylia ultimately saved us, that occurrence brought our minds closer.”

“I don’t want to hear it!”

“Do you understand what I was thinking? I wanted to protect a little human — I wanted to protect you, Tifa. I did not want you to die. But if it had only been me who thought that… perhaps the curse would not have lifted so quickly.”

Impending death — that was what had a profound impact on both Tifa and Tarawo.

Tarawo resolved to protect Tifa with his own life, while Tifa genuinely wished for Tarawo’s survival.

In defending her with his own body, Tarawo triggered emotions of panic, anxiety, and fear in Tifa, ultimately leading her to discover the depths of her own mind.

“I am a King Wolf Garm… This massive body, these fangs, this grotesque form… No matter how you look at me, I’m a monster.”

Tarawo muttered to himself while looking at his own body.

“I am a monster, Tifa!”

“So what…? What does it matter!?”

Tifa shouted as she stood up.

She even displayed anger. In response to Tifa’s outburst, Tarawo quietly but distinctly revealed his fangs, and his smile, unlike his usual hearty laughter, softened into a gentle one.

“You… loved a creature like me… Tifa, I’m eternally grateful…”

In an instant, Tifa’s anger dispersed, replaced by a sudden flood of sorrow.

Tifa wept as she embraced Tarawo, and he nuzzled her while moving his head.

“Idiot…! You stupid idiot…!”

“…I see. I wondered what was so amusing about Asley and Pochi’s interactions, but I understand now…… It’s a wonderful feeling…”josei


The woman with violet flames in her eyes, former Brigadier of the Royal Capital Magic Guardians, and a trusted aide to Gaston the Great Mage of Flames — that was Viola. 

Many warriors and mages, perhaps unable to fall asleep, were still in the south of Eddo, preparing for the imminent battle even though it was already quite late into the night.

Viola was no different, having decided on this as the place to spend her time before the final battle.

“Miss Viola, are you sure you don’t need to sleep?”

The voice from behind her belonged to Jeanne the Lightning Flash, a member of the Magic Guardians Brigade’s elite group.

“Why do you ask? And what about you? I gave you the order to get some rest, didn’t I?”

“Did you? I’m afraid I don’t remember that.”

Jeanne feigned forgetfulness, eliciting an exasperated sigh from Viola.

“Without Sir Gaston around, it seems I can’t get even a single subordinate to follow orders…”

“That’s not important to the current moment, is it? It IS the day before a decisive battle — It would be odd to be able to sleep.”

As Viola lamented her situation, Jeanne replied with a smirk.

Viola widened her eyes at Jeanne’s words, remained silent for a while, and eventually broke into a dry smile. 

Jeanne proceeded to smile as well, turning Viola’s forced smile turned into a genuine one.

“You’ve become quite capable, Jeanne.”

“Oh, please, ma’am. I have always been capable.”

Jeanne playfully retorted, causing Viola to burst into laughter.

The following moment, the sound of small footsteps reached their ears from behind.

Both of them noticed the presence and turned around.


Indeed, Fuyu was standing there.

“I’m here too, you know.”

Konoha was on Fuyu’s shoulder, pointing at himself to make his presence known.


Viola approached Fuyu, surprised by Konoha’s appearance.

“Fuyu, what are you two doing here…?”

“Well, I asked Fuyu to bring me to you, Viola. And I see Jeanne is here as well — that’s perfect timing.”

“Huh? …Me?”

Jeanne was taken aback by Konoha’s unexpected words, pointing to herself with a puzzled expression.

“Well… what do you need us for?”

Viola was the first to ask Konoha of his business.

“Looks like Fuyu will stay in the rear tomorrow, you see. I wanted to stay on Baladd’s head and give out orders, but ol’ Irene wouldn’t let me do that. So instead, I’ll sit on Fuyu’s shoulder and keep an eye on how the battle goes.”

Konoha displayed a somewhat disappointed expression, causing Viola to avert her eyes with a dry smile.

“You jest. Miss Irene would be furious if she were to hear that.”

“Hahaha! Now, my Master has always called her an ‘old bat’ behind her back. Compared to that, this is rather cute, don’t you think?”

“And you want me to agree with that opinion of yours?”

Viola asked with a subtle grin, causing Konoha to be the one who smiled dryly this time.

“Hahaha, you’ve changed quite a bit, Viola. You used to be so formal.”

“I no longer have anyone or any organization to constrain me, after all. But still…”

Konoha, Fuyu, and Jeanne all nodded as if to express their understanding of Viola’s intent.

“…I intend to carry Sir Gaston’s final regret with me.”

With a strong determination, Viola directed her gaze at Konoha, who extended his small forelimb with a nod.

“That’s the spirit.”

By this point, Viola seemed as if she had been drained of the venom that had been tormenting her.

“Well, considering where I’ll be, I probably won’t ever run into Billy… So listen, Viola. I know you already have your hands full defending Lina, Hornel, and the others, but… If you see Billy, you’ll have to…”

Viola nodded this time, her determination stronger than before.

“…’Get back at him twofold… hell, make that a hundredfold!'”

“‘Or the silly old fool won’t ever rest easy!’ …Was that how it went?”

Konoha opened his mouth in amazement at Viola’s unexpected utterance — and Jeanne’s equally unexpected completion of the quote.

When Konoha became Baladd’s familiar, he had uttered these words as his lingering attachment to the world. These two were not present at that time, and that was why he was astonished that Viola and Jeanne repeated the quote almost world for word.

Lina, Hornel, and Baladd had been there. However, it was hard to imagine any of them revealing Konoha’s words to others.

So, Konoha’s sharp gaze, as he looked away, was directed at just one person in the vicinity.

“Ahh~~ Look, a shooting star~~ So pretty~~”

Fuyu said, her voice dry and monotone.

Indeed, she was also one of those who had stood in that fateful battle.

Konoha, feeling quite exasperated, heaved a deep sigh and perched himself on Fuyu’s shoulder.

“…Ugh, now I know why you needed my Master to rein you in.”

“I’ll keep my eyes peeled for an opening… and strike him with all my might.”

Viola said, clenching her fists to show her determination.

“I won’t lose to him when it comes to speed. I’ll make sure he’s killed ninety-nine times over.”

Jeanne expressed her confidence as she made her resolution.

“And I’ll support everyone with all I have… I can do that, right?”

Fuyu said while peering at Konoha on her shoulder, seemingly anxious about getting scolded.

To these words from the three, Konoha’s face lit up with joy. He stood up and bowed deeply.

“Yes… I’m counting on you all! It’ll be a fitting send-off from us to that silly old man!”

In harmony with Konoha’s determination, the three women’s voices resonated as they all nodded firmly.

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