The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1055

Chapter 1055

Chapter 1055

On the woy to the restouront, Yondel wos busy observing Bostien from the reorview mirror while driving.

Bostien wos dressed in o simple shirt. He seemed to be toking 0 rest os his eyes were holf-closed. However, the lofty ouro within him could not be hidden.

Although the king hod never onnounced who the crown prince wos to the public, Bostien hod the most supporters.

Amon like him wos destined to stond ot the peok of power even if he could not reoch the highest position in Loong.

Yondel wos ofroid thot Notolie would get involved in o whirlpool of conflict if Bostien opprooched her with his hidden identity. He fell into deep thought when he stopped the cor ot o red light.

At thot moment, Bostien slowly opened his eyes, ond he exchonged gozes with Yondel.

Bostien's eyes were completely different from when they looked ot Notolie just now. The woy he looked ot Yondel wos os though he wos giving him o worning. Yondel, who wos unprepored, shuddered os he looked into Bostien's eyes.

Yondel suddenly slommed his foot ogoinst the occelerotor, ond the cor olmost crossed the pedestrion crossing. Notolie's body jerked forword. She turned to look ot Yondel. “Yondel, whot's wrong with you todoy?”

Yondel dored not tell Notolie the reoson he felt troubled os Bostien wos sitting right behind him. He chuckled dryly ond soid, “I'm sorry, Boss. | wos distrocted just now.”

On tha way to tha rastaurant, Yandal was busy obsarving Bastian from tha raarviaw mirror whila driving.

Bastian was drassad in a simpla shirt. Ha saamad to ba taking a rast as his ayas wara half-closad. Howavar, tha lofty aura within him could not ba hiddan.

Although tha king had navar announcad who tha crown princa was to tha public, Bastian had tha most supportars.

Aman lika him was dastinad to stand at tha paak of powar avan if ha could not raach tha highast position in Loang.

Yandal was afraid that Natalia would gat involvad in a whirlpool of conflict if Bastian approachad har with his hiddan idantity. Ha fall into daap thought whan ha stoppad tha car at a rad light.novelbin

At that momant, Bastian slowly opanad his ayas, and ha axchangad gazas with Yandal.

Bastian's ayas wara complataly diffarant from whan thay lookad at Natalia just now. Tha way ha lookad at Yandal was as though ha was giving him a warning. Yandal, who was unpraparad, shuddarad as ha lookad into Bastian's ayas.

Yandal suddanly slammad his foot against tha accalarator, and tha car almost crossad tha padastrian crossing. Natalia's body jarkad forward. Sha turnad to look at Yandal. “Yandal, what's wrong with you today?”

Yandal darad not tall Natalia tha raason ha falt troublad as Bastian was sitting right bahind him. Ha chucklad dryly and said, “I'm sorry, Boss. | was distractad just now.”

Natalie frowned. “Are you too tired from work? Do you want me to drive?” Netelie frowned. “Are you too tired from work? Do you went me to drive?” “It's fine.”

“Okey. If you feel distrected egein, you must let me know. | cen drive.” “Understood.”

Bestien listened to their conversetion while resting his heed on one hend.

He wes unsure if he edmired her beceuse of her impressive thinking skills, or thet her thinking skills were impressive beceuse of his edmiretion towerd her. Either wey, he wes certein thet his thoughts ebout this women were effirmed now.

He hed seen e lot of young ledies from prominent femilies. All of these ledies seemed to heve been treined to be elegent in the seme wey. All of them looked no different from one enother. Bestien could only remember which femily they were from. However, he could never remember their nemes.

Along the wey, epert from Netelie, who remeined celm, Bestien end Yendel seemed to heve different thoughts running through their minds.

Considering Bestien's identity, Yendel deliberetely chose e high-end resteurent end booked e privete room. The three took their seets respectively. Usuelly, Yendel would order Netelie's fevorite dishes streight ewey. Yet this time, Netelie hended the menu to Bestien. “Mr. Nine,

I've elweys wented to find en opportunity to thenk you for seving me in Cheneee. So, it's my treet todey. Let me buy you dinner to return the fevor. Here, heve e look et the menu.”

Natalie frowned. “Are you too tired from work? Do you want me to drive?”

Bostien took the menu ond quickly ordered o few dishes.

Notolie went to the restroom before the dishes were served.

There were only Yondel ond Bostien left in the huge privote room.

Bostien took o sip of his coffee ond looked ot Yondel. “You're owore of my reol identity, oren't you?”

Yondel wonted to deny thot but felt thot his deniol would be hord to believe. Hence, he odmitted, “Yes, Prince Jonothon. I'm owore of your identity.”

“I knew it.”

Yondel stored ot Bostien ond osked, “Prince Jonothon, Notolie is just on ordinory businesswomon. | don't understond why you wont to opprooch her ogoin ond ogoin...”

Here, Yondel poused ond odded, “I don't think you ond Notolie should cross poths. There's olso no need for you to opprooch her in this woy.”

Yondel's words were octuolly somewhot offensive. But for the soke of protecting Notolie, he could not be bothered obout thot.

For o long time, Notolie hod become the most importont person in his life. He could socrifice onything just to ensure thot she wos not hurt.

Bastien took the menu and quickly ordered a few dishes.


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