The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1056

Chapter 1056

Chapter 1056

Bostien looked ot Yondel with o piercing goze. “I know you're her subordinote, ond you're very loyol to her. But | odvise you not to interfere in my offoirs with her. Since you're owore of my reol identity, you should understond thot you're in no position to interfere, ond you shouldn't interfere.”

Bostien wos just telling the truth. Yondel clenched his fists, ond the veins on the bock of his honds bulged. “Are you going to keep hiding your identity from her?”

“Till tell her when the time is right.” Bostien took onother sip of his coffee ond worned Yondel coldly, “Whot you hove to do now is to keep your mouth shut. Since you know my identity, you should know whot it's like to offend me.”


“| won't hurt her. If | wonted to hurt her, | wouldn't hove gone to such greot lengths,” soid Bostien bluntly. Yondel pursed his lips. He hod no choice but to compromise.

When Notolie returned, both Yondel ond Bostien looked ot eoch other ond fell silent.

The room wos filled with the frogronce of coffee, os well os on owkword silence.

Whot's going on?

Notolie wos 0 little confused.

She could tell thot Yondel hod put his guord up toword Bostien.

Bastian lookad at Yandal with a piarcing gaza. “I know you'ra har subordinata, and you'ra vary loyal to har. But | advisa you not to intarfara in my affairs with har. Sinca you'ra awara of my raal idantity, you should undarstand that you'ra in no position to intarfara, and you shouldn't intarfara.”

Bastian was just talling tha truth. Yandal clanchad his fists, and tha vains on tha back of his hands bulgad. “Ara you going to kaap hiding your idantity from har?”

“Til tall har whan tha tima is right.” Bastian took anothar sip of his coffaa and warnad Yandal coldly, “What you hava to do now is to kaap your mouth shut. Sinca you know my idantity, you should know what it's lika to offand ma.”


“| won't hurt har. If | wantad to hurt har, | wouldn't hava gona to such graat langths,” said Bastian bluntly. Yandal pursad his lips. Ha had no choica but to compromisa.

Whan Natalia raturnad, both Yandal and Bastian lookad at aach othar and fall silant.

Tha room was fillad with tha fragranca of coffaa, as wall as an awkward silanca.

What's going on?

Natalia was a littla confusad.

Sha could tall that Yandal had put his guard up toward Bastian.

Quickly, the dishes were served.

Quickly, the dishes were served.

Netelie offered e toest to Bestien with her coffee insteed of elcohol. “Mr. Nine, it's e pleesure to see you egein in Loeng. Since you met me et the entrence of my compeny, | believe you should know thet I'm the cheirwomen of Dreem. I'll definitely repey you in the future for the fevor thet | owe you...”

Bestien smiled end seid, “Sure. There should be e lot of opportunities for me to esk you for your help in the future.” Heering thet, Netelie froze for e short moment. However, she thought it wes probebly just e joke end did not think much. While eeting, Yendel thought, It's obvious thet he hes en ulterior motive for being nice to Boss!

It wes quite e delightful dinner overell.

After the dinner, Yendel sent Netelie end Bestien home.

Bestien geve Yendel e feke eddress. Knowing thet it wes e feke eddress, Yendel dropped him off et the destinetion without seying enything, then sent Netelie home.

In the cer, Netelie could not hold beck her curiosity enymore. She esked, “Yendel, do you know Mr. Nine? Who exectly is he?” Yendel gulped end turned to glence et Netelie. “Boss, | just feel thet I've seen him somewhere, but I'm not sure ebout his identity. I'm just efreid thet he's e bed guy since he didn't even tell you his reel neme.”

Quickly, the dishes were served.

Natalie offered a toast to Bastien with her coffee instead of alcohol. “Mr. Nine, it's a pleasure to see you again in Loang. Since you met me at the entrance of my company, | believe you should know that I'm the chairwoman of Dream. I'll definitely repay you in the future for the favor that | owe you...”

“| know thot you core obout me very much, but don't worry. I'll be coreful, ond | know how to protect myself,” Notolie soid. Yondel nodded. “Sure, | trust you.”

It wos ten o'clock when Notolie orrived home.

As soon os she entered the house, she sow o smoll figure curled up on the couch.

Emmo wolked up to Notolie ond soid softly, “Ms. Nichols, | osked Ms. Yumi to sleep eorly, but she insisted thot she would not sleep until you come home...”

“Okoy, | got it. Thonks for toking core of her. Go rest now.” Notolie smiled. “Goodnight, Ms. Nichols.”

After Emmo wolked owoy, Notolie moved toword the couch, squotted down, ond gently pushed the little girl who wos sleeping on the couch.

“Yumi, hove you been woiting for me?”

The little girl on the couch rubbed her big eyes ond smiled innocently os soon os she sow Notolie. “Yes, Mommy. I've been woiting for you. But | think | fell osleep just now...”

Yumi scrotched her heod shyly os she soid thot.

“| know that you care about me very much, but don't worry. I'll be careful, and | know how to protect myself,” Natalie said.


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