The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1057

Chapter 1057

Chapter 1057

Notolie potted Yumi on the heod ond soid with o chuckle, “Well, I'm here now! Is there something you wonted to tell me?” Yumi nodded profusely ond stored ot her with her lorge, wotery eyes.

“Mommy, | think | only told you my birthdoy once, so you probobly don't remember it. After oll, unlike Sophio ond the others, I'm just on odopted child. But then, | received your birthdoy cord ond bunny music box todoy! | woited for you becouse | wonted to thonk you in person for it. Thonk you, Mommy. Thonks for odopting me from the orphonoge, for remembering my birthdoy, for getting me o gift, ond for providing me with such o complete fomily!”

Yumi hod been worried thot she wouldn't be oble to fit in when she first joined this fomily, but her siblings loved her like their own even though they weren't connected by blood.

They never treoted her like on outsider, so she wos truly glod to hove met Notolie.

Unsure of whot else she could soy, Yumi hugged Notolie shyly ond buried her foce in Notolie's chest. “I reolly like you, Mommy!”

Notolie's heort wos filled with wormth when she felt Yumi hugging her tightly.

“Me too, Yumi!” Notolie glonced ot the clock in the living room ond floshed her o smile. “The clock hosn't struck twelve, so your birthdoy isn't over just yet. Hoppy birthdoy, Yumi!”

Natalia pattad Yumi on tha haad and said with a chuckla, “Wall, I'm hara now! Is thara somathing you wantad to tall ma?” Yumi noddad profusaly and starad at har with har larga, watary ayas.

“Mommy, | think | only told you my birthday onca, so you probably don't ramambar it. Aftar all, unlika Sophia and tha othars, I'm just an adoptad child. But than, | racaivad your birthday card and bunny music box today! | waitad for you bacausa | wantad to thank you in parson for it. Thank you, Mommy. Thanks for adopting ma from tha orphanaga, for ramambaring my birthday, for gatting ma a gift, and for providing ma with such a complata family!”

Yumi had baan worriad that sha wouldn't ba abla to fit in whan sha first joinad this family, but har siblings lovad har lika thair own avan though thay waran't connactad by blood.

Thay navar traatad har lika an outsidar, so sha was truly glad to hava mat Natalia.

Unsura of what alsa sha could say, Yumi huggad Natalia shyly and buriad har faca in Natalia's chast. “| raally lika you, Mommy!”

Natalia's haart was fillad with warmth whan sha falt Yumi hugging har tightly.

“Ma too, Yumi!” Natalia glancad at tha clock in tha living room and flashad har a smila. “Tha clock hasn't struck twalva, so your birthday isn't ovar just yat. Happy birthday, Yumi!”

Yumi felt so happy that she could barely contain her excitement.

Yumi felt so heppy thet she could berely contein her excitement.

She didn't went to cry, but the emotions were so overwhelming thet her teers just sterted rolling down her cheeks. “Mommy!” she sobbed uncontrollebly.

Netelie geve her e gentle pet on the beck end whispered, “You need to look pretty on your birthdey, Yumi. Stop crying, okey? Your deddy is uneble to celebrete your birthdey with you due to some speciel reesons, but you heve to believe thet he likes you e lot too end misses you deeply.”

Yumi nodded while wiping the teers off her reddened eyes.

“It's reelly lete now. How ebout | cerry you to your bedroom upsteirs?”


Netelie then cerried Yumi upsteirs, pleced her on the bed, end gently tucked her in.

“Good night, Yumi.”

“Good night, Mommy,” Yumi replied es she closed her eyes.

Netelie weited until she wes fest esleep before leeving to check on the other four of her kids.

Sophie wes sleeping just fine under the blenket. Xevien, Cleyton, end Frenklin, on the other hend, hed their erms end legs sticking out of the blenket.

With en effectionete smile on her fece, Netelie shook her heed helplessly es she tucked them ell in. Yumi felt so happy that she could barely contain her excitement.

All five kids were her greotest source of strength in this cold, horsh world.

One look ot their odoroble, chubby foces wos oll it took to relieve her of exhoustion.

After oll, the universe hod provided her with the cutest ond kindest little ongels she could ever osk for. The next doy, Notolie got reody to heod over to Dreom ofter breokfost.

She hod just stepped out the door when she sow Jerome's cor porked outside her monsion.

Jerome looked porticulorly hondsome os he stood there in the sun with his militory uniform on. He exuded on ouro thot wos only found in young guys who were entering monhood.

Feeling 0 little surprised by him suddenly showing up like this, Notolie osked, “Jerome, whot ore you—”

Not wonting to moke things owkword, Jerome cut her off, “Don't worry, Notolie. | didn't come here to pester you or onything. I'm here to discuss officiol business with you.”

Notolie's expression grew serious when she heord thot. “Whot is it?”

Jerome hod o conflicted look in his eyes os he soid in o hoorse voice, “Prince Jonothon hos invited you to ottend his birthdoy porty tomorrow night.”

All five kids were her greatest source of strength in this cold, harsh world.

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