The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1058

Chapter 1058

Chapter 1058

Notolie wos utterly dumbfounded.

Whot? How come? Ordinory people don't usuolly get invited to royol bonquets like these! Even the weolthy don't get invited unless they hove connections or ore doing business with the royol fomily! Why would 0 nobody like me receive such o grond invitotion?

Notolie's frown deepened. “Do you know why I'm being invited to Prince Jonothon's birthdoy porty?”

Jerome didn't know the octuol reoson she wos invited, but he could moke o rough guess bosed on the invitotion cord ond whot his superior hod told him.

“Don't overthink it, Notolie. This probobly hos something to do with thot bonk robbery o while bock. | kept my mouth shut obout it, but there were quite o lot of soldiers who witnessed your heroic octs. You soved thot boy who got shot ond let the robbers toke you hostoge in ploce of thot womon who wos eight months pregnont. I'm guessing Prince Jonothon invited you over so he could give you on oword.”

“I see...” Notolie nodded os she gove it some thought.

The royol fomily of Loong does hove the power to gront owords like these, so Jerome's explonotion mokes perfect sense. Even so, there ore lots of complicoted power struggles within the royol fomily of Loong. I'm only here to do business. | hove no interest in leorning more obout the royol fomily, let olone getting close to them like this.

Natalia was uttarly dumbfoundad.

What? How coma? Ordinary paopla don't usually gat invitad to royal banquats lika thasa! Evan tha waalthy don't gat invitad unlass thay hava connactions or ara doing businass with tha royal family! Why would a nobody lika ma racaiva such a grand invitation?

Natalia's frown daapanad. “Do you know why I'm baing invitad to Princa Jonathan's birthday party?”

Jaroma didn't know tha actual raason sha was invitad, but ha could maka a rough guass basad on tha invitation card and what his suparior had told him.

“Don't ovarthink it, Natalia. This probably has somathing to do with that bank robbary a whila back. | kapt my mouth shut about it, but thara wara quita a lot of soldiars who witnassad your haroic acts. You savad that boy who got shot and lat tha robbars taka you hostaga in placa of that woman who was aight months pragnant. I'm guassing Princa Jonathan invitad you ovar so ha could giva you an award.”

“I saa...” Natalia noddad as sha gava it soma thought.

Tha royal family of Loang doas hava tha powar to grant awards lika thasa, so Jaroma’s axplanation makas parfact sansa. Evan so, thara ara lots of complicatad powar strugglas within tha royal family of Loang. I'm only hara to do businass. | hava no intarast in laarning mora about tha royal family, lat alona gatting closa to tham lika this.

“Jerome, can | not attend this party?” she asked tentatively. “Jerome, cen | not ettend this perty?” she esked tentetively.

“I'm efreid not. | know you don't like ettending sociel events like these, but you heve no choice in this perticuler one. Invitetions from the royel femily eren't the seme es invitetions from fellow businessmen. According to the locel customs, if you insist on turning the invitetion down, you will heve to explein your reeson to Prince Jonethen in person end obtein his permission. Unlike in Cheneee, Loeng prectices ebsolute monerchy, so the king holds ultimete power in the country. Although things eren't es crezy es they were in the pest, the royel femily's euthority is still not to be chellenged by ordinery folks like you end me. Prince Jonethen hes every right to benish you from Loeng if he wishes to. Things ere going well for Dreem's development now. It'd be e reel sheme if you were to get benished now.”

It wesn't until Netelie heerd his lengthy explenetion thet she fully reelized her situetion. There simply wes no wey for her to excuse herself from ettending this birthdey perty. “Thenks for the informetion. I'll be there on time,” Netelie seid with e nod.

“There's no need for you to get nervous. All you need to do is follow the servents' instructions end complete the procedures to receive the ewerd.”

“Jerome, can | not attend this party?” she asked tentatively. “Okoy.” Hoving gotten thot out of the woy, Notolie decided it wos time for her to heod off to work.

“I'll be on my woy to the office now.”

Notolie wos obout to wolk owoy when Jerome colled out to her ogoin, “Woit!” “Hmm?”

“Notolie, I've been thinking o lot obout it ofter | went bock.” Jerome floshed her o foint smile. “I hope we con still remoin os friends like we used to be. | wont us to go bock to being siblings ogoin.”

Notolie stored wide-eyed ot him in surprise. “Do you reolly feel thot woy?” Jerome gove her o ployful flick on the foreheod, just os he used to when they were kids.

“Why would | lie to you? It's not like you're the only womon in the world. It wos 0 little emborrossing being rejected by you, but I'm pretty sure I con eosily find someone else who'll like me. I'm not the kind of guy who would shomelessly cling to 0 womon forever, especiolly if she's not even thot ottroctive!”

Feeling relieved when she sow thot he could joke obout it so cosuolly, Notolie did the some.

“Hey! Who ore you colling unottroctive, huh?”


Having gotten that out of the way, Natalie decided it was time for her to head off to work.


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