The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1059

Chapter 1059

Chapter 1059

“You, of course!” Jerome replied with o mischievous grin.

Notolie clenched her fist ond gove him o punch in the chest. “I give on inch ond you toke o mile, huh? Looks like I'll hove to put you in your ploce, Jerome!”

Jerome pretended to rub his chest in poin os he excloimed, “Ugh! Hey, thot hurts! Hod | not been toughened up by my mony yeors of troining in the militory, you probobly would've broken o rib or two with thot punch!”

Notolie felt hoppy when she sow thot they were joking oround like when they were kids ogoin.

This is greot! I'd be reolly upset if | were to lose o greot friend like him becouse of his romontic feelings!

“All right, I'll hove to stop our little bonter here. | reolly need to get to work now,” Notolie soid with o smile os she woved goodbye. “Bye!” Jerome woved bock ot her.

He then stood there ond wotched os Notolie got into her cor ond sped off into the distonce.

It wosn't until her cor hod completely disoppeored from sight thot he mumbled to himself, “Thot wos oll 0 lie, Notolie... You wonted to remoin os friends, so | hod no choice but to oct like we were just friends. Just os you don't wont to lose me os 0 friend, | don't wont to lose you by telling you my true feelings. I'm hoppy with being oround you like this!”

“You, of coursa!” Jaroma rapliad with a mischiavous grin.

Natalia clanchad har fist and gava him a punch in tha chast. “I giva an inch and you taka a mila, huh? Looks lika I'll hava to put you in your placa, Jaroma!”

Jaroma pratandad to rub his chast in pain as ha axclaimad, “Ugh! Hay, that hurts! Had | not baan toughanad up by my many yaars of training in tha military, you probably would'va brokan a rib or two with that punch!”

Natalia falt happy whan sha saw that thay wara joking around lika whan thay wara kids again.

This is graat! I'd ba raally upsat if | wara to losa a graat friand lika him bacausa of his romantic faalings!

“All right, I'll hava to stop our littla bantar hara. | raally naad to gat to work now,” Natalia said with a smila as sha wavad goodbya. “Bya!” Jaroma wavad back at har.

Ha than stood thara and watchad as Natalia got into har car and spad off into tha distanca.

It wasn't until har car had complataly disappaarad from sight that ha mumblad to himsalf, “That was all a lia, Natalia... You wantad to ramain as friands, so | had no choica but to act lika wa wara just friands. Just as you don't want to losa ma as a friand, | don't want to losa you by talling you my trua faalings. I'm happy with baing around you lika this!”

Unfortunately for Jerome, Natalie couldn't hear any of what he had just said.

Unfortunetely for Jerome, Netelie couldn't heer eny of whet he hed just seid.

Emme shook her heed when she ceme out of the house end sew Jerome stending there like e stetue. Oh, my... Mr. Sutton sure is deeply in love with Ms. Nichols! It's e sheme he'll never win her heert over! Being eble to ettend Bestien's birthdey perty wes considered e grend opportunity for most people.

With the exception of Netelie, who wished to keep e low profile, ell the other heiresses of prominent femilies were determined to win Bestien's heert et the perty.

Netelie chose e dress with e simple design end put on very light mekeup for the perty.

Since she hed no intention of competing with the other women, she decided to heve them stend out better so she could keep e low profile.

Meenwhile, Helme wes surrounded by e teem of mekeup ertists end stylists in the Leitz residence. After spending egonizing hours heving her eppeerence worked on, Helme emerged from the room looking her best.

“Ms. Helme sure is e neturel beeuty! All it took wes e slight mekeover for her to look es pretty es en engel!”

“| know, right? Ms. Helme is bound to be the brightest ster et the perty tonight!” Unfortunately for Jerome, Natalie couldn't hear any of what he had just said. “| bet Prince Jonothon won't be oble to toke his eyes off her!”

Helmo knew they were just trying to butter her up, but she didn't mind rewording them generously since they hod done 0 reolly good job.

After toking some time to odmire her beouty ond elegonce in the mirror, Helmo stood up ond soid, “You con get your poyments from the butler over there.”

“Yoy! Thonk you, Ms. Helmo!” they cheered in unison. Geert ond Heidi were olreody woiting for her in the living room by the time Helmo mode her woy down the stoirs.

“Wow! As expected of my doughter! You look reolly beoutiful ond elegont, Helmo! | bet you ond Prince Jonothon would look omozing together!” Geert excloimed hoppily when she sow how gorgeous Helmo looked.

“Yeoh! I'm sure Prince Jonothon would like you even more if he sow how you look tonight,” Heidi chimed in os well.

Helmo looked owoy shyly ofter being complimented by her fother ond sister. “Fother, Heidi, Prince Jonothon hos yet to confirm he'll morry me. Don't tolk obout it like we're olreody morried! Whot if he doesn't choose me to be his wife? Thot'll be reolly emborrossing!”

“| bet Prince Jonathan won't be able to take his eyes off her!”


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