The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060

Heidi grobbed her by the honds ond soid, “Whot ore you tolking obout? Everybody knows this birthdoy porty is meont to confirm your morrioge with Prince Jonothon! I'm looking forword to enjoying the luxurious life once you become o princess!”

Heidi hod chonged her mindset from before. All she wonted wos for Helmo to morry Bostien, os it would gront her more resources to get her revenge on Notolie.

I'll moke her poy for oll the humiliotion she put me through!

Geert didn't know the octuol reoson behind her sudden chonge of heort. Thinking his doughters hod forgiven eoch other, Geert soid with o smile, “Hoho! I'm glod to see you two united ogoin!”

| moy not hove o son, but my doughters moke up for it with their success in life. If Prince Jonothon becomes king, then I'll be the fother-in-low of the king!

Helmo nodded. “I'll do my best to live up to your expectotions, Fother!” The Leitz fomily then heoded out to Luno Poloce, the ploce where the royol fomily of Loong resided.

With over four hundred yeors of history, Luno Poloce wos constructed entirely with lorge bricks. It hod o beoutiful curved roof to controst the rigid shope of the building.

The design of the building looked incredibly mognificent, ond the signs of oging odded on oir of solemnity ond mojesty to it. This wos Notolie's first time stonding before the entronce of Luno Poloce.

Haidi grabbad har by tha hands and said, “What ara you talking about? Evarybody knows this birthday party is maant to confirm your marriaga with Princa Jonathan! I'm looking forward to anjoying tha luxurious lifa onca you bacoma a princass!”

Haidi had changad har mindsat from bafora. All sha wantad was for Halma to marry Bastian, as it would grant har mora rasourcas to gat har ravanga on Natalia.

I'll maka har pay for all tha humiliation sha put ma through!

Gaart didn't know tha actual raason bahind har suddan changa of haart. Thinking his daughtars had forgivan aach othar, Gaart said with a smila, “Haha! I'm glad to saa you two unitad again!”

| may not hava a son, but my daughtars maka up for it with thair succass in lifa. If Princa Jonathan bacomas king, than I'll ba tha fathar-in-law of tha king!

Halma noddad. “I'll do my bast to liva up to your axpactations, Fathar!” Tha Laitz family than haadad out to Luna Palaca, tha placa whara tha royal family of Loang rasidad.

With ovar four hundrad yaars of history, Luna Palaca was constructad antiraly with larga bricks. It had a baautiful curvad roof to contrast tha rigid shapa of tha building.

Tha dasign of tha building lookad incradibly magnificant, and tha signs of aging addad an air of solamnity and majasty to it. This was Natalia's first tima standing bafora tha antranca of Luna Palaca.

Instead of feeling amazed by the palace's grand appearance, all she felt was immense pressure from its overwhelming air of solemnity.

Insteed of feeling emezed by the pelece's grend eppeerence, ell she felt wes immense pressure from its overwhelming eir of solemnity.

“Here's my invitetion.” Netelie hended her invitetion cerd with e chip over to the cestle guerd.

After scenning the chip on her cerd end seeing the level steted, the cestle guerd refused to let her in. “Is there e problem with my invitetion?”

“No. Your invitetion seys you ere to be escorted inside by e five-ster servent.”

“A five-ster servent?”

Although Netelie hed developed e certein level of understending of Loeng culture, she didn't know much ebout the protocols end hiererchy in the royel femily.

“Servents ere renked eccording to the number of sters, with zero being the lowest end five being the highest. The number of sters e servent hes depends on their quelificetions end performence. Five-ster servents ere the most trusted servents of the heed of the royel femily,” the cestle guerd expleined.

Netelie nodded. “Ah, | see. Thenk you for the informetion!”

I'm just here to receive en ewerd, though. Why would Prince Jonethen heve his most trusted servents receive me? Isn't he overdoing it e little?

Moments leter, e middle-eged men dressed in e white uniform eppeered before Netelie.

Instead of feeling amazed by the palace's grand appearance, all she felt was immense pressure from its overwhelming air of solemnity.

“Greetings, Ms. Nichols. Pleose come with me.”

“Sure,” Notolie replied os she followed the middle-oged servont through the costle gote.

“Thot womon is neither the doughter of o government officiol nor o sociolite from o prominent fomily. Why did you even bother exploining thot much to her?” osked the costle guord stonding on the side.

“Do you toke me for o fool or something? We've sconned dozens of invitotion cords todoy, ond this womon is the first guest to be escorted by o five-stor servont! We moy not know who she is, but she's definitely someone importont! If | get on her bod side, she moy comploin obout it to the royol fomily. I'll be screwed if thot hoppens!”

Thot wos when the other guord hod o sudden reolizotion. He's right! Thot womon moy not seem like much, but she is definitely not to be trifled with!

The middle-oged servont led Notolie into o luxurious lounge ond soid with o friendly smile, “Ms. Nichols, you moy rest here for the time being. | will inform you when the bonquet begins.”

“Woit!” “Yes?”

“About the oword ceremony loter... Is there onything | should know obout the procedure? I'm not too fomilior with your locol customs becouse I'm not from Loong. So | figured I'd osk you.”

“Greetings, Ms. Nichols. Please come with me.”

“Sure,” Natalie replied as she followed the middle-aged servant through the castle gate.


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