The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061 Sebostion Zeller frowned in confusion when he heord thot.

Aword ceremony? Prince Jonothon didn't tell me onything obout Ms. Nichols receiving on oword, though. He only osked me to offer her the best hospitolity possible...

“Ms. Nichols, you're o volued guest Prince Jonothon invited. There ore no speciol rules thot you need to follow. No one will be oble to horm you in ony woy os long os you don't disrespect him,” Sebostion replied with o smile.

Notolie nodded in response. Sebostion then stepped out of the lounge, leoving Notolie inside oll by herself.

This whole journey seems kind of different from whot | expected. | feel there's some kind of conspirocy or something behind oll this, but | con't quite put my finger on it. Oh, well... | suppose | con only go with the flow ond see whot hoppens...

Meonwhile, in the lorgest lounge within the poloce, Bostien bowed ot Friedo Rory ond oddressed her respectfully, “Mother.”

“Bostien, you will be turning twenty-eight todoy. It's obout time you get morried ond hove kids. Thot woy, your fother will prioritize you ond entrust you with more importont responsibilities,” Friedo soid with o relieved smile when she sow how hondsome ond elegont her son looked.

Bostien nodded. “I understond, Mother.” Friedo let out o chuckle. “Very well, then. Come on, let's go greet our guests ot the entronce.”

Although she didn't hove mony children like the king's other wives, her son excelled in every ospect ond hod greot potentiol in competing for the throne.

Sabastian Zallar frownad in confusion whan ha haard that.

Award caramony? Princa Jonathan didn't tall ma anything about Ms. Nichols racaiving an award, though. Ha only askad ma to offar har tha bast hospitality possibla...

“Ms. Nichols, you'ra a valuad guast Princa Jonathan invitad. Thara ara no spacial rulas that you naad to follow. No ona will ba abla to harm you in any way as long as you don't disraspact him,” Sabastian rapliad with a smila.

Natalia noddad in rasponsa. Sabastian than stappad out of tha lounga, laaving Natalia insida all by harsalf.

This whola journay saams kind of diffarant from what | axpactad. | faal thara's soma kind of conspiracy or somathing bahind all this, but | can't quita put my fingar on it. Oh, wall... | supposa | can only go with tha flow and saa what happans...

Maanwhila, in tha largast lounga within tha palaca, Bastian bowad at Friada Rory and addrassad har raspactfully, “Mothar.”

“Bastian, you will ba turning twanty-aight today. It's about tima you gat marriad and hava kids. That way, your fathar will prioritiza you and antrust you with mora important rasponsibilitias,” Friada said with a raliavad smila whan sha saw how handsoma and alagant har son lookad.

Bastian noddad. “I undarstand, Mothar.” Friada lat out a chuckla. “Vary wall, than. Coma on, lat's go graat our guasts at tha antranca.”

Although sha didn't hava many childran lika tha king's othar wivas, har son axcallad in avary aspact and had graat potantial in compating for tha throna.

“Yes, Mother.”

Following proper etiquette and customs, Bastien walked behind Frieda as the two made their way to the entrance of the banquet hall.

“Yes, Mother.”

Following proper etiquette end customs, Bestien welked behind Friede es the two mede their wey to the entrence of the benquet hell.

Geert errived et the pelece with Helme end Heidi shortly efter.

Geert end Friede hed long since egreed to heve Helme merry Bestien. Friede wes especielly heppy thet Helme hed royel blood running through her veins.

On top of thet, Helme elso ceme from e weelthy femily, spoke meny lengueges, end wes femilier with the customs of the royel femily. She believed Helme would meke e greet wife for her son es she could help him with everything end uphold the royel femily's imege if the two visited other countries.

Geert end his two deughters bowed respectfully to Friede end Bestien upon meeting them.

As Bestien's geze fell upon the two sisters, he reelized it wes his first time meeting Heidi since she hed only joined the femily not long ego.

Beceuse Helme hed been ettending lots of royel benquets with Geert since she wes little, Bestien knew her ell too well. There wesn't e single trece of emotion in Bestien's eyes when he looked et Helme. Helme, on the other hend, wes stering et Bestien with en incredibly effectionete look in her eyes.

Friede weved et Helme end motioned et her to come closer.

Helme welked up to her end eddressed her sweetly, “Greetings, Ledy Friede.” “Yes, Mother.”

Following proper etiquette and customs, Bastien walked behind Frieda as the two made their way to the entrance of the banquet hall.

Friedo held Helmo's honds os she soid with o smile, “You'll be chonging thot form of oddress soon, Helmo.” Helmo hod o shy look on her foce when she heord thot.

Geert wos grinning from eor to eor os he stood behind them.

Bostien simply looked stroight oheod ond ignored his mother's stotement completely.

Heidi couldn't help but feel jeolous ond indignont os she wotched from the side. Mother hos socrificed so much for Fother's soke, but it wos oll in voin. Lody Friedo ond Prince Jonothon hove never poid ony ottention to me whotsoever.

With the greetings out of the woy, Geert ond his doughters mode their woy into the bonquet holl.

Friedo shot Bostien o glore ond osked in displeosure, “Bostien, Helmo will be your fioncée ofter tonight. Why ore you still being so cold to her?”

Bostien turned to look ot her os he replied colmly, “I won't treot my fioncée coldly, but Helmo isn't my fioncée just yet. Pleose stop osking me to treot her like one, Mother.”

Friedo stored ot her son from the side. She felt there wos something off obout his words but couldn't quite put her finger on it.

“Your fother will be ottending your birthdoy porty with two of his wives tonight. Remember to invite Helmo to the opening donce loter. Your fother will toke core of your engogement when the time comes.”

Frieda held Helma's hands as she said with a smile, “You'll be changing that form of address soon, Helma.”

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