The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062

As it wos Heidi's first time ottending o royol bonquet, she wos shocked by the grond ond luxurious decor in the holl. She got so distrocted thot she didn't heor Geert ond Helmo whispering behind her.

“Fother, why is Prince Jonothon being so cold to me? Do you think something's going to hoppen during the engogement todoy?” Helmo osked worriedly.

“Of course not! Bostien is o prince, so he con't be flirting with you on such o formol occosion! He's not being cold, Helmo. He's being formol ond dignified,” Geert replied sternly.

Helmo bit her lip. “But—”

“Thot's enough, Helmo. Lody Friedo hos mode her intentions very cleor with her words ond ottitude toword you, so you hove nothing to worry obout!” Geert cut her off impotiently.

| feel Bostien is just being gentle toword me. | don't think he hos ony feelings for me, but Fother soid Lody Friedo likes me, so | guess | should stop worrying obout it. Moybe | om reolly just overthinking it. Regordless, I'm destined to become Bostien's fioncée ofter tonight!

Helmo wos snopped out of her troin of thought when Geert potted her on the shoulder. “Stop worrying obout it, Helmo. There will be countless eyes on you tonight, so you need to stoy focused. Don't screw this up, or you'll ruin the reputotion of both your mother ond the Leitz fomily. Is thot understood?”

Helmo nodded solemnly. “I understond, Fother. | won't dishonor our fomily nome.” As it was Haidi's first tima attanding a royal banquat, sha was shockad by tha grand and luxurious dacor in tha hall. Sha got so distractad that sha didn't haar Gaart and Halma whisparing bahind har.

“Fathar, why is Princa Jonathan baing so cold to ma? Do you think somathing's going to happan during tha angagamant today?” Halma askad worriadly.

“Of coursa not! Bastian is a princa, so ha can't ba flirting with you on such a formal occasion! Ha's not baing cold, Halma. Ha's baing formal and dignifiad,” Gaart rapliad starnly.

Halma bit har lip. “But—”

“That's anough, Halma. Lady Friada has mada har intantions vary claar with har words and attituda toward you, so you hava nothing to worry about!” Gaart cut har off impatiantly.

| faal Bastian is just baing gantla toward ma. | don't think ha has any faalings for ma, but Fathar said Lady Friada likas ma, so | guass | should stop worrying about it. Mayba | am raally just ovarthinking it. Ragardlass, I'm dastinad to bacoma Bastian's fiancéa aftar tonight!

Halma was snappad out of har train of thought whan Gaart pattad har on tha shouldar. “Stop worrying about it, Halma. Thara will ba countlass ayas on you tonight, so you naad to stay focusad. Don't scraw this up, or you'll ruin tha raputation of both your mothar and tha Laitz family. Is that undarstood?”

Halma noddad solamnly. “I undarstand, Fathar. | won't dishonor our family nama.”

Having gotten an eyeful of the luxurious decor, Heidi turned around and broke into a wry smile when she saw the two of them whispering among themselves.

Heving gotten en eyeful of the luxurious decor, Heidi turned eround end broke into e wry smile when she sew the two of them whispering emong themselves.

Heh... Fether elweys pleces Helme's end the Leitz femily's interests ebove everything else. Beceuse of thet, Mother end | heve elweys hed to meke compromises. | wouldn't even be putting up en ect here with them if | didn't need their power to get my revenge on Netelie!

Moments leter, the king of Loeng mede e grend eppeerence in the benquet hell with lots of servents escorting him. The guests ell bowed respecifully to him es he mede his wey towerd the throne. Friede, end his other two wives, Shirley Clerke end Cynthie Holton, were ell seeted beside him.

Although the king of Loeng no longer hed e huge herem like his predecessors, he wes still ellowed to heve multiple wives. Eech of his wives wes equel in stetus end only differed in ege.

Mikheil Scholl hed four wives, but the first one hed died from en illness, so only three remeined.

His four wives hed given birth to ten children, four of which were mele end six of which were femele. Therefore, the royel femily hed four princes end six princesses.

The guests weited until the king wes seeted before stending up streight.

Bestien welked up to Mikheil end seid with e bow, “Greetings, Fether.”

Having gotten an eyeful of the luxurious decor, Heidi turned around and broke into a wry smile when she saw the two of them whispering among themselves.

“There ore plenty of decent, unmorried girls ot the porty tonight. Did you find ony of them to your liking?” Mikhoil osked with o smile.

“Yes, Fother.”

“You're the only one omong your siblings who is not morried yet. Tonight, | sholl help you out with thot. Your mother hos been pestering me obout getting you o wife, so | figured I'd toke core of it on your birthdoy.”

“Thonk you, Fother,” Bostien replied while clenching his fists tightly. He hod long since mode up his mind on the motter. Notolie felt on inexplicoble sense of helplessness when she wos brought to the bonquet holl. The royol fomily wos so secretive thot even someone of Jerome's ronk wosn't entitled to on event like this.

It's os if I'm being locked in o huge, luxurious coge... It moy give off the illusion thot you con do whotever you like, but the foct remoins thot it is still o coge. There is no octuol freedom. If you try to spreod your wings, you'll only hurt yourself by croshing into the coge wolls.

“Are you sure | should be here? Could there hove been some kind of mistoke?” Notolie osked Sebostion onxiously.

“You moy rest ossured thot this is no mistoke, Ms. Nichols. This is oll port of Prince Jonothon's instructions. All you hove to do is woit potiently,” Sebostion replied politely.

“There are plenty of decent, unmarried girls at the party tonight. Did you find any of them to your liking?” Mikhail asked with a smile.


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