The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 283 - 282

Chapter 283 - 282: Party Crasher

***Few Days Ago***

"First Master Luo, a trusted servant of the Ling came and left and envelope for you and Second Master." The servant told the man sitting on his study room reading documents.

Luo Tian asked the envelope and the faithful servant handed it to him.

He then dismissed him as soon as he received it.

"Birthday celebration." Luo Tian read the heading of the letter inside.

It's a birthday invitation for Old Master Ling's seventy-ninth birthday.

"What's that brother?" Luo Mian asked right after he saw the card that his brother was holding the moment he entered.

"Old Ling asked the both of us to attend his birthday banquet." He answered his younger brother's question.

"Then, are we going to attend?" The younger asked.

"Well, what do you think?" Luo Tian looked at his brother with a sly smile on the face."

"I really never thought you would come and approach them. At first, I was against it. They were already useless. Bankrupt! But still you persisted. And now, I'm really happy that you did. Now, we have the greatest secret trader of our illegal drugs!" He said.

"I told you, didn't I? Those small to medium scale traders could be our best option in selling our products to people. And besides, I am sure that something powerful was backing them up, too. I wanted to meet that person. He could be our ally in defeating Nathaniel Bai." He stated in as a matter-of-fact tone.

"Are you certain about that, brother?"

"Yes. I won't approach them in the first place if I am not." Luo Tian confidently said.

"Right. I know you're the best!" The younger brother praised the elder.

Luo Tian then looked at his younger brother before he talked to him.

"Aigo! What do you want? Come on, you can tell me." He asked.

"Celine...I want her to be my woman again." He told his brother.

"Are you insane?! She's the sister of our enemy! Have you forgotten what Nathan had done to our poor sister?!"

"Of course! I'll never forget about that! Damn him! I am pursuing Celine not because I have feelings for him. You know me well, brother. I don't do LOVE." Luo Mian paused and was about to continue when Luo Tian interrupted him.

"Then, what else do you want?" Luo Tian curiously asked.

"I just want him to taste his own dose of medicine. What do you think, brother?" Luo Mian looked at his brother meaningfully.

"Making him to lose his wife is not enough. Sadly, we could not take the credit for it as someone had interrupted our plan. What do you think?" Luo Mian added while raising an eye brow. He really wanted to convince his brother.

(A/N: This was when Ana had not showed up to Nathan and everyone and started pretending to be Eunji.)

Luo Tian's eyes darkened upon the mention of Nathan's wife for a reason that only him knew.josei

But this sudden change in his expression also came quickly as if it didn't happen.

He then focused his attention to him and looked at him meaningfully.

"You already hurt her in the past. How are you going to coax her to make her yours?" He asked him back with his hands clasped in front of him. Waiting for his response.

"Well, if I can't coax her in a decent way. There's always another way. What do you think?"

"Hmm...Okay. I'll let you. one condition."

"What is it?"

"Don't fall in love with her."

Upon hearing Luo Tian's condition, Luo Mian burst into a fit of laughter.

"Brother, do you even know what is love?" Luo Mian joked but he know that he must have rubbed some sore spots. Therefore, he immediately diverted the topic.

"Of course! You knew about it! Hehehehe! Stupid mouth." He castrated himself.

"It's good that you know." Luo Tian said and he stood up and left his stupid brother alone.

***Present Day***

---On the Ling Family Mansion---

"Happy birthday Ling Quan." Old Master Jin Cheng greeted his friend, Old Master Ling as he handed his birthday present to him.

"Thank you brother Cheng. Come! Get inside!" The birthday celebrant ushered Old Master Jin Cheng inside the house where the rest of his guests who arrived earlier were waiting.

Old Master Jin was being accompanied by J's father, Jin Xiaoran and Jin Zhilan.

Yes, today was the seventy-nineth birthday of the Old Master of the Ling family.

And this was the first time they would be holding this huge celebration in this newly renovated mansion.

They had just acquired this a year ago from the former owner at a hefty amount of price.

This house was from their ancestors therefore only them should own this.

Inside, the guests who had arrived earlier were in a merry mood. All of them were praising the Ling Family for making an unofficial comeback.

They were also curious to know who were the other VIP guests in this party banquet.

Then the next group of people who came to join in the birthday celebration were the Luo brothers together with their sevants bringing gifts for the celebrant.

Their appearance in the party made everyone of the guests to gasp in surprise!

"Second Master Luo Mian! First Master Luo Tian! Thank you for answering my invitation." Old Master Ling greeted according to their order of arrival.

"You don't have to thank us, Old Master Ling. We're partners in business. It's just right to come and greet you on your seventy-nineth birthday." Luo Mian greeted him in behalf of his elder brother making everyone to get shocked.

"Come! Get inside to relax! The banquet will start soon. If you don't mind to join me in my study so we could discuss something before it would start?" Old Master Ling asked them both politely and they made a quick nod making the celebrant to laugh in happiness and they entered.

Who were the Luo brothers?

The Luo brothers were involved in the underworld and their reputation were quite stable even if they would have a clash with Nathan's group.

They did not recognize Nathan's leadership thus they rebelled against him.

The Underworld King had still not spoken about this issue. It was as if he was challenging Nathan to solve it on his own.

Should he fail, that means that he's weak and no longer suitable to be the Head of the Region.

In short, their rose in influence and power made Nathan to be in trouble.

Well, just recently, they were able to become Nathan's greatest competitor in business in the country. They had slowly but surely unleashed their family connections and influence towards the political leaders in most countries across the globe.

Two years ago, though the Lings had been suppressed by Nathan together with the Jin for making trouble with Eunji, Luo Tian had paid someone to secretly approach the Ling family and offer a proposal on his behalf.

Though they had declared bankruptcy, they still had remaining properties for themselves which were named to dummy people. And thus it would be useful for the Luo Tian should they accept their proposal.

But before that, Matriarch Ling's family introduced them to someone who could help them in exchange of something that also needed with the Jin family's cooperation. And we already know what that cooperation was.

Being at edge of the cliff, the Ling grabbed it and agreed to it. They had nothing to lose anyways.

They lent him the money for capital to start a small scale business which was far smaller than their former Ling Enterprise. They opened a trading and warehousing/storage business.

This new business had become their cover up to their bigger transactions with the Luo brothers.

Yes, they both accepted the offer and made sure that there won't be any conflicts in either parties.

They hid this fact from the Luo brothers as they didn't fully trust these two.

On the other hand, the other party had no care if they collaborated with others parties. That mysterious person would still benefit anyways.

Still, they had to make sure that everyone including Nathan would think that they no longer plan to be one of the people standing near the top of the pyramid.

They had to be low-key to be off his radar. Or else, Nathan would make sure that they would be squashed like an ant while they were still unstable in the industry.

They had to build trust between their customers for them to grow and be stabilized. Which was a great obstacle for them given that Nathan's grasp was everywhere.

But they had miraculously overcame it. Years of being in the industry had finally paid off for them. They had opened quite a few branches across other provinces but still doubted if they should go mainstream.

However, just recently, with Luo Tian's push, they had decided to go mainstream by announcing their collaboration. Of course they would be announcing this collaboration today.

With the Luo brothers as their support, that mysterious other party and the money they stole from Eunji through Ling Bao, the Lings were confident that Nathan could no longer suppress them.

However, the Lings and the Jins didn't know that their prosperous moments would come soon. So sooner than they expected.

Someone's coming to reclaim what was hers that they had stolen from her.


Eunji, with Alora mostly controlling the car remotely, had driven towards the Ling family mansion.

She sneered when she saw the huge building agead from them. They should have been living in the slums if not for those people helping them behind the curtain.

Eunji then checked on the weapons she had hidden on the compartment of the car and inserted it on her shoes and other parts of her body where she could conceal the weapons.

She then came to a stop from a few blocks when she saw that there were many people gathering in their mansion.

"Do you know what's going on behind that gate?" She asked Alora whose voice was still transmitted on the speakers of the car.

"It's Master Ling's birthday and they were having a celebration for the entire day. But the main highlight was this afternoon. They seemed to be announcing something." Alora replied.

"Oh. Why was I not informed? What a pity."

"Well, I thought it was unnecessary." Alora commented.

"Next time, tell me if something like this was happening. I should have bought some gifts." Eunji remarked.

But Alora knew that Eunji was not serious with it at all.

"Seriously?" It was more like a side comment than a question.

"Nope." Eunji said with a popping 'p' sound on the last part.

"Do you still want to say 'hi' to them?" Alora asked.

"Hmmm. I kind of want to gate crash." She honestly said.

"Give me a list of the guests inside." She commanded.

And within a minute, a list appeared in the screen of the car.

"Only these people?" She asked.

"Yes. That's the people I could recognize inside after peeking on their security cameras and the guest list I saw on the computer." Alora answered honestly.

"I want to see how lively their party is." Eunji said before she went out of the car.

When she went out, Alora continued talking through her earpiece.

"There were few guards on the East than on the other sides of the manor. The party was being held on the West wing. Some of the guests were on the entrance and the East too but compared to the North which had zero guests but with many guards, the chances of successful infiltration if you jumped on the wall on the East is high."

"Who said I have to jump on the wall to get inside?" Eunji said with a smirk.

"I have better plans." She added.

"Prepare all of the evidence that we have against them, we might need it today." She said. This may be her birthday present for the celebrant.

"Copy that!" Alora said.

"I will make sure that this day would be memorable for the Old Hag." Eunji said.

She may sound disrespectful but they never deserved to gain her respect anyways.

Cursing them to death was not even enough to let them know how much hatred she had for them.

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