The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 284 - 283

Chapter 284 - 283: Walls Have Ears

Eunji came in wearing a female servant's uniform.

The server happened to came out of the gate and Eunji took advantage of it and sneakily attacked the poor woman from behind making the latter to pass out.

Eunji took the uniform and changed into it. Good thing they had the same height and the uniform was a little lose for the server so it fitted perfectly for her.

The guards let her pass since she wore the same outfit as the rest of the female servers.

She was assigned to be in the kitchen to prepare for the food ready to be served but she was not contented with her current position.

She decided to knock another servant's uniform. She was a female waiter now. Holding trays with glasses of drinks on top for the guests to grab.

She carefully observed everyone around her. Finding those who were suspicious.

She could immediately spot the Jin family members on the corner of her eyes following the Old Master Ling and two men going towards the old man's study room.

Seems like they were going to talk about something.

Eunji then walked towards the corner and placed the already empty tray on the counter.

Then she brought her wrist up and pressed something on her modified smart watch.

A little fly like robot then flew up in the air. Thus she named this invention as 'little fly'.

If someone could see it and the watch, they could tell that it was a part of her watch that was flying towards the direction of the study room.

Eunji had created that for months now and this was the first time she would be using it for test run. She would be using this for better spying or wire tapping purposes. It was like a micro size version of a drone.

If there were any room for improvements in this new invention of hers, Eunji would imediately make the adjustments inside her secret laboratory.

She could hear every noise within the thirty-meter radius where little fly was.

Everything that was recorded by it would be directly stored on her computer and Alora could control it virtually.

Alora already had already created the map of the entire building by hacking their security system and CCTV cameras.

There's no CCTV camera in the study room for privacy purpose so Eunji had to use little fly for this matter.

She could also hear the transmission on her earpiece.

Eunji then decided to pick up some glasses for refill so she won't look suspicious to others.

She dared not to be reckless or she have to end this little fun of hers earlier than she wanted.

And besides, a lot of guests had come to visit.

It would be troublesome to blow up this party with a lot of people inside.

They were innocent and should not be subject to massacre.

Eunji then listened on the live broadcast of little fly on her earpiece.

***Inside the Study Room***

Old Master Ling then asked everyone to sit down on the vacant seats inside the room.

"So, what is it that Old Master Ling wanted to talk about even before the party started?" Luo Tian asked him.

"Well, nothing much. My brother, Old Jin would like to ask if the Jin could join in our business of selling and manufacturing illegal drugs." Old Master Ling told him.

"What can you give to us brothers that the Ling couldn't? And why should we allow you to join in?" Luo Tian asked straightforwardly.

"Well, First Master Luo. Nothing much. Just a five hectare of barren land in the East of the country. We would offer you to use it as a new site for an underground drug laboratory. And the living condition of the community near that land was very poor that we could make them to work for us in a lower rate compared to building a new drug lab here in the city." Old Master Jin answered him.

"The place was completely remote that the authorities won't even reach so easily. It's easy to bribe those people to stay quiet for us. And I am confident that Nathan won't be able to know about this, too. His main focus is concentrated on the city rather than on the remote areas." He added.

"Your offer is quite interesting. However, we don't do business to people easily."

"We understood, First Master Luo. However, we still hope that you will give this offer a thought." Old Master Jin added.

"Speaking of which, I heard his wife had come back home. Maybe the reason why he never announced her death is because she's actually alive." Luo Mian commented.

"Yeah. We heard it too." Old Master Ling chuckled that caught Luo Tian's attention.

"Well, why do my instinct tell me that you know something about this, Old Master Ling?" Luo Tian asked him.

"Well, whoever that woman is with him right now, she's possibly a fake. We know where the original Kim Eunji is." Jin Syaoran slipped.

It was obvious that they had no intention to telling the Luo brothers about their involvement in Eunji's accident but since Jin Jie's father slipped, they had to find an explanation to cover up this mistake.

"Well, J told us that she's a fake. My son, J is close to Kim Eunji. And he told us that Kim Eunji is currently receiving treatment overseas. She was crippled because of the severe injury that she haf suffered from that accident." He explained.

"Oh? Well I am amazed that despite everything, your son, J, is still filial to you that he would inform you of this matter and not Nathan? After all, Eunji is his wife. He deserved to know." Luo Tian commented.

"Looking back, every time I see Nathan since that accident, his eyes are full of sadness despite all of his efforts to hide his mourning. So I could tell that he is not faking those emotions. He didn't know that she's alive." Luo Tian added.

He would be lying if he would say that Jin Syaoran's explanation was not suspicious because it was.

All of them knew that J was very loyal to Eunji. So how come he would disclose Eunji's location to others?

Also, Jin Jie and the Jin family had been on a fight because of Eunji.

Old Master Jin felt like a headache was coming towards him upon listening to Luo Tian's question. This very son of his was indeed very dumb for talking about things that should be a secret between the Jin and the Ling.

Now, he had to cover up his 'trash' explanation to dismiss Luo Tian's suspicion.

"Well, J hated Nathan because he is the reason why Kim Eunji got into an accident. We were informed that there's an alleged third party. That Nathan had an illegitimate child with another woman. This made Kim Eunji to be so angry and ran away." Jin Syaoran continued.

"My grandson still wanted us to accept Eunji as part of the family. Above all, he is a family-oriented man. We raised him to be loyal to family members and that's how he is exhibiting now." Jin Cheng supported his son's reason.

"Well, if what you said is true then, Nathaniel Bai's in a messy situation then? It would be easier to defeat him now that his wife is back. He is also most likely be distracted. That woman could also become our ally in ruining Nathan." Luo Mian commented.

"Where in Seoul is Kim Eunji staying?" Luo Tian asked them.

"That, my grandson didn't tell. But rest assured, he sent evidence such as photographs to prove her current condition. But wait, why are you suddenly interested in that woman?" Old Master Jin asked him out of curiosity.

"Whatever my reason is, that you don't have to know." Luo Tian immediately dismissed him.

"I apologize for being nosy, First Master Luo."

"Nathan is strong. I don't dare underestimate him as my opponent. Seems like what we know about him is not all the truth." Luo Tian expressed.

"So we better be vigilant." He added.

"We can't defeat him easily. The Underworld King favored him as the Regional Head." He added.

"I'm just curious First Master Luo. Why does it sound like you brothers have some hatred with Nathaniel Bai?" Jin Syaoran asked but Luo Mian immediately dismissed him.

"It's not just some hatred. We hated him! But of course, it's only for us brothers to keep. So don't bother on asking us again!" Luo Mian said harshly.josei

"I see. If there's anything we could help you with First Master Luo, tell us and we won't hesitate to lend a hand. We hated that bastard for what he had done to our family. For humiliating us." Old Master Jin vowed.

If there's anyone who wanted Nathan's downfall so badly, it would be the Jins and the Lings. Next would be the Bai elders and main family whom Nathan had kicked out from power and position in Bai Corp.

Luo Tian had become silent. He only looked at them meaningfully.

He didn't know that his silence caused a displeasure to the Jin family. However, they had to swallow it to not upset him. They were still waiting for him to accept their proposal.

"Anyways. About our current collaboration. I hope that with us going mainstream, our sales on the next quarter would go up on a scale." Old Master Jin said as he tried to divert the topic.

"Of course. We have strong connections with the authorities. We also have customers willing to buy bulk orders from us. In fact, we have just received an order overseas and it's worth one million dollars! That's why we have to be careful in transporting the goods going to their country. It would be a big loss if their country's customs officials would know about it." Luo Mian was confident that this transaction would be successful.

"When will the shipment happen and where it will take place?" Old Master Ling asked.

"A week from now. The goods will be transported via ship and not via plane. My most trusted aid will supervise the transaction." Luo Tian said.

"Then, our Ling Family wishes for the success of this transaction!" Old Master Ling said.


Eunji continued listening to their conversation inside that her blood started boiling when they were talking about Nathan and her.

She smirked when she heard that a huge shipment was of the goods would be happening next week. Who told them that this would go hassle free?

"Alora, send this clip and any information you could find to Mr. Laurent." She whispered to Alora.

"Also, broadcast every evidence that we have in the internet as soon as they announced this collaboration with the Luo brothers. I want them to be ruined immediately!" She added.

That way, whoever was that person helping them on the limelight would show up.

Eunji also knew that telling the authorities about the shipment would not cripple the Luos. However, she had other plans in mind.

It's not that hard to locate all of their drug laboratories and infiltrate them. She knew where most of them. It's not difficult to locate the rest.

There's no need for the authorities to know about them either. She just needed to blow them off. She would also do the same thing to this shipment. As soon as Mr. Laurent's men would get a hold of them as evidence, she would blow them off. And it would be another story.

She didn't trust the authorities would handle the goods well if she would let them to take over. She trust Mr. Laurent though. But not the people he was surrounded with. Especially not the system he was working with.

Because there's no perfect system. The bad guys would always find ways to beat it and find some loopholes and use it in their advantage.

Who knows? They might recycle these drugs and then sell it to the general public.

She had to prevent the greater damage these illegal goods would bring to people. To the society.

She was roaming around serving the guests when a female guest had stepped on the hem of her own dress and was about to collide with her but since Eunji was agile, that female guest could not control the momentum and fell on the ground.


The woman screamed when her body hit the ground which caught everyone's attention.

"Oh my gosh Miss Yang!" Everyone gathered to help her.

Miss Yang was the daughter of the Mayor. Thus everyone regarded her as an important guest.

She came here in behalf of her father since he was busy and of course to avoid other people's suspicion.

Miss Yang was known for her wild temper and being a bully.

"You bitch! Why did you--" 'avoid me!' Realizing what she was about to say, that female guest suddenly stopped herself and instead decided to frame Eunji for her fall. To cover up her embarrassment.

"How dare you push me!" She yelled at Eunji.

Eunji decided to ignore her at first and continued to walk away but then the woman was so loud that it started to irritate her.

"Everyone grab this woman! She dared to push me that I fell on the ground."

Right after that, men in white security uniform gathered around Eunji who was now dressed in female server's outfit.

She was an easy target to bullying based on her outfit at the moment.

Everyone thought that she's an unlucky one for being in Miss Yang's bad side. It was not hidden how big of a bully she was.

They expect Eunji to cower in fear and start asking for forgiveness. However, to their surprise, she didn't do it.

"Alora, give me details of this woman." Eunji whispered in Hangul.

Alora was fast to gather everything in an instant ad told Eunji what kind of person this woman was.

After listening to Alora, Eunji looked at Miss Yang from head to toe ignoring the guards who were surrounding her.

"What are you doing! I said go and grab her! Must I repeat myself for you to move?!" Miss Yang repeated furiously.

But her people, the security guards being deployed by his father to protect her, only looked at her.

"I'm sorry Miss Yang, we can't do that." One of the ten guards said.

This made her to be furious even more.

"Are you trying to defy my orders?! Do you want to keep your position as my guards?" She scolded them.

However, the man stood on his position and together with five other guards, they turned around and and was now standing defensive for Eunji.

There were remaining four guards who were about to attack Eunji.

"Don't. Leave." Eunji uttered the words calmly and everyone turned towards her. Asking her to let them stay. However, Eunji was firm to let them leave.

'Trying to use my people against me?' Eunji mocked Miss Yang in her head.

These men then bowed their heads politely towards her which shocked everyone.

However, before they left, their leader turned to Miss Yang and said, "Miss Yang, we are grateful for your father in hiring us but being assigned as one of your escorts was the toughest job to do. So me and my comrades will resign!"

They then stepped aside as instructed but they never dare to leave the place just in case their mistress would be in trouble.

Good thing they were sharp to notice the ring on her finger.

Eunji wore this ring everywhere she go. Whatever she looked like.

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