The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 287 - 286

Chapter 287 - 286: Chairman Bai Meets Chairman Devie

Nathan was already sitting in his office before he would go to the conference room where the meeting between him and the Chairman of the ELEK Group would be held.

"Master Bai, the representatives of ELEK were down on the front desk. Tang Hao was with them. They were waiting for their Chairman to arrive." Marco reported.

Nathan frowned when he heard about that.

He then looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was still quarter to three in the afternoon.

There were still fifteen minutes left from the agreed time.

The person he would be meeting this afternoon was known to arrive on the agreed time. She was always on the dot. She was never too early nor late in any appointments.

"Any announcement on their side that she won't be coming?" He asked.

"None at the moment Master." He replied.

"Okay. It's still early. Let everyone to be on standby." He instructed.

"Will do, Master Bai." Marco nodded obediently.

While Nathan was waiting, Eunji and company were still stuck in the highway because of the traffic. There was a traffic accident that prevented them from moving forward.

The scene was almost nostalgic to her. And she hated to be stuck in this traffic scene to be honest. Telling that the traffic incident that she had been involved with in the past had caused her trauma was an understatement.

It took her time to get over with it. But still, she would feel discomfort from to time. And the last thing she wanted to happen was that she would have a panic attack inside the car.

The good thing was that they were now two blocks away from the building. She could just walk to reach her destination if the situation became worse.

Eunji looked at her Rolex watch on her wrist and sighed when she saw that it was now fifteen minutes before the hour of three in the afternoon.

"Is there any alternate routes that we could use?" Lee Yunha asked Baek-Daejung who was their assigned driver at the moment.

"Alora, look for any alternate routes." Eunji commanded.

"Reporting. Seems like we are going to be stuck in here Mistress. The alternate routes are closed down because of a road work." Alora reported.

Eunji sighed as she knew she had no other choice left.

"Yunha. Come with me. Dae-jung, continue driving the car." Eunji instructed.

Without waiting for the two, Eunji opened the door of the car and she decided to walk going there.

Everyone was looking at her in awe as she walked on the sidewalk.

The KSA agents who were her envoy also followed her to give her extra protection.

They surrounded Kim Eunji to make sure that the public won't see what she resembled.

They were bringing umbrellas to cover her.

But still, their group gathered attention since they were too eye catching for everyone to see.

They were wearing suits with black eye glasses covering their eyes. They were clearly guarding a VIP going somewhere.

Eunji sighed deep down. She just hoped that the traffic would move after five minutes so she won't be out in the open that long.

Their group walked faster as they were catching up with Eunji's pace.

Within five minutes, they reached the front of NJ Holdings Corp. building and they were heavily sweating except for Eunji.

Eunji wasted no time and she entered the main door and walked towards the lobby of the building with Lee Yunha while her other escorts decided to wait outside.

She then saw Angelina waiting for her on the reception area with two other people who were her team.

Upon seeing that they had arrived, Angelina rushed towards them.

"Chairman! What happened?" Angelina asked her as soon as they met halfway.

"Traffic accident happened. Let's go. Mr. Bai's waiting for us." She simply replied.

Tang Hao also came forward to lead them towards where the meeting would be held.

With Tang Hao's lead, Eunji and company reached the conference room where they would be having a meeting.

Tang Hao then opened the door and lead everyone in except for Lee Yunha who decided to wait by the door to stand on guard. They arrived on the dot as expected.josei

Eunji sighed when she saw that the room was still empty except for the laptop computers and the running projector resting on top of the table.

Nathan on the other hand was with Marco walking towards the conference room.

When they came in, Nathan was stunned when he saw a familiar silhouette inside the room.

Eunji was already sitting on her designated seat with her back facing him while Angelina was placing the documents that they would be discussing in this meeting.

Feeling Nathan's presence behind her, Eunji smiled beautifully before she stood up to greet Nathan.

"Chairman, the Chairman of NJ Holding Corp. had arrived." Angelina announced out of courtesy but she knew that even if she won't say it, Eunji was so prepared to stand up and greet Nathan.

Eunji then stood up and turned around to greet Nathan with her professional face.

However, the corner of her lips raised a little when she saw him frowning.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Chairman Bai! Thank you for giving us your time despite your busy schedule. I'm Devie, Chairman of ELEK Group." She said while extending her right hand for Nathan to shake.

Nathan subconsciously extended his hand to reciprocate the handshake.

"The pleasure is mine, Miss Devie. I'm Nathaniel Bai, Chairman of NJ Holdings, Corp." Nathan then showed a wicked grin while shaking Eunji's hand.

"I hope that todays proposal could convince you to have a collaboration with us at the end of this meeting." She added.

"Let's see. I hope Madame Chair could convince me." He told her.

Eunji felt a tingling down her spine especially when she saw Nathan's eyes darkened with passion and love for her.

Eunji could only look down on her hand which was being held by Nathan firmly.

Nathan could feel her discomfort so he immediately let go of her hand and apologized.

"I'm sorry. I just can't contain myself. You felt familiar." He apologized while looking at her with a wicked smile. He had already recognized his wife despite the mask she was wearing.

'Whatever you're trying to play here, wifey. Your filial husband will play along.' He thought.

"It's fine. Hmm. I think you have mistaken Chairman Bai. This is my first time coming here in Beijing." She said.

"Is that so?" Nathan chuckled as he walked towards the seat opposite hers while not breaking their eye contact.

"Well, maybe." He shrugged his shoulders.

Aside from Angelina, Marco and Tang Hao and the two staff which accompanied Angelina where dumbfounded upon hearing their conversation.

'Geez! Could you two please hold your flirting. You're not alone in the room, you know.' She inwardly face palmed herself as she saw this development.

"Ahem! Madam Chair, if you don't mind my interuption, I think we should start." She interrupted.

"My Assistant's right. We should get to business. Shall we? We could talk other matters later." Eunji agreed.

"Oh! Sure. The floor is yours." Nathan instructed while he leaned on the back rest of his seat as he tried to listen to whatever his wife wanted to say.

He had already read the proposal and he was surprised to be honest.

Well, now that he confirmed that the woman standing in front of her was also his wife, he was beyond proud of her.

He had heard of her achievements overseas even before he found out that she was Eunji, his wife.

And he was impressed that a woman like her could compete with him in the field full of men.

She had shown to everyone that she could sit on top of the pyramid above those egoistic and close-minded old CEOs.

Now that he knew of her achievements while being away from them, he felt conflicted deep down. He knew how hard it was to run a company what more when she was able to make it known globally.

Her life must have been hard doing everything alone. And it was his fault for not being able to fulfill all of his promises to her.

He wondered if she hated him deep down for her to push herself as if telling him that she was better off without him. And this idea made him uncomfortable.

Not because her success had rubbed his ego as a man. But because he was afraid that he would be abandoned by her in the end.

Well, they had not talked properly last night and he was afraid that they would talk about divorce or her leaving him for good when they got the chance to talk later.

"Thank you Master Bai." She smiled at him beautifully which was enough to calm his nervous heart a little.

Eunji wasted no time and she introduced her proposal to him.

Eunji wanted him to personally collaborate with her in the second saga of Phantom Elites. The game being developed with her subsidiary company, Phantom Eternal Realm Inc. or also known as PERI.

Eunji had beautifully delivered her presentation and as expected his wife was full of charisma as a female chairman of a big company.

She could move even the most stubborn CEO to agree and have a collaboration with her. What more someone like him who was head over heels in love with her.

As mentioned, he had already read the proposal and she was able to make him understood the pros and cons of it by answering his raised questions.

The pros outnumbered the cons though.

And besides, he was going to work with her, his wife. It's the biggest pros in this project should he agree.

"Any further questions, Chairman Bai?" Eunji asked him.

"None that I still have in mind." He then paused as he pursed his lips a little.

"So, do you agree to have a fruitful collaboration with us, Chairman Bai?" She asked him.

"Well, your proposal is very tempting to be honest especially to a e-sport enthusiast like me." He started as he readjusted his position.

"Why do I feel like there's a but in there? Did I not convince you enough?" She asked.

"Well, I have something to ask you, if you don't mind." He started.

"Sure, what is it?" She asked him back.

"Chairman Devie, can I talk to you in private?" Nathan asked.

Eunji then looked at Angelina and gave her the sign to wait for her outside.

"Marco will lead your team in the visitors lounge while they wait for us." Nathan added as he thought that she was worried about them.

"That's very considerate of you, Chairman Bai. Sure. I also want to talk with you in private." She honestly told him.

If this was the time for her to tell him everything, then it's for the better. Especially that she left a big mess earlier. A mess that she could handle to clean anyways. But still the earlier he knew the better.

"Well, it's set then. Let's go to my office shall we?"

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