The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 288 - 287

Chapter 288 - 287: I Want You To Stay

Nathan and Eunji walked along the hallway which leads to Nathan's office.

Lee Yunha wanted to follow but Angelina stopped her by shaking her head.

Angelina had the feeling that whatever they were going to talk about, it should be very important for them both.

Lee Yunha had no other choice but to obliged.

Eunji and Nathan walked silently side by side.

Marco followed them as he arranged someone to arrange refreshments while the two were talking inside Nathan's office.

Marco opened the door for the two people to get inside.

Nathan walked towards his desk and sat on his seat while Eunji sat on the lounge as they both waited for his secretaries to finish placing the refreshments and snacks they had prepared for it.josei

Marco excused himself after making sure that everything was set.

Of course he could read the atmosphere and from his boss' aura, he was impatient and wanted them to vacate his office immediately so they could be alone.

As soon as he stepped his foot out of the Chairman's Office, the lock immediately clicked.

Everyone could only look at each other as they had no idea what was exactly going on inside.

"Don't make your imagination to run wild. Or else Master Bai won't let you off. Remember, walls have ears." He reminded them.

Meanwhile, inside his office, Nathan removed his jacket and he strode towards Eunji who was calmly sipping on her ginger tea.

"Ahem! Chairman Bai, what do you want to discuss with me that you wanted it to be in private?" Eunji said calmly but the corner of her lips lifted a bit when she saw him scoffing at him.

"Do you still want to continue your play wifey?" He asked her as he drew his face closer to her.

"What are you talking about, Chairman Bai?" Eunji said as she tried to deny him. Not gonna lie, she wanted to tease him even more.

"You know what I am talking about." He said in his hoarse tone.

"Oh. Well...I don't think what you're talking about." She continued.

"Really?" Nathan raised his brow as he attempted to kiss her but Eunji brought her hands forward and pushed him away as if trying to resist him and her urge to kiss him, too.

Her reaction made him to frown...a little bit.

"Can we talk properly? We're here for that and not for what you're trying to do." She tried to be firm but she was gulping heavily deep down.

Nathan retracted a little to give her space.

Eunji finally could calm down.

"Are you mad that I was not there when you wake up this morning. I left a note telling you where I was. I was really hoping that you won't leave the house but then here you are." Nathan said in a hurt tone but not breaking his gazes off her.

Seeing that there's no way she could continue her little act, Eunji sighed deep down. She was already satisfied with the results she had gotten from him.

He did could recognize her no matter how she looked like.

"Ahm...I'm not mad." She started in her serene voice.

"I did read the note that you left on the bedside table. And I'm sorry that I could not stay there for the entire day. As you could tell, I also have responsibilities just like you do." She said.

"Yes. I could see that. And I'm really surprised to know that you are actually so close but I didn't even realize that." Nathan said apologetically.

"Please don't be sad. I really intended to not let you know where I am. To make you believe that I am dead." She honestly said.

"Had I not bumped into you last time in Paris, then I would not even have this feeling that you're familiar. I wanted to confront you but then you were wearing that mask and sounded different." He said.

"Really?" Eunji's eyes brightened when she heard that.

"But now, even if you wear that golden mask, the fact that I relied on the connection we shared especially last night made me realize that it's you." He added.

"Yeah. It's me. Your wife." She paused as she tried to reach out to him and caressed the back of his palm while trying to hold back the lump in her throat.

"When we bumped into each other in Paris...The fact that you were right in front of me but I still have to hold back myself to not pounce at you and let you know that it's me. Your wife." She continued as she gently rubbed her thumb on top of his hand.

"I'm glad that after all this time that I made you believe that I'm dead, you still had not forgotten about me. That you could still recognize me even if I'm wearing a thousand faces. I felt relieved to know that." She said in relief but the sadness was there.

"Why should I forget you? You are my most cherished and one and only wife. I made a vow in front of everyone that you will only be the last woman that I will love in this lifetime." He paused as he tried to recollect himself.

"My world almost stopped when I thought you were really dead. Good thing the kids are there that made me realize to keep pushing. They wanted me to move on and have a new life with the kids but I don't want to move on from you. I just can't let go of you."

"I know...but things happened that was beyond our control that time which made us to be separated. It's my fault. I misunderstood you."

"No. It was I who caused the misunderstanding. I am at fault here." Nathan held her hand firmly this time as he tried to comfort her.

"We both are at fault to be fair. I just realized that I don't fully trust you as I let the doubt to come in between us and I'm sorry for that." She said.

"Are we going to cry now? Because I don't want to see you cry." He suddenly blurted out which made Eunji to poke his forehead.

"That was off the topic and you're distracting me." She whined at him and pouted after.

"Well, that is clearly my intention that is why I did that. To distract you. Let us not dwell in the past. You are here now and everything will be okay now that you are back with us."

Nathan said as he reached out to hug her. And Eunji let him be. She missed to be enclosed inside his arms to he honest. She's his comfort place.

"Well, honestly, I am hoping that when the time is right, I'll be able to get back to you, you'll accept me still. I'm honestly sorry for what I have done." She expressed making Nathan to look down at her.

"So it was not your plan to show up and reveal yourself to me yesterday in the first place, is that what you are hinting?"

Eunji also looked up at his eyes and she felt hurt for him deep down.

"Yes. It was not the right time for us to meet. Those people whom I offended together with the new one were coming at me. I don't want you and the kids to be involved in my trouble." She sincerely said.

"That's nonsense wifey!" He spat in an angry tone which he immediately apologized right away.

Especially when he felt her flinching inside his embrace.

"No it's okay. I deserve a beating from you." She depressingly said.

"No. I'm sorry okay. I love you you know that. Know that I will never get mad at you nor be angry with you. Never! I'd rather get mad with myself for failing to make you feel secured with me than be angry with you." He said while trying to caress her back. Coaxing her.

"Are you trying to make me feel more guilty then you succeeded hubby." She said with a pout making Nathan to hug her tighter.

He felt very happy to hear his endearment from her.

"No! It's not what I mean." He tried to explain.

"Geez! We really could not have any serious conversation." She added.

"I'm trying. It's just that I really care for you that's why I am like this." He then planted a gentle kiss on top of her head.

"Wifey. I'm sorry if I made you think that I am not that strong to protect you as your other half. That you are more capable to protect yourself than I could. Your strength had made me become insecure to he honest."

"Hubby, I--"

"Shh! Let me finish first. Okay?"

Eunji let him finished what he wanted to tell her.

"I'm not blaming you but it makes me feel that I was left out in that department. You have this strong will that even I your husband would feel insecure. But wifey, I can protect you! You just don't trust me enough that I can do it! No. The right term is that you didn't let me do it for you!"

"I have been telling you since day one that you can be weak with me around. Just let me protect you. And it actually hurts wifey but I won't blame you for that because I know you wanted to protect me and the kids. And I appreciate that. But seeing you suffering alone makes my heart to bleed."

"I could not imagine the emotional toll that these had caused you. Wifey, there's no greater feeling than being protected by the person who loves you. I love you. And I am willing to share this burden with you." He sincerely said.

Eunji was silent for a while as she tried to look for the right words to say.

"Then...starting now, I will not utter words of apology to you. I'll show you my sincere apology with my actions."

"Silly. You know that even before you utter your apology, I have already forgiven you. But I won't stop you from doing what you wanted if that would make you be at ease." He then smiled at her.

"I know that's why I wanted to abuse your grace a little."


"Hubby. I know you are so eager to protect me but you know me. I can protect myself as long as I could. Why don't we just compromise in this department, yeah?"

"I'll call for your help when things would get out of my control. I want to make you feel proud that I can. I want to not just rely on you but with my own abilities, too. I need that for my self growth." She tried her best to explain herself.

It's now Nathan's turn to be speechless as he struggled to find the right words to say to his adorable wife.

"Fine. But if I see that you're in deep trouble, I won't just sit there and let them to bully you. Not on my watch! I don't want you to leave while you're still solving everything. I want you to stay. Please don't leave us again. The thought of losing you made the other half of me to die."

"Thank you. I really appreciate that. I don't want to be away from you and the kids ever again, too. I'll stay. I'm not leaving." She meaningfully said as she grabbed his nape and started to kiss him.

Nathan smiled and welcomed her soft lips against his.

He could feel the tears running down in each other's faces.

They kiss was pure and full of bliss.

Nathan chuckled when he tried to wipe off her face without removing her gold mask.

"Let's remove this, shall we?"

"Yes." Eunji said as she removed the gold mask but let the skin mask that she was wearing to stay.

"You looks now was familiar. You're the woman that little Midori had bumped into when we were strolling near the Eiffel Tower that day, right?"

Since Nathan remembered that incident she also didn't deny that it was her that day.

"Yes. It's me. I felt sorry lying to my boys that I'm not their mommy. Good thing I had made up with it now."

"You mean?"

"I met them yesterday and formally introduced myself to them as their mother." She unapologetically said.

"You mean, they already knew yet they didn't bother telling me?!"

To make him more upset Eunji added, "Mom and Yuki-neechan knew, too."

Nathan felt hurt knowing that he was the last to know that she was alive.

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