The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 308 - 307

Chapter 308 - 307: A Call For Help

Eunji looked at the three journals which she placed on top of her study table and she looked at them with a heavy heart.

'A clone. So that's who am I? A clone.' She repeated in her mind as she stared into space.

Tons of memories were flashing inside her head and she was watching them one by one.

She felt sad and pained as she looked at herself going through everything.

She even started questioning if she had the right to call these memories as her own.

The hardest question was that did everything inside her head...everything that she's looking at now...did they really happen?

Did she even deserve to be happy now?

She started questioning everything after she found out the truth which slapped her so hard.

She's a f*cking clone whose purpose was to replace the original Eunji who was Ana's real sister.

She's not a true human but a clone!

So did this mean that they're not really sisters?

That's what she kept on asking to herself for the past hours that she was stuck inside her room.

She didn't know what to react and how she should react with this truth. She felt numb as the pain overpowered her entire system. It overwhelmed her.

Her entire existence was a lie. She was only a replacement.

If this was a dream, then she wanted someone to come and wake her up from this nightmare.

Meanwhile, even if they were far away from each other, Nathan who was still sitting on his swivel chair with his eyes closed could feel the tension that his wife was feeling therefore he decided to call her.

Beijing was an hour late compared to Seoul but he didn't know that he was actually six hours ahead of her at the moment.

The ring tone from her phone snapped Eunji from her daze.

She started looking for that familiar sound but could not find it and it frustrated her.

Alora could also feel the emotions she was having so it decided to stay silent for a while. To give her space and time to think through things.

But hearing the call, she took the initiative to answer it and transmit the call to the earmonitor.

Alora knew that Eunji needed someone to lean on right now and that person was none other than her husband, Nathan.

"Hello? Wifey, are you okay?" Nathan's worried voice echoed in her ear making Eunji to stop looking for her phone.

'Hubby.' She said in her thought as she found it hard to speak all of a sudden. She knew she could not trust her own voicr to not crack the moment she spoke.

Her hands were still trembling and she could not even control them.

Eunji was torn between telling this to him given that he was also in a very tight position too at the moment.

She didn't know that she had been silent for a while now and this made Nathan to be anxious on the other line.

"Eunji! Don't be like this. Talk to me!" He pleaded anxiously over the phone.

Hearing his voice, Eunji didn't realize that she was already crying until.

"Wifey! Please!" Nathan said as he started to track down her location.

At first, he could not find her location but then a message notification popped up on her computer which meant that it was being hacked.

***I'm Alora. I'm a friend. Mistress is in trouble. You have to come and save her!***

Was the message written on his screen and then it was replaced with the coordinates of where Eunji was.

Upon seeing the coordinates and understanding the meaning of the message, Nathan hurriedly got up from his seat and used his other phone to call his pilot to prepare his private plane as they had to fly to Switzerland immediately even if it's already one in the morning.

He also didn't disconnect the call as he wanted her to stay over the line.

On Alora's perspective, this was the first time that Alora had took the initiative to talk to Nathan and the AI was glad that it went well. That he got the message of calling for help.

Even if Alora was an AI with a digital form and not a person, it was programmed by Eunji to have emotions so it was not only a program but a friend she could rely on.

A friend that would never betray her no matter what would happen unless someone hacked it and changed its algorithms and made it to go against her.

Alora knew that Eunji might be upset when she would find out what she had done but the poor AI was left with no choice.

Eunji was not in a good mental state to begin with.

The fact that she was a clone, she should be perfect like a robot right?

But Eunji wasn't. She had a weakness, too. Having a poor emotional state was one thing and it affected her mental health.

Alora really hoped that its mistress would continue reading the journal so it would also know what was going on. It didn't have eyes but can hear as long as Eunji will activate it with her voice.

Good thing Eunji didn't shut it off before she started reading so it heard her saying that she's a clone.

Alora really wanted to help its mistress. So Alora decided to give Nathan a heads up of what was going on with Eunji so he would know how to comfort her in situation like this.

Meanwhile, Nathan was giving instructions to Marco and Tang Hao over a video call on what to do while he would be away. He was also driving his car going to the airport.

Though Nathan didn't tell them why he was leaving the country in a hurry, they both knew the reason behind this, their Lady Boss.

The two assistant had no other choice but to shoulder the great responsibility for the meantime.

While Marco gave an optimistic response, Tang Hao's response was somewhat out of character. This didn't go unnoticed to Nathan but since he was in a hurry to be with his wife, Nathan passed a secret task to watch over Bai Corp. too for him.

Nathan knew that the job was already too much for his assistant to handle so even if he didn't want to call a friend for help.

Master Mo who was waken up by his sudden call answered, "Nate. What happened? Are you alright? Are you driving?"

He asked when he could hear the car honking on the highway.

"First Bro." Nathan spoke over the phone.

Mo Jing-sheng's expression turned serious immediately after he heard Nathan's voice.

So he got up from the bed and went into the balcony to continue their conversation.

"Speak." He said when he reached there.

Nathan wasted no time and explained to him what happened including the favor that he would be asking from him.

"Is that all?" Mo Jing-sheng asked Nathan after he listened to Nathan.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Okay. Go and be with your wife. I'll watch over your empire while you are away." Mo Jing-sheng said with a yawn.

Kelly who was sleeping soundly also woke up when she felt her husband's absence beside her and so she got up and started looking for him.

Seeing that her husband didn't even bother grabbing a robe to wrap around his body to protect him from the cold weather outside, Kelly could tell that the conversation must be really serious and it could be Nathan whom he was talking to on the phone.

Kelly then went and grabbed the robes and wrapped one for herself and the other one for Master Mo.

She then slowly slid the door to the balcony open and the cold wind welcomed her face making her to shiver.

Realizing how cold it was outside, she immediately wrapped the robe around Mo Jing-sheng's body making the latter to jolt but smiled when he saw her worried face.

"Alright Nate. Stay safe. Keep me posted." He said.

He really wanted to tell Nathan that they could count on them with Eunji's problems too. After Kelly married into the Mo Family, they also considered Eunji, who was Kelly's best friend to be one of their members.

But seeing that Kelly was around, he dared not to utter anything related to Eunji as he didn't want her to worry.

Little did he know that Kelly was already worried for her best friend's situation.

Kelly thought that because they had found out that she was alive, she would contact her but in the end, she didn't. This made her upset and sad.

When the call ended Master Mo turned his attention to her who seemed to be trapped in her own mind.

He then gently wrapped his long arms around her body making her to jolt and looked up at him.

"You seemed to be trapped inside your mind. What's wrong?" He said as he ushered her back inside their room.

"Nothing. Was that brother-in-law?" She asked.

"Yes." Mo Jing-sheng answered with a sigh.

"So he now finally realized that he could count on us, too?" She asked in sarcasm.josei

"If Nate would hear you now, he would surely beat you into pulp." He said as he pinched the tip of her nose making her to pout in pain.

"I can't help not to criticize him. We are his friends. We treated him as a family but he treated us like we are some sort of accessories? Family should help each other in solving or saving a member out from trouble. That's how family works right? Not the other way around." She explained her side.

"Oh? Why do I feel like you have a different meaning behind this little tantrum?" He asked.

"Why do I feel like the issue is not really about Nathan's treatment to us but something else?" He continued asking since Kelly only answered her with silence.

"Silly. It's because he cared for us so much that he didn't want us to be implicated. I have known Nathan for years and he's the type of person who would be so stubborn to not ask for help as long as he could still carry the weight on his shoulder. Does that ring a bell?" He asked her making Kelly to scrunch her nose as Mo Jing-sheng hit the spot.

"Yeah. And he happened to be paired with an equally stubborn woman!" She emotionally emphasized making her husband to chuckle because he now finally got her.

"Darling tell me. Are they really okay?" She finally asked.

"Darling, I'm in no position to pry in their married life but all I can say is that they are still not out of the pit yet. They're still in the toughest times in their lives. But as long as they're together, they'll get through it." He meaningfully said.

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