The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 309 - 308

Chapter 309 - 308: Together Again

As soon as Nathan landed, Nathan immediately hopped out of the plane and then got inside the limo which had been waiting for him for two hours.

As soon as he got in together with his four security escorts, the car immediately left the airport and drove off towards their destination. They were accompanied by security envoys arranged by his contact here in Switzerland.

He was in a heavy mood especially after the call got disconnected and Alora no longer gave him updates of what was going on with Eunji.

Nathan looked like a handsome grim reaper because of the dark circles around his eyes.

He was not able to catch some sleep during the entire flight from Beijing to Geneva, Switzerland.

All of his thoughts were concentrated to Eunji. He was really worried about her.

What if she would do something stupid and would leave him again?

The thought alone made him restless the entire time.

It's okay for him to lose all the material things he possessed in this world but he would definitely go nuts if it would be his wife.

"Hang in there Wifey. Hang in there." He mumbled.

Nathan had to wait half an hour more of driving before he and his companions reached to where she was.

They entered a gated community whom only reach people could own a property inside.

The guards on the main gate were so polite to let them in. But it would be a different story when they reached Eunji's place.

The car slowed down after they saw an huge gate which prevented them from getting inside. This was located at the end of the road, the farthest side of the compound where in the property screamed more than gold in prize.

The gate alone was already the representation of how expensive and luxurious the entire property behind it actually.

*Honk! Honk!* the driver pressed the horn when they got closer to the gate to let their arrival be known.

After a couple of minutes, the guard accompanied by two others who were also KSA agents got out of the gate to check their identity.

From their posture alone, it was clear that they were well-trained agents and they were raising their guard up against Nathan's security envoy ahead of him.

Then Nathan's driver rolled down the window to talk to see what's going on.

However, the leader of the three was so stubborn to acknowledge their identity and let them inside.

Nathan intervened in their conversation and he talked to the driver first.

"What's going on?" He asked his driver in French.

"They won't let us in Master." The driver gulped as he tried to explain. The poor driver felt the suffocating oppression from Nathan's body and this made him want to vomit.

Nathan then looked at the guard who stand proudly outside.

Nathan then rolled down the window so he could talk to them.

As soon as the leader saw Nathan, he too came closer.

"Let us in. You might not know this yet but I am the husband of the lady currently staying inside. And I have flown all the way to Beijing just to be by her side! So let me in or you will regret it afterwards!" Nathan said with his emotion rising from start to finish. His aura was very intimidating but kudos to this guard who was able to stand Nathan's oppression.

Whatever they were doing inside the KSA training camp was probably top notch as it could be seen through their fearless agents.

"I'm sorry Sir but the Mistress strictly prohibits us to let anyone in. I'm only doing my job. You are placing me in a tight spot, Sir." Though he still sounded polite, it was obvious that he was also starting to be irritated with Nathan's presence.

Nathan's presence was indeed very intimidating but he could still handle it.

What he said was indeed true and Eunji didn't give them a heads up with their arrival.

And also, not everyone in the KSA knew that she was already married to someone and even already a mother of four children.

"You know what? Your boss is my wife. And I'm her husband. So who am I to you? Isn't it I am your boss, too?" Nathan's question made the guard to chuckle with mockery.

He had become confident because he thought he was right.


Eunji snapped out from her daze when she heard a series of knocks coming from the door.

Just like Nathan, she was awake the whole night. A lot was running in her mind that prevented her from sleeping.

Should she go back to her family? Did she even have the rights to call them her family?

These kinds of thoughts kept on running inside her head.

Eunji then looked at the door and she slowly got up to answer it as it started to annoy her, too.

As soon as she opened, a nervous young woman greeted her. She was the daughter of the caretaker of the house.

The young woman suddenly became in daze when she saw Eunji's raw beauty.

No one could blame her for this reaction because the moment Eunji arrived in this house couple of days ago, her mother strictly prohibited her and the rest of the agents to never wander around this side of the house so they won't disturb Eunji.

Majority of the KSA agents who had also became part-time caretakers of this property didn't even got the chance to get a glimpse of Eunji. Well except from the lucky guy who happened to be in the garage the other day.

However, he didn't share his experience to the others. His mouth was shut.

Meanwhile, the young woman suddenly became nervous especially when she saw Eunji's annoyed expression.

"I told your mother to not let anyone disturb me unless the world will end!" She said in an annoyed tone making the poor daughter to step back and clench her palm to gather the courage to survive this overwhelming presence.

"I'm so-rry M-mistress. My mother's not around and something's going on outside." She said.

She won't bother her should her mother was around the mansion. Unfortunately, her mom went to the market to buy some groceries so she had no other choice but to be here.

Unlike her mom who had become one of the KSA agent on her latter years, she's only an ordinary young lady who had just graduated from high school. So no one prepared her for this.

"A group of armed men wants to get inside the gate. The rest are already on standby for an incoming ambush." She continued however Eunji was by chance not interested in it.

"Let them solve it by themselves. Don't disturb me again or I'll kill you!" She threatened making the little girl to gulp in fear.


Eunji then slammed the door shut behind her not letting the young woman to complete what she wanted to say.

But then she opened it once again as something had been stirred deep inside her.

"Who are they?" She asked seriously making the young lady to jolt while she was walking and then turned around to face her.

"I don't know yet Mistress. They are still talking outside. I rushed here in a hurry in case trouble will happen." She tried to explain and Eunji nodded and closed the door.

Meanwhile, outside...

"You said you're her husband? But we are not informed that she's even married. How can I trust your words? What if you're one of those enemies who are after my Mistress?" He asked making Nathan to lose it.

"If I am indeed one of her enemies, I won't waste my time talking to you. You and your mates should have been shot dead by either me or my men the moment you three stepped out of that gate. Where's your common sense?!" Nathan lectured the man.

"Now let us in or we will crash this limo into the gate to force our entrance. One more thing, MY WIFE...she's very overprotective and possessive like me. If she knew I made my driver to hit the gate with this limo just so we could forcely get in, is your loyalty enough to save your little life from her wrath?"


"Good. So open the DAMN GATE BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND TO NOT KILL YOU!" Nathan said in rage making him to retreat and finally ran back to his spot.josei

Yes, the KSA agents were all trained to be fearless against any adversaries but there's one person they feared the most. And that was their Big Boss.

If what Nathan said was true then he was doomed even if he would reason that he was only doing his job when questioned.

He then opened the gate and Nathan's driver wasted no time and drove the car inside.

As they got in, ten KSA agents stood guard on their position to welcome them with their guns pointing especially at the limo.

Nathan's escorts were also tensed. It was pretty obvious that their presence were not welcomed here.

They slowly got out of the cars with their guns on their hands just in case someone would fire at them.

Nathan's escorts were clearly in a disadvantage but they didn't care. They were tasked to protect him by their boss at all cost.

Nathan was the first one to got out of the limo even if his men told him that it was dangerous to act recklessly.

But Nathan sensed no danger and shoved them out of his way as he was in a hurry to be with his wife.

As soon as he came out, he then told his escorts and his men to not shoot and put their guns down.

There's clearly a misunderstanding and everything will be fine later on.

His actions even made the KSA agents to be surprised, too. They were ready to fire should they shown aggressiveness but with Nathan's behavior, he seemed to be telling the truth.

As he tried to enter the house, one of the KSA agents tried to stop him but Nathan's protective men shoved him away.

The tension between parties had risen once again.

"Put down your guns d*mn it! If my wife will be stressed out because of this then I won't spare your lives!" He angrily said.

Nathan then held the door knob and was about to open it but before he did, someone swung it open from the inside.

"What the he-- Hubby?" Was the question Eunji spoke as soon as she saw Nathan standing by her doorstep.

However, her blood boiled in rage as soon as she saw her men pointing their guns towards him.

"Put down your weapons! Dare to point those filthy guns towards my husband and you will suffer from my wrath!"

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