The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 346 - 344

Chapter 346 - 344: Officially Divorced

"Big brother, do you really want to go and meet them?" Luo Mian asked Luo Tian.

He was unsure if they would trust them or not.

"We have nothing to lose now, Ah Mian. Since they come to us. They want something from us and I don't know what that is. But I'm going to grab this opportunity for a come back." Luo Tian answered his brother's question.

Luo Tian was so tired of hiding like a rat. He no longer want this situation he was in.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Luo Mian asked him.

"No. There's no need for that. I can handle this." Luo Tian reassured.

"Okay. Up to you." Luo Mian said.

Luo Mian left the safe house where he and his brother were staying. He and the people he was going to meet had agreed to meet over a coffee meeting.

Since he was being wanted as a criminal now, Luo Tian was given the opportunity to choose for their meeting place which was close to the safe house.

Luo Tian used the car that his friend had lent to him and drove to an underground bar as their meeting place. His allied friend owned the place and he felt safe meeting them there.

It was already seven in the evening when he arrived which also meant that the bar had already opened and their patrons were already inside.

Luo Tian walked in alone and in disguise.

When he entered the bar, he was led into the underground part of the bar where he would be waiting for them.

His friend had suggested this to him for his own safety, too.

Luo Tian waited for five more minutes before he heard some movements outside.

Soon, the door opened and three men armed with high calibre pistols inserted on their hips walked in followed by a guy which was wearing a fedora hat.

"Are you really Mr. Francais Monet?" Luo Tian asked as soon as he saw the man's face.

Of course he knew who this man was. That's why he was very shocked to see him.

Did this mean that he was guy who wanted to help him?

If that's the case, there's hope for him and Luo Mian.

"Mr. Luo! It's an honor to finally meet you." Francais said with a smile.

"No! I'm honored to meet you here, Mr. Monet." Luo Tian offered his hand for a handshake and he was gladly reciprocated by the latter.

"Just call me Francais. Mr. Monet is so formal. Let's have a seat, shall we?" He said and Luo Tian did, too.

As soon as they had seated, the bar waiter came in to offer them the best drink in the house.

They took their order and the waiter said that it's on their boss so Luo Tian need not to worry about it even if he could still afford paying himself and Mr. Monet a drink.

"I am really shocked to see the very infamous French Mafia Don and knowing that it's actually you whom I am meeting now, it's really a surprise for me!" Luo Tian was clearly overwhelmed by this news and he could not contain the happiness that he was feeling as it radiated through him.

"I'm glad that my presence made you this happy, Mr. Luo. I won't beat around the bush. I'm here because I'm offering you a help that I know you and your brother badly needed right now." Francais straightforwardly said.

"And I'm here to listen to it. I'm all ears."

"Good. I like that attitude. Anyways. I'll be giving you enough finances and will help you clear your name from being an international wanted criminal and make your name be removed from the Interpol Watchlist."

"What's the catch?" Luo Tian said.

"Listen, we have one enemy in common Mr. Luo and that person is non other than Nathaniel Bai." Francais said while observing how Luo Tian would react upon hearing Nathan's name.

And he was not wrong when he saw how Luo Tian's body language shifted upon the mention of Nathan's name.

"I know what you meant by that Francais. If given a chance, I will crash the man under my feet!" He said with pure anger in his voice.

"Good! I'm glad that we're on the same page. So, is it a deal?" Francais offered his hand for a closing handshake and Luo Tian took it without any hesitation.


After they sealed the deal, Francais' assistant remained so they could have a thorough discussion with their deal.

To make their agreement legally binding, they even signed a contract to that.

After the assistant and the rest of Francais' men left the room, Luo Tian laughed maniacally after he received such a wonderful news.

His mood had become lighter when he walked out of the bar and drove back to the safe house.

"How was it, Big Brother?" Luo Mian asked the moment Luo Tian walked in the door.

However, instead of directly answering him, Luo Tian only responded with a smile.

"Prepare yourself. One of these days, we will be going back home." Luo Tian said after a while.

"What? Can we really do that? What about the cases and the rewards placed on our heads. We can't be reckless."

"Who said that we will be forever wanted criminals?" Luo Tian hinted.

Then he left and went inside his room while whistling a happy tune in the air.

Meanwhile, Ana was still stuck inside the white room where she had been confined right after she woke up.

Not only that, her hands and feet were chained in the steel bed.

"Hello Ana. How are you today?" Dr. Frank Albert asked but Ana was just looking in the air rather than paying attention to him.

Though the Big Boss had ordered him to start Ana's hard training, he suggested to delay it a few more days to give him more time to monitor her.

"If you'll continue to be like this, I'll be forced to do something that will surely hurt you."

"What else do you want from me? I want to go out of here!" Ana said like she was throwing a tantrum.

"Well, if you'll be a good girl, they might let you out." Dr. Albert said.

Francais wanted her to be totally obedient to him.

Their method had worked for only a few days. However, her strong personality had overcame it and they could not control her.

The good thing was that they were sure that her original memories were now gone and she now have new set of memories.

However, they had no idea why her personality changed from being a good girl to being an aggressive one.

Until she was diagnosed to have developed an alter ego to defend herself from the people who were trying to harm her.

They never expected this to happen at all.

The problem was that they could not control this new alter.

And also this alter had some recollection about her past.

And the alter's name was Asia.

Little did they knew that Asia had already existed inside Ana's mind for a long time.

And now that Ana had lost any recollection of who she was, Asia which had been dormant for a long time had taken over.

And one thing they noticed about Asia was she was more violent than Ana.

"Being a good girl? No way! I'm not as weak as this Anastasia." Asia spat.

"And oh please! Don't try to confuse me with those cheap memories, they only made me want to puke." She continued.

"Listen Asia, you better let Ana out now or I'll hurt you both."

"Ha! Hurt me? You don't know what kind of hell I have experienced while being inside of her for a long time." She said.

"I see."

"And it's all because of that Evelina!"

What Asia had said picked Dr. Albert's interest.

"Oh, you hated her? My boss hates her, too. So why don't you cooperate with him and together, get even with her." He had an idea who Evelina was because he had came across her name while he read on Nam Joon's journal.

That's when he found out who Evelina was he now had a clear understanding with things.

And knowing that Asia was hating on Eunji, that was a good news to them.

They might not make her become obedient to them, they could use this hatred she had to make her realize that they're her ally.

"I do hate her. However, I will never work with you to get even with her. I can do it myself." She said.

"How can you do it when you're locked up in here? The only solution you have now is to become a good girl and do what my master say so that you'll regain your freedom again."

The offer was very tempting for Asia. And it was up to her if she would grab it or continue to be stubborn.

"I don't about you but if I were you? I'll grab this offer with no hesitation."

"Hahahhahahha!" Asia only laughed at him.

Then Asia's gaze had become full of killing intent making Dr. Albert to shiver.

"Do you really think you can easily convince me through those words? Work a little harder sweetie pie." She paused as she checked him out from head to foot.

"I might consider agreeing with you should you remove the nano-chip implanted inside my head." She said.

While Anastasia was negotiating with her doctor, on Nathan and Ana's side, things could be described as strange.

Nathan and Eunji went into the civil affairs bureau the following morning to file for their divorce. Nathan was calm and so was Eunji.

As for their children, they have agreed to co-parent with all of their children.

After they were done in the civil affairs bureau, Eunji and Nathan went out and left the place separately.

As soon as their respective cars left the building, a white car which had been parked not too far rolled down the window and the person on the passenger seat of the car took his phone and dialed the number of their boss.

"Hello Boss. Confirmed, Nathan and his wife had filed their divorce."josei

The person on the other end of the line was actually Frederick who was still in South Korea hoping to meet Eunji there.

"What?! Are you sure?"

"Yes Boss! They even went out with a sad face and left the bureau on a separate car." He said.

"That's not enough. Go and check it inside then call me again." Frederick instructed.

"I understand Boss."

Frederick was so happy after receiving such wonderful news.

Then he was sure that Nathan was such an idiot for letting go of his wife.

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