The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 347 - 345

Chapter 347 - 345: You're Still Mine After The Divorce

After getting on his car, Nathan called Eunji over the phone.

"So are we really not going to meet tonight?" He asked.

"Yes. We have to do it." Eunji firmly said.

After hearing Eunji's response, Nathan turned off the call.

He was still upset about this divorce.

However he trusted Eunji about this.

She had a plan. That's what she had told him last night making him to agree.

Nathan still didn't go home to their mansion. He went straight to the office and decided to sleep again in the lounge for the following weeks.

"Master Boss. Are you okay?" Marco asked the most stupid question ever in situations like this.

"Please leave me alone." He said as he slumped his body in the couch.

Marco had no other choice but to obey his boss.

He knew that Nathan needed space to think things over.

Since it was still early, Nathan spent his hours on checking up those piled up documents on his desk.

When the sun finally kissed the city skyline goodnight, Nathan stopped what he was doing.

He then got up and went to his bar fridge and took a bottle of champagne from it.

He then turned off the lights and had decided to switch the scene in his LED wall with the actual scene outside.

Nathan was left alone and bathing in the darkness of his office.

His left was holding the champagne bottle while his right was the champagne glass as he poured himself a drink.

Nathan was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realize someone getting inside his office.

A woman wearing a nude-colored dress walked inside his office.

Nathan was about to drink another shot but a hand stopped him.

He angrily looked up to see who dared to stop him. Then his expression turned softer when he realized who it was.

Eunji felt bad looking at Nathan's condition.

If she have not decided to drop by, Nathan would be alone for the night, drowning with alcohol.

"That's enough. You should not drink anymore." Eunji said as she sensed that Nathan was almost wasted.

"Why? I want to celebrate. I'm now officially single today. You should celebrate, too. After all, your single again, too." Nathan drunkenly answered.

"That's enough! You should not hurt yourself over this. Our divorce won't be forever. This will only be temporary." She comforted him.

Hearing that, Nathan's eyes lit up with hope.

He really thought that Eunji and him was over. Eunji didn't tell him about this that's why he was acting like this.

Eunji hugged Nathan to comfort him.

"Why are you even here? I thought you didn't want us to meet tonight." He asked her.

"Yes. I did say that we can't meet tonight. But I can still meet you as Devie, right? I only mean that we can no longer be spotted together while I'm in my true appearance. However, we can still meet while I'm on a disguise." She patiently explained to him.

"Then why do we have to divorce if we would still see each other anyway?" Nathan was like a curious kid who needed all of his questions to be answered or else, he won't stop asking.

"Do I really have to answer your question?" She asked.

"Yes!" Nathan childishly answered.

"First, they now knew that I existed. Therefore, they knew who I am. And the fact that they didn't want us to be together drove me to come up with this idea." Eunji paused to heave a deep sigh before she continued.

"Second, I want to use my full name the next time we took our marriage certificates again."

That's what Eunji thought.

They got married while there were many secrets between them.

This time, Eunji wanted to start all over again with him. That was her other reason why she had come up with the idea of divorcing their marriage.

And besides, her suspicion was right all along.

Someone had been keeping on taps with them.

Alora had reported that a car had been following them earlier when they were in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Now, she was hoping that with their marriage being over, they would stop following her.

That was her plan from the very beginning.

With their children kept in a much safer place and not with them, no one could spoil their plan.

Now, Eunji was even considering to find someone who would act as her so this divorce and her disguise would be believable.

Nathan immediately sobered up the moment he heard her second explanation.


"Of course! I have never given you any false promises in the past. I'm always true to my words." She said.

"So, you better stop drinking and let's plan for our next step." She continued.

However, Nathan had other plans in mind.

Eunji didn't realize that they would end up tangled on his bed again tonight and tomorrow morning would be another sore day for her.

With their clothes scattered on the floor, Eunji was still trying to insist that they should talk first before doing any sparring sessions.

But Nathan didn't listen to her plea. He went on for a wild ride.

The following morning, Eunji woke up with many kissmarks all over her body and very sore down there.

Nathan really always liked to leave his marks on her body.

Eunji felt betrayed especially when she saw him freshly showered and was now tying his tie around his neck while there she was having a sore body while lying on his bed.

"Good morning!" He greeted her especially when he saw that she was in a bad mood.

Especially when she felt her head throbbing.

She remembered clearly that it was Nathan who was drunk last night.

But now, why does she felt like she was the one who had a bottle of champagne last night.

Yes, she had become drunk last night. But it was not with alcohol though but with his love.

"..." silence greeted Nathan. However, this didn't stop him from walking towards the bed and then leant towards her for his morning kiss.

"I already asked Marco to drop by at the mansion to get our breakfast and then bring it here." He continued.

However, the only response that he got was another poker face.

"Look, I'm sorry for how we ended last night. I was just so happy to know that it was not the end of us." Nathan expressed.

"I never said that we're over just because I asked for a divorce." She said the obvious thing that Nathan had missed since yesterday.

That was right. She had never said that to him.

He had just misunderstood her and become overdramatic.

Eunji then went out of the bed and then looked for her clothes.

But then she realized that the clothes she had worn yesterday were all torn and done for.

Eunji threw Nathan a sharp gaze because Nathan had torn her favorite outfit.

"Don't worry. I'll buy you a new pair of those if you wanted to." He immediately said after he realized what he had done.

"Your clothes are in the closet. There's also a new set of underwear in there." He added and then smiled when he saw her heaving a sigh of relief.

"Can I use your bathroom? I feel the need to shower." She asked making Nathan to chuckle.josei

"Of course you can! There's a new toothbrush that you could use in the cabinet behind the mirror. Also, you may grab some shower essentials in the cabinet if you don't like using mine. I have them all stocked up just in case you'll come by. There's also an extra bathrobe inside. I already prepared them for you."

Eunji didn't mind covering her body and walked towards Nathan's bathroom.

When she went out from the shower, she could smell the strong scent of spices from the food that Marco had probably brought.

Eunji walked towards the closet to pick her clothes.

Eunji chose the white blazer and it's paired pants. She also chose an A-cut neckline satin blouse with a spaghetti strap to wear under it.

Good thing the shoes that she had worn yesterday could go well with her outfit today.

After that, she went into the vanity mirror and then she grabbed her bag to get her emergency skin care essentials.

She also covered up those visible kissmarks on her neck with her concealer cream.

After pampering her face, Eunji then took her bag and opened it.

She took the pouch which contained her extra skin mask of the same face.

Eunji had made it a habit to change her skin mask after a number of usage. And it had now reached the limit.

Eunji then went out of the lounge and saw Nathan watching the news on TV with a deep frown on his forehead.

"The multi-billionaire businessman and his then ex-wife, Kim Eunji had reportedly filled a divorce approximately three years after their marriage." The news caster reported in the television screen.

"Why the h*ll would they pry on someone else's private matters?!" Nathan angrily asked.

"I'm not even surprised that the news about us came out just like that."

"Why are you so calm about this? Aren't you afraid that this would reach to Seoul and our children would learn about this? I don't want our children to be hurt!" Nathan's emotions had skyrocketed to the roof.

"Relax! It's still too early in the morning to get all worked up. Don't worry. I have the situation under control." Eunji reassured.

She then sat down on the sofa opposite him.

Of course she didn't want her kids to be hurt so before they went to the Civil Affairs Bureau yesterday, she made a call to her children back home to explain the situation in the coming days.

Yes, she had discussed the topic of divorce to her children and she also told them that it would be temporary.

Though the topic was unfamiliar to the trio, they were all smart kids so they immediately caught up on what their mother was explaining to them.

When everything's over, Nathan and her would definitely remarry.

Her promise put them at ease and they trusted her judgment over these things.

"I saw someone else's car following us yesterday and I believe that the news scoop probably came out from them." She said.

As soon as the news ended, Nathan's phone had blown up with calls from their close friends and extended family members.

They were all worried for Nathan.

Then, Marco's phone also rang making the latter to pick it up and answered it.

"Master Boss, the PR team are receiving media conference requests from the major media TV stations in the country. They wanted you to release a statement about this." Marco said after receiving the call.

Marco and Eunji waited on Nathan's response about this.

"What's the plan next?" Nathan asked Eunji instead.

"Tell them the truth," was Eunji's simple answer to him.

Nathan balled his palm into a tight fist and then closed his eyes.

"Do what your lady boss says." Though Nathan was upset, he still obeyed his wife and Marco complied to his order, too.

The latter then excused himself to take on the matter seriously.

They had decided to not hold a press conference but instead release an official statement regarding the matter.

They could bombard Nathan with many questions. However, they could not do that to her since they barely knew about her identity.

Now that she had laid down her traps, the next step to do was to wait on what their opponents would do next.

She wondered if they would do her name dirty or not.

After they were left alone, Nathan then stood up and walked towards her direction.

He then leaned on towards her ear and he whispered.

"Even if we're divorced now, you're still mine, okay?"

"And you're still mine. Our souls are still bound forever." She whispered to him back.


Nathan then sat down and lifted Eunji's body so she could sit on his lap.

"How do we explain these to our friends? They deserved to know about this. We can't just leave them in the dark, can we?"

"Your three friends are enough for now." She said.

Though he was not sure why she chose to keep this to the rest, he trusted his wife.

"So, what would be our endearment then?"

"Switch back to our former endearment. I miss that. Or I could call you Oppa?" She said teasing him.

"I choose the latter." He answered.

"Why? Don't you like the being called Oppa? It's cute though."

"Oh please no. It's just my preference you know." He answered.

"So, how should I call you when you're like that? I can't just call you Eunji, right?"

"Just call me Miss Im. Debie Im."

"Why not Devie? Your people back in South Korea recognized you as Devie." Nathan curiously asked.

"Not Devie because I'm Devie underneath the gold mask. For now, I like to play the little homewrecker role. Don't worry, I'll talk my people to call me with this new alias. It's easy for me to control them, you know."

Nathan could only chuckle and shook his head after learning how fast Eunji could pick up names as her alias.

"Don't be surprised, I do this a lot back then. We must not reveal our true name or else we're doomed." She tried to explain herself to him.

"Fine! Open your mouth."

Eunji did what she was told and Nathan started feeding her breakfast.

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