The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 349 - 347

Chapter 349 - 347: Bad Day For Eunji

The issue of their divorce was still the hottest topic in town and on every media including the social media.

Fortunately, the impact didn't cause much damage to Nathan's reputation and his companies.

It all thanks to the official statements they had both released.

Those statements helped in clearing Nathan's name against the issue of third party since Eunji didn't mention adultery as the cause of their divorce.

However, she knew that a lot of people were waiting to prove their speculations right.

Things may go ugly for the next few days or weeks depending on how their enemies' reaction.

However, Eunji had already made sure that whatever issues would arise in the future, Nathan's companies would be kept safe including his reputation as a man.

Since Nathan was now officially single, many daughters of those rich and influential businessmen were trying to ask their fathers for a chance of a meeting with him.

Eunji and Nathan had decided to stay at one of the exclusive apartment which she had recently bought and now owned instead of staying on Nathan's room in his office.

Nathan and Eunji had started their day quite early. It was still six in the morning and Nathan was now having a shower after they were done eating their breakfast.

Meanwhile, Eunji had decided to sit down on their bed with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand.

She was browsing on her phone. Checking all current events to keep herself updated with the latest news including the latest entertainment gossips.

She had to know if there were issues or scandals that might hurt Celine so she could act fast and send help immediately.

Eunji was sipping her hot chocolate when she read the news that the Luo Brothers' cases were dismissed making them to be innocent.

In fact, they were scheduled to fly back to Beijing today.

Eunji could not believe what she had just read. And it seems like the article was legitimate including the informations contained in the article.

Therefore, she called Alora to ask if the latter had any idea about this.

"Yes, Eomma?" Alora asked cautiously as it was pretty clear from Eunji's voice that she was angry.

"What's going on?" Eunji calmed down her voice a little.

"Eomma, seems like they had found ways to escape from their crimes this time."

"I know. However that's not the reason why I summoned you. I want to know how did that even happen?"

"I'm still not sure how. They had gone incognito after they arrived in the US. They had never used their mobile phones, their computers and sent any emails." Alora inhaled and then continued.

"It seems like they knew that we're spying on them. So they resorted to this means. There's one way that I could think of which they used to escape from our watchful eyes. It was either they were using burner phones or sending messages through pigeons."

"Seriously? Are you trying to make me laugh?" Eunji scoffed in disbelief.

Though both cases were possible, who would dare to go old-fashioned and send messages through pigeons? Therefore, using burner phones was much probable over the latter.

"Or whoever the person who is helping them now must be the one responsible for this." Eunji said as she closed her eyes while trying to guess the identity of their benefactor.

"Do you know where Luo Tian and Luo Mian are currently staying at the monet? Like who are helping them, now?"

"Negative. After they arrived in the US, they were so careful with their movements. Seems like they had also hired a hacker to securely erase their traces completely while I was down."

Jane understood that there it was already beyond Alora's control.

"However their last detected signal location was near Frederick Heart's base."

"I see. That make sense then. He or the person behind Frederick must be behind this." Eunji then stood up and continued, "Or, he could be behind this."

"Make a list of gangs who had any form of relationships with the Luo Brothers over the past decade. Be it an ally, a business partner or project partners, etc. I'm pretty sure one of them is helping him."

"Alright Mommy. Alora will do that."

Eunji was so sure that the person who was helping them must be have enough influence to even make the awk's feathers turn white.

After all, those who have enough influence and power could disrupt any levels of justice system with their money.

Nathan came out from the shower and frowned when he saw Eunji's creased forehead.

"What's wrong? You-"

However, before he could even continue asking her, his questions were already answered by the email notification coming from Marco who was giving him a heads-up about the current situation.

So, Nathan slowly approached Eunji and he gave her a back hug.

"It's okay. I know we can get even with them, soon." She said.

"That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about Yuki-neechan and Angelina. With this current development, I'm sure that they're upset upon receiving this news." Eunji said with a pout.

"You may be right. However, you could be wrong, too. I'm sure they're not that affected with this. After all, they're not born weak."

"Oh my!" Alora spoke which got Eunji's attention.

"Why?" Eunji suddenly spoke and then transfered Alora's voice to the speakers on the four corners of their room.

"Mommy, seems like Frederick Heart was preparing for an engagement."

"Interesting. Who's the unlucky bride to be?" Eunji curiously asked.

"You will not believe this, Mommy. The bride is none other than you!"


"Are you certain about that Alora?!" Nathan was angry, too. Who wouldn't?

No man, especially a jealous type like him would want to hear his lover to be someone else's bride.

It's a total nightmare to him.

"Hai! A hundred percent, Dad. Mommy's name was written in one of the invitation letter." Alora said.

Nathan was very angry that he wanted to storm out of the room and look for Frederick and confront the man straight away.

He completely forgotten that he was only wearing his bathrobe and completely naked underneath.

"Relax. I don't think it's me. It's Ana." Eunji uttered in realization.

This even shocked Nathan more.

Those people were beyond evil! They were taking advantage of the fact that Ana had lost her memory. What kind of person who would come up with that despicable idea?

Eunji's face had turned cold and she had become silent making Nathan to worry that Eunji would start shutting everyone out and would not even let him in inside her thought.

Nathan helped her to sit down back to the bed.

"Are you okay?" Nathan made sure to ask her even with the most stupid question.

"When is the engagement party?" Eunji asked after a moment of pause.

It was clear that she was caught off-guard with this.

She never expected this to happen.

'Ha! So this is their main agenda why they wanted to separate me and Nathan. But why? What's their plan?'

Eunji blinked her eyes as she tried to refocus herself.

"There's no official statement yet. However, they're starting to send out invitations starting next week."

"Do you want to attend it?"

Of course her name was written in the invitation therefore she had to attend, right?

Nathan asked but Eunji only gave him silence as an answer.

Even if Eunji didn't utter a single word it was pretty obvious that she would go.

"What if it's a trap?" Nathan told her the possibility that the engagement might be a trap.

"Maybe. But I don't care! I have to stop the engagement. I don't feel good about this engagement!" Eunji had already decided.

"Calm down, please." Nathan rubbed Eunji's back gently before he continued, "We'll find the safest way to do that, okay? Let's not make reckless decisions especially when we're not calm."

"I'm calm," she refuted him.

"Yes, you're calm." Nathan had no other choice but to agree on what Eunji was saying especially that it was obvious that she's greatly affected by this news.

Eunji stood up, grabbed the bathrobe lying on the couch and then she started walking towards the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Nathan asked.

"Shower? Why, do you want to come?" She asked him back.

"Can I?"

"Behave! My body's still sore from our sparring session last night. You better change into your office suit now so you won't be late."

It's still very early in the morning. Nathan still had an hour left. And besides, this new place was near to his office. So, getting late was close to impossible.

"Are you sure?" Nathan teased at the same time he was heaving a sigh of relief because seems like Eunji seemed to be fine.

She was acting normal again which was obviously abnormal.

Alora had told him about these tendencies during their one on one talk last time.

Nathan wanted to know how Eunji was doing emotionally. So he could assist her better in tough situations like this.

Even if Master Liu was there to help her with therapy, meditation and acupuncture, it seemed that it had only worked a little for Eunji.

Master Liu had told him that the constant worry and stress caused by the situation they were in were stopping Eunji to heal completely.

Master Liu had also advised Nathan to not stop Eunji from doing what she wanted to do as long as it won't cause physical harm to herself.

Eunji had already instilled in her mind that she would only be fine if she could solve the problem herself.

There were times that she's okay. And she might be able to overcome little to big set backs. However, there would be a point where in she would snap completely and that's what they should be careful for.

This was also the reason why Nathan had agreed to the divorce, to give Eunji the peace of mind.

That's how supportive and understanding Nathan was to her.

Nathan had stopped teasing her and he decided to do what his wife said.

After he was all dressed up, Nathan walked closer to the door and checked on his wife.

Nathan could not hear what was happening inside since the flowing water from the shower was covering the sound inside.


"Yes?!" Eunji answered after she wiped the tears that she shed while Nathan was not looking.

'Now's not the time to be depressed Eunji. You have to be strong. You have to fight for Ana.' She talked to herself.

"Would you be coming to the office with me today?!" Nathan shouted from the outside.

"I think I'll pass. I'm tired." She shouted back.

"Are you okay?!"

"I said that I'm fine. It's just that I suddenly felt tired. I want to rest today."

"Okay. Make sure to rest. Will check on you from the office then." Nathan felt worried.


Nathan waited for Eunji to finish showering before he would go to the office.

Nathan frowned when he saw Eunji with a pale face.

"What's wrong?" Nathan watched Eunji placing her hand below her belly button.

"Red day?"

Eunji nodded to answer his question.

"Wait here." He said and then walked out of the room.

Eunji walked to the walk-in closet and took a sanitary pad to wear. She pulled a black denim short and a grey hoodie with a cute print on the front as her outfit for the day.

"Of all the days, why now?" Eunji mumbled and at the same time sighed in relief because at least they're not pregnant.

After she got dressed, she obeyed Nathan's instruction earlier and stayed in the room.

She blow dried and combed her hair.

After that, Nathan came back with a bowl of hot sugared water.

"Be careful! It's still hot." Nathan reminded her.

"Thank you for this." Eunji said and she blowed air towards it before she took a sip.josei

It took her a while to finish the entire thing and Nathan patiently waited for her to be done.

"Go. You'll be late if you'll stay longer." Eunji reminded him.

"Are you sure you're fine here?"

"Yes, I am."

Nathan was about to ask her again but his phone rang and it was Marco.

Nathan answered the call while Eunji layed back on the bed.


"Alright. I'm going down."

"I'll go home early tonight, okay? Alora?"

"Yes Dad?" Alora answered.

"Tell me immediately if something happened with your Mommy, okay?"


"Geez! Stop being overdramatic. It's just period. It's nothing." Eunji said.

"Period or not. I don't feel comfortable seeing you in pain. It makes me worried."

"Aigoo. You know what?"


"You should go.. Or Marco's eyes would turn white in waiting for you downstairs."

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