The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 350 - 348

Chapter 350 - 348: Hanging By The Thread

Eunji was resting on her bed when her phone rang.

Nathan had already left for office and Alora was keeping her company.

Before she could even decide to answer it, Alora spoke from the speakers.

"It's from an unknown number, Mommy. Do you want to answer it?"

"Do you know the owner of that number?" Eunji asked.

"The call comes from a burner phone." Alora honestly answered.

"Do you still want to answer this?"

Eunji hummed in response as she was still uncomfortable with the pain.

The call was connected and it was immediately on loud speaker.

"Eunji. It's me." Eunji immediately got up from her bed when she heard the caller's voice.


"Yes. I know you're still in Beijing. Can we meet?" J spoke with a sense of urgency in his voice and he was gasping for air.

'Is someone chasing after him?' Eunji thought. She didn't know that it was worse than that.

"Where are you?" Eunji could feel that he was going to tell her something important.

"I'm at the Central Park. Can you come and meet me here?" J was desperate from how he spoke.

She could also hear few hiss and gasped from him.

"Is everything alright? Can I still trust you?"

"I know you would ask me that. After all, I have been missing in action for such a long time. I swear you can still trust me." J vowed that he was still loyal to Eunji.

"Do you want me to send KSA agents for back-up?" Eunji was already out from the bed and was looking for a comfortable pair of clothes from the closet.

"Please do. But don't let their presence be obvious. And please hurry." J sternly reminded her.

"Okay. Wait there. I'll be there before you know it." Eunji then ended the call.

"Did you get his location?" Eunji asked Alora.

"Yes, Mommy." Alora then sent the location to her phone and dispatched Eagle's team to arrive first in the area while Eunji was changing.

Eunji had decided to focus on choosing for her outfit.

"Our team are already on the way." Alora continued.

"Okay. Be on standby." Eunji said.

Choosing denim would be not so ideal since she was still on her period.

Therefore, she chose her black leather jeans and black turtle neck. She completed her outfit by wearing a white knee-length blazer.

She also grabbed her Polaroid sunglasses and white sling bag.

Eunji decided to wear a different skin mask to meet with J for her safety.

She felt that J was in danger and she had to hurry.

Eunji left the apartment wearing her Ducati bike.

She sped off on the highway and avoided the traffic.

It took her ten minutes to reach the Central Park.

When she arrived, Alora continued giving her the direction to where J was.

It didn't take her long to find J. He was hiding in the most secluded area of the Central Park which was closed to the public for maintenance.

He was hiding behind the bushes.

While the KSA agents were scattered around the area, guarding him.

Though she was on a different face, they knew it was her. They greeted her immediately.

"J!" Eunji exclaimed especially when she saw J's condition.

J's white shirt was torn with blood stains on it.

He had scratches on the forehead and on the right corner of his lips.

His right eye was almost closing because of how swollen it was.

There were also scratches on his arms and a gun shot wound on his right leg.

And his right hand was pressing on his right side.

"Why didn't you help him or even call the medic?!" Eunji scolded her agents as she rushed towards J's side.

All of them were trained to do basic emergency and medical training and could respond to emergencies such as situations like they were in.

Alora didn't have a visual on J's condition since there's no camera on the area.

"He won't allow us go near him. And even stopped us from calling an ambulance. However, we did call for help. They're already on the way." One of the agents answered Eunji.

"J! What happened? When did this happen?" Eunji called J who was gotten so weak from all the injuries that he suffered.

"It's okay. Don't scold them. I stopped them from doing so. I know you will come and I believed you can help me. And besides, don't you know that I'm a wild grass? I won't die that easily." J chuckled on his own joke.

"Stop talking! Save your energy!" Eunji said and she started applying pressure on J's wounds for him.

Looking at J's paled face, Eunji felt guilty. She had stopped treating people ages ago. Yet, here's J who wanted her to help him.

All she could do was gave J first-aid and acupuncture.

However, she knew that won't do unless she would remove the bullets trapped inside those wounds.

"Where's the ambulance!" She urged her people to follow up the emergency hot line.

She then checked on his pulse and there, she could feel the fatal injuries his body had suffered. And seems like the bullets used on him was poisoned.

Signs of poisoning could be seen around the wound area when she checked them.

J was beaten so badly.

Whoever did this to him, the culprit had the intention to keep him hanging by a thread until she came.

J had broken ribs which had punctured his lungs that's why he had difficulty in breathing.

He had multiple bone fractures, too. Probably internal bleeding.

"I can't. I have to say this before it's too late." J knew that his condition was not good.

Should he close his eyes, he might not be able to wake up. And he knew about that sad reality.

Eunji carefully started doing acupuncture to release the pressure on his back so he could somehow breath properly.

Eunji didn't like the way how J was talking to her.

"Stop acting like this would be the last time that we're going to have a conversation, J. Damn it! You're stronger than this!" Eunji said however J continued talking.

"Eunji. Ana...Ana's in danger. You, too." J was already catching for his breath.

"I know about that already."

However J shook his head and continued talking, "You don't understand. They have changed her."

"What do you mean? Please stop talking! Save that for later, J. You'll be fine. I promise!"

Eunji only flashed a smile to her before he continued.

"She's now calling herself as Asia." J said weakly and he closed his eyes.

"No!" Eunji started panicking.

Thankfully, the medic from the Mo Hospital arrived.

Good thing the Central Park was ten minutes away.

The emergency responder then carefully loaded J on a stretcher.

They asked Eunji to let go of him however Eunji didn't listen to them. She didn't let go of J's wrist and continued monitoring his pulse.

She also got inside the ambulance and accompanied J to the hospital.

His pulse was getting weaker and weaker.

'This is not good. If the poison on his body would not be removed away from his body immediately, he would surely die.' Eunji thought.

She was sure that this poison had no antidote yet. Therefore, the best method to take it out from his system was by manual extraction.

Modern machines could help but she was afraid that it could not remove them completely.

Also, she's afraid that the doctors at Mo Hospital could not even recognize the poison being used so how could they save J?

Was J's current condition a result of intentional assault?

Based on the evidences gathered, Eunji was sure that he was intentionally hurt.

Eunji's eyes darkened when she checked on his wounds again.

The technique was so familiar.

'She's calling herself, Asia.' Eunji recalled what J told her.


The woman in question was driving a black pick up truck and she was heading towards a secluded place.

She was eating a lollipop and was whistling while driving.

There were still blood stains on the carpet and the seat cover of the car.

Asia seemed to be in a very good mood.

Her phone rang many times which made her to be irritated.

Asia took out the phone and without even looking on who was the caller, she tossed it out on the road.

She continued driving as if nothing happened.

Meanwhile, the person calling her was non other than Francais.josei

"I told you setting her free was not a good idea." Frederick Heart told Francais through a video call.

"Shut up!" Francais furiously shouted at him.

And Frederick did what he was told and even muted the microphone.

"Are you sure that you can track her?" He asked Dr. Albert who was sitting beside him.

"Yes. We can track her through the device that we had implanted inside her head." Dr. Albert answered.

"Good. That's good."

"Don't worry. She will come back to us after she had fun." The Big Boss said on the screen.

"Are you sure she won't ruin our plan? She's clearly out of control!" Frederick asked the Boss.

However the latter didn't bother answering him.

"You're in Beijing now. You're close to her. Make sure to monitor her well. I'll tell her to go to your place and stay there." Francais told Frederick.

"What?! Hello! I didn't sign up for a baby sitting job!" He said in protest.

Who dared to tell him that she would become very obedient as soon as they completed the procedure?

He wanted to beat the guy to death. The exact opposite happened.

As what he heard, Asia was a wild, stubborn and naughty alter of Ana. A completely total headache for him!

And he's going to marry her and live in the same house?!

"No way!" He mumbled.

That woman would totally be the death of him.

Before he could even explain himself, Francais said something that he could not refuse.

"You don't have a choice buddy. You better do it or you'll kiss the Underworld King position goodbye." Francais then ended the video call without waiting for his response.

A blinking red dot replaced the call on his phone screen which represented her current location.

"That b*tch!" Frederick slammed the table out of anger.

Meanwhile, the ambulance arrived at the hospital and the team of doctors were already waiting for them at the entrance.

Thanks to Mo Jing-sheng, J was treated as a VIP.

Eunji got off the ambulance and followed J.

The team of doctors wanted to stop her since she's not allowed to be there since the emergency doctor had already taken over.

The OR was also being prepared and J was being readied for operation.

Eunji didn't leave J's side.

"Excuse me Miss but you're obstructing us from doing our job." The emergency nurse told her.

"No, I won't. The patient needs me.." She frankly said.

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