The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 361 - 359

Chapter 361 - 359: The Chase

Eunji was about to leave Iris' office when the door swung open revealing Sam with big beads of sweat on her face and her arms were shaking.

She seemed nervous and panicking about something.

"Eunji!" Sam somehow managed to say it even if she was gasping for air.

Eunji who was about to grab her bag paused when she heard Sam calling her name.

"Hey, what happened?"

Iris also looked at Sam with concern especially when she was panting this heavily.


"Why? What happened to her?" Eunji felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.


"Hey! Calm down. We won't be able to understand you if you're like this. You're shaking."

"She got kidnapped! Marco...he's heavily wounded when he called me right now." Sam finally managed to say it.


"Mommy, I'm tracking the GPS of the getaway car used in kidnapping." Alora immediately responded to her call.

"Send Marco's location to the Mo Hospital emergency hot line so they could send an ambulance immediately." She instructed Alora.

"An ambulance is already on the way, Mommy. Auntie's possibly injured Mommy. Based on Satellite image, their car flipped on the highway. Police are going in the location since someone called them."

"Send the location to Iris. Iris, dispatch our agents close to the possible routes the car is heading to so they could go after that car." She told Alora and Iris.

"Will do, Mommy." Alora said and then contacted the agents available on the area.

"They're already on the move." Alora said.


"Do not let the police know about this kidnapping. Let them report this as a normal road accident. I don't trust them to get involved in saving Yuki-neechan. Let our members working there to handle the clean up. Should their superior gives them a hard time then make them kill their superior/s."

Those who were giving them a hard time were possibly on their enemy's side.

With what happened to Mr. Laurent and his daughter, she didn't want to involve any civilians anymore.

With that, Eunji wore her mask again and looked at the three people around her.

Then Iris went into the command center on the floor below them to monitor the situation while Eunji and Sam immediately went into the parking lot.

When Iris reached the floor, the people working under her immediately made a salute and stood firmly on their post.

"We have a situation. We have to save someone this afternoon. Send this location to every agents around the area where the dot is heading." Iris said while looking at the big screen hanged in front.

"Should we get involved our colleagues in the police department?"

One of the dispatcher asked.

"They don't have to get involved with the chasing. They have another task. The person that we're going to save is a big star. We can't alarm the ordinary police about this or it'll only get public attention. We have to censor this from everyone."


"Why Agent? Do we have to rely to the police force to get this job done?"

"No Director!" The poor agent replied.

"Good. Then do your jobs properly."

"Roger that, Director!"

"Mistress! We're on a roll!" Iris announced through the earpiece.

"Good Tiger. Keep me updated. Eagle's team, Sam and I will try to intercept the car, too. Ask the agents dispatched in the area to delay them." Eunji said.

Then Iris called their agent working on the police station to give him instructions on what should be done so this matter won't get out in the public if ever civilians would got in the way of this operation.

After all, both parties were armed with guns.

Eunji and Sam didn't go with Eagle's team. She was driving the car she kept from the KSA-Beijing office since the car she brought was slower and not suitable for road chasing like this.

The car was not her style but she didn't have a choice to be choosy.

Celine and Sam were going on a different route. They're after the route that could intercept the car in the fastest way.

Though Eunji's eyes were very focused on the road she could still see Sam's hands shaking with anxiety.

"Hey! Calm yourself. Being nervous won't help the situation." Eunji said.

"It's easier said than done. You know what? I really adore you for being this focus and all." Sam commented.

"You don't mean what you said, right?" Eunji said and this time, Sam could tell that Eunji's voice was quavering a little when she's talking to her.

She must be sharp and all when given instructions to her people as the boss but when she's back to herself, she become her usual self just like anyone else who got worried.

But panicking would only cloud the mind and would interfere in making tough decisions.

"Haven't you realize that I have been on the phone telling them instructions? Commanding them non-stop." She just can't stay still knowing that they didn't know who abducted Celine, yet.

Before Marco passed out, he failed to tell them who was the culprit.

"I'm sorry. I should have known better." Sam apologized immediately after she realized that she should have not commented something like that.

How insensitive of her to say that when she knew that of all people aside from her and Celine's family, Eunji cared about her the most.

"I understand."

Then Eunji didn't wait and called Mo Jing-sheng.

It took a few rings for the call to connect in his phone.

He was at home accompanying his wife at their living room watching some TV shows and was feeding her with grapes.

"It's me, Brother-in-law." Eunji spoke from the other line.

"Eunji?" He spoke her name which caught Kelly's attention.

"Neechan's in danger. She got kidnapped by an unknown man."


"Yes. Marco and the others must be on the way to Mo Hospital as we speak. Ahm...please prepare an operating room just incase needed. Also, clear a section of an emergency room that would receive Neechan."

"Okay. I will do that. Where are you right now, Eunji?"

The atmosphere in their living room turned tense all of a sudden.

"I'm with Sam. We're going after the vehicle that took away Neechan." Eunji answered.

"Do you need help?" Mo Jing-sheng offered.

"No need. My team are already on it. What we have to discuss after this is about the companies that will be left behind now that Marco and Celine are injured."

"Geez! Okay! We'll exactly do that." Mo Jing-sheng said.

"Brother-in-law, I'm going to send additional men in your residence. I don't want things like this to happen to Kelly or any of you." Eunji suddenly became worried that things would happen to Kelly too despite the already tight security measures that Mo Jing-sheng had set for his family.

"Thank you, Eunji. I'll give my men a heads up about them so they won't be surprised with the additions."

Mo Jing-sheng didn't refuse Eunji's help. It's for the better anyways. And if that would make Eunji to be at ease, he's more than willing to agree to her arrangement.

"I have to go. I will keep you posted. I'll call for an ambulance right away if we need them. Please let one unit be on standby."

"Okay!" Mo Jing-sheng put down the phone and looked at Kelly who was now looking at him with worried eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Celine got kidnapped and Marco's in a bad condition."

"Oh my! Then you have to go to the hospital, right? Can I come with you?" Kelly said.

"No. Stay here with Xiao Yichen. It's not good to stay outside especially now that this happened to Celine."

Hearing that from her husband, Kelly wanted to protest but...there's nothing she could do. She's pregnant. And it's dangerous for her to go outside.

Mo Jing-sheng also told her that Eunji's people would be coming over for additional security support.

"Okay. But call me when Celine's fine, okay?" Kelly told her husband.

"I will!" He reassured and planted him a kiss on the forehead.

He then went upstairs and entered their room. Mo Jing-sheng looked at his phone and then grabbed it.

He then dialed Nathan's number on it.

Mo Jing-sheng waited impatiently as the phone on the other line was only ringing.

No one answered it so the call dropped.

Mo Jing-sheng tried once again and this time if it was picked up after the first ring.

"First Brother!"

"Where were you when I called earlier?!"

"I was on the toilet when you called." Nathan explained.

"Celine got kidnapped." Mo Jing-sheng delivered the news.

"What?! Who dared to kidnap my sister?! What about the guards I assigned to her?!" Nathan asked angrily.

"I don't know. But Eunji was already on it. She's chasing the car that has your sisteer as we speak." Mo Jing-sheng said.

Nathan became silent on the other line but Mo Jing-sheng could hear him sigh.

"Aren't you going to come back?"

"I'll see what I can do First Bro. You might not be able to contact me on the coming days."

"Why? Where are you going?" Mo Jing-sheng frowned.

"I can't tell you."

"Nate! What's wrong with you. You left Eunji while she's in pain and now that you know that Celine's in danger, you have no plans on coming back?!" Mo Jing-sheng felt the need to scold him.

"First Bro. If I go back, will it change a thing? Does it make a difference?"


"What the hell is wrong with you Nate?! This is so unlikely of you." Mo Jing-sheng

"I'm sorry First Bro. I'll see what I can do." Nathan said and ended the call.


Celine was inside the car speeding off the expressway going outside of Beijing.

She had blood stains on her forehead after the car that Marco was driving flipped on the highway after they bumped into another car.

At the moment, Celine was unconscious with her eyes blindfolded.

Beside her was Luo Mian who was injured himself after Marco and Celine's assigned guards fired back at their vehicle and hit him.

"Drive faster!" Luo Mian roared at the driver.

There's no way they would be going to the hospital to get treated.

They had to go to one of their nearest hideouts to get their treatment there.

But then the driver realized that two cars were following them.

"We're being followed Second Master!" The driver announced to Luo Mian.

"What?! Then drive faster! Idiot!"

And so the driver stomped on the accelerator and started overtaking the vehicles ahead of them.

They were almost on the limit but the cars had gotten closer and closer to them.

"Shoot them!" Luo Mian ordered his other men in the car.

And so they opened the window and started firing at the two cars behind them.

One of his men hit the windshield and killed the driver on spot.

"Mistress! Their shooting the agents who are behind them." Alora told her.

Eunji then looked at the road map on the dashboard and said.

"Stop all the traffic lights when they reach this point.. We will wait them there!" She instructed.

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