The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 362 - 360

Chapter 362 - 360: Race To Save Celine's Life

At the same time, Eunji cursed when the traffic police was suddenly tailing her because she was already over the speed limit.

The same happened with her other team.

Right, she had forgotten about these guys.

"Goodness! Can someone order them to stop tailing us?" Eunji was really angered by this highway police behind her.

"Eagle, I want you to bring them to me. Tiger, close down this section. Alora, hack the CCTV coverage on the intersection. Call for an ambulance. This going to be bloody."

As Eunji let go of the last sentence, they could suddenly feel a chill running down their spine.

"Will do it Mistress!"

"Roger that, Mommy!"

All three of them worked immediately on their given task.

"Our team is already on standby. Once their car and our team's car passed by this point, we will place a 'road temporary close' signage. No other vehicle will be coming over there aside from them and our people."


Everyone were working hard to make this rescue to be quick and as clean as possible.

They didn't want to delay the civilians longer who were using the road. Or they'll be in big trouble.

"Prepare our cleaning team. This will be quicker than expected."

Eunnji was also close to the area of their meeting point.

She stomped on the accelerator until she reached the maximum speed of the car she's using.

She cursed when there were still members of the highway police following her.

She's surprised that they could keep up with their speed or this car was just so slow.

"Open the compartment."

Sam did what she was told and opened the compartment.

"Gun." Sam almost whispered to herself.

"Do you know how to use that?"

"Yes. I have an idea on how to use this." In fact, Sam had a talent in using guns.

"Shoot their wheels before I decide to blow their heads." These police really didn't know what's best for their own lives.

"No problem."

Sam then opened the window beside her and she started shooting on their tires inflating at least one of each successfully.josei

While they were at it, they tried to fire at their car but Sam was quick to hit the guns they're holding making the former to drop them on the street.

However, Sam knew that these police will call for back-up and that's where their fellow agents in the police would come to play.

The highway police had no other choice but to give up the chase for now.

They then heard the command from their superiors to go back.

Inside the car, Sam rolled up the window and she focused her eyes back on the road.

She didn't return the car to where she got it and Eunji didn't ask her to return either.

"I didn't know you're this good."

Receiving a compliment from Eunji, Sam suddenly felt shy.

"Thank you."

Eunji then removed her hand from the s-wheel as she wanted to check on her weapons.

"Hollysh*t!" Sam was about to take the steering wheel from her while she's in the passenger seat.

"Relax, it's a self-drive car. It's on autopilot so we won't crash or be off the road."

Eunji said that so casually as if all cars were self-driven cars or could be controlled by an AI.

She also grabbed the bag on the backseat of the car and brought it to her lap.

When Iris laid her eyes on the weapons inside, they almost popped out from their sockets.

They were shining brightly and looked very sharp.

She watched as Eunji choose among them and stuffed them on the space between her legs and boots.

When they got into the spot, the car slowed down. A few of their team were also waiting there on standby. An ambulance was already on the way.

A minute later, she saw from afar two cars chasing against each other and was followed by a number of cars behind them.

As it got closer, Eunji got out of the car with ten blades in her hands. Sam followed after her with the gun.

"Prepare yourself."

Everyone were so tensed while monitoring the entire situation.

"Shoot the tires." Eunji told Sam and the rest of the agents.

While she threw all of those sharp knives and aimed them on the windshield of the car to break them. One knife luckily hit the driver's forehead making the car to wobble.

Then the car suddenly stopped a few meters away from them.

Eunji wasted no time and she ran towards the car.

With the windshield of the car now broken, it was easier for her to play target shooting on the people inside the car.

She managed to kill the other guards with her knives stuck on the forehead.

However, her gaze darkened when she saw Luo Mian inside the car beside Celine who was still unconscious.

Seems like he was severely injured, too. However, he still managed to grab Celine and made her a hostage.

"Drop your weapons or I'll kill her!"

How dare he threatened Eunji and everyone.

But his threat should not be taken lightly because he was holding a gun and pointed it on Celine's head.

However, she threw a knife and it got stock in between the trigger and his finger. Because the blade was so sharp, it even sliced his index finger bone.

Sam took advantaged of the opportunity and she shoot him on the shoulder making him to bleed even more.

Eagle's team then ran towards the car and pulled the dead bodies out from the car.

On the other hand, Eagle grabbed the bleeding Luo Mian and threw him out of the car and into the cemented road.

Eunji and Sam ran towards Celine and they both carefully took her out from the vehicle.

Aside from her bleeding forehead, a piece of sharp glass pierced on her side making her to bleed so much.

Eunji checked Celine's pulse and she found out that it was very faint. She had to have a blood transfusion right away.

The ambulance then arrived and they placed Celine into the stretcher. Sam and Celine went inside the ambulance while Eagle's team were left with the crying Luo Mian.

"Second Master Mo, I thinks you're stuck with us." Eagle said this with hostility radiating from every single bone inside his body.

Eagle's team then carried him inside their vehicle while he exchanged a few words with the leader of the Cleaning Team.

After that, the street was slowly cleared up and everything went back to normal.

It took only five minutes for everything to return to normal. The entire temporary shut down of the road only took fifteen minutes.

Some eyewitness thought that they were watching an filming site and that all of them were main characters, staffs and crew of the movie.

Everything happened like it was in a blur.

While they were inside the ambulance, Eunji then announced, "Mission accomplish! Congrats everyone!"

Everyone cheered at the command center when they heard Eunji's congratulatory message.

Now it's a race of saving Celine's life.

"Mistress. What should we do to this scum?" Eagle spoke through her earpiece.

"Bring him to our torture base. Guard him pretty well."

"He's pretty wounded, Mistress."

"Don't let him die. I still have plans for that b*stard."

"Okay Master!"

The communication line went silent after that.

When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Mo Jing-sheng had also gotten off from his car.

He immediately rushed towards the ambulance which was carrying Celine.

When it opened, Sam and Eunji went out from it first.

Eunji was still wearing her mask when she got down.

She didn't remove it because she didn't bring any skin mask with her. She was bare underneath the mask.

"How's she?" Mo Jing-sheng asked Eunji.

"She had a trauma on her head. Make a scan for her head. I'm afraid there's a clot. You may ask the doctors to validate what I said."

Sam who knew how good Eunji was when she performed J's operation really wanted her to do the treatment for Celine."Wait, you're not getting in?"

"No, I have other things to do."

They watched Celine getting carried down from the ambulance to the entrance of the hospital.

"Like donating my blood for her. We have the same blood type. She gave me her blood when I needed it. Now, I can pay her back."

Like what she said, Eunji directly went into the blood bank inside the hospital to have herself checked.

Since she was wearing her black mask when she got in, everyone thought that she was a leader of some gang and the staff was about to call for security.

"I'm here to donate my blood for the patient who had just rushed inside the emergency room just now."

The staff immediately answered to her request.

"Oh, we're very sorry for our reaction."

"It's fine. Just do your job. Draw as much blood as needed. I don't mind."


However, they only drew enough blood that a person's body could tolerate.

When Eunji walked out after she was done, she felt dizzy all of a sudden.

However, she just shrugged it off.

She went to the area where Sam and Mo Jing-sheng were waiting outside the operating room.

Sam didn't leave her gaze away from the door as she patiently waited for the operation to be done.

The operation had just started and they had to wait for hours.

Eunji sat beside Sam silently with her eyes closed.

"Mistress, are we still going to do the mission you told me earlier?"

It was Eagle who spoke on her earpiece.

Eunji didn't respond to him immediately.

"No. How's our little captive?"

Eunji didn't forget to check on Luo Mian.

"He's inside our clinic. Someone's already taking good care of him. I called a doctor and a surgeon over."


She didn't want him to die that easily. Dying from those wounds was such an easy way to die for him.

For the innocent lives he destroyed, for what he owed from Angelina and Karina, he should suffer a tragic death.

"Make sure that they can make him be alive. Or else I'll kill them should they failed to save that b*stard." It was not a threat. It's a warning.

"Don't worry Mistress. I trust them to perform their job well."

Then he recalled Celine's condition earlier and so he didn't forget to check about her condition.

"How is Miss Celine, Mistress?"

"She's inside the OR as we speak. I've already donated two bags of blood. In case it's not enough, check if we have an agent who has a RH-null blood type."

"Okay Mistress!"

While they were waiting Iris also arrived at the hospital.

"Sam! EJ! Brother Mo!" She immediately greeted when she saw them.

"How's Celine?"

"She's still inside." It was Master Mo who answered her.

"I see. Do you guys want to drink something while waiting here?"

However, silence only answered her. And so, she had no other choice but to sit down just like everyone.

"Have you called Auntie and informed her about this?" Mo Jing-sheng asked Eunji.

"I haven't. I'll call her now."

Eunji was so caught up with everything that she had forgotten to call Mei.

She temporarily left them to find a place to call Mei.

She found a peaceful place and through Alora, she called Mei.


"Eunji? What's wrong?"

"Don't get shocked. But it's about Neechan." Mei who was playing with Evelien paused when she heard Eunji. Her grip on the phone tightened.

"Yuki? Why? What happened to her?"

Mei didn't like how her heart beat so fast while anticipating Eunji's answer

"She was in an accident. She's inside the OR as we speak."


Mei's mind went blank when she heard Eunji. The next words were a blur to her and tears started flowing from her eyes.

"Mom, are you there?"

Eunji suddenly became worried because the other line suddenly became silent.

"Oh my poor Yuki! Please save her."

Eunji felt broken-hearted when she heard Mei's cry.

"We're doing the best that we can do. I won't let Neechan leave us, Mom."

"I want to go and see her. My child! I want to go to Yuki."

"Okay Mom. I'll arrange the private plane and ask Lee Yunha and Angelina to come here with you."

After the call, Eunji then called Angelina and told her on what to do.

They were scheduled to leave Seoul immediately.

After the call, Eunji decided to walk around the hospital to clear her mind.

While she was walking, she found herself heading to J's room which was many floors above the operating room.

The guards watching outside recognized her and so the agents greeted her with a bow.

"Open it."

One of the guards opened the door for her.

Eunji walked inside the room and she saw J sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Eunji walked towards the bed that she used until yesterday and decided to sit down while looking at J.

Maybe because he he felt someone else's presence inside the room that he stirred and woke up from his sleep.

When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to see Eunji on the opposite bed with a sullen expression.

"Eunji? What's wrong?"

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