The Stars Beyond

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Ideals And Practice

Chapter 110: Ideals And Practice

For two days, Qin Cheng, at the behest of the elderly monk, visited the ancient temple to practice the Vajra Fist. The monk, recognizing Qin Cheng's innate spirituality and his radiant aura resembling a Buddha's light, imparted to him the Great Vajra Fist technique. Each training session seemed to invoke an ethereal charm in Qin Cheng, causing nearby Buddha statues to react in unusual ways.

This enigmatic occurrence was largely influenced by Wang Xuan's presence. His association with Qin Cheng catalyzed the activation of mystery elements in the vicinity of the temple that helped in reinforcing and refining Qin Cheng's core technique.

However, Wang Xuan's time on the moon was limited, as he planned to depart for the New World in a few days. Determined to maximize Qin Cheng's potential before his departure, Wang Xuan focused on solidifying his friend's foundation.

During this visit, Wang Xuan restrained himself, especially in the temple. He discovered at least eight celestial relics but refrained from releasing even a single "old monk" from the relics, wary of the potential consequences. He knew that unleashing a celestial monk might trigger a chain reaction, drawing out all the Transcendent beings hidden in the ancient pits of the temple, which could lead to unpredictable and potentially dire outcomes.

"As expected of... the White Horse Temple," Wang Xuan marveled. He didn't just accept the elderly monk's words at face value. Instead, he meticulously investigated, corroborating the temple's historical significance. Some parts, like certain steles, pagoda foundations, and underground chambers, revealed a history spanning over two thousand years. The depth of historical resonance within these artifacts was unmistakable to Wang Xuan's finely tuned spiritual senses.

The temple's walls and tiles, often damaged and rebuilt through wars and changing dynasties, represented various historical periods. The temple’s fame as the foremost and most ancient Buddhist monastery was indeed well-deserved.

Historical records clearly document that the White Horse Temple was established in the year 68 AD, during the eleventh year of Yongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty, marking it as the first temple of ancient China. As Wang Xuan neared the temple's underground chambers, he felt as though he was confronting an endless sky—vast, serene, and unfathomable. His heart pounded with the realization that, according to legends, these chambers might house the Buddha's parietal bone.

After much contemplation, he cautiously retreated. The emergence of a single ghost monk had already been unexpected. Releasing a being from the origin of Buddhism was a thought so daunting that it unsettled him. Without a clear understanding of the ancient figures' conditions, he decided to restrain himself for the time being.

"There's something odd about this," Wang Xuan mused, puzzled by the temple's location. "Here lies the primary ancient monastery of Buddhism, and possibly Zhang's Taoist sanctuary. Why were the ancestral grounds of both Buddhism and Taoism relocated to the New Moon?" The layout provoked his curiosity.

"Legend has it that when they were constructing this base on the moon, they unearthed something. By then, it was too late to change locations, as construction was almost complete," Qin Cheng shared what he knew.

This explanation seemed rather mystical, and what was discovered remained undisclosed to the public. Eventually, the ancestral grounds of both Buddhism and Taoism were brought to the moon, asserting their presence over it.

"Really? There's such a story?" Wang Xuan's interest was immediately piqued.

Qin Cheng nodded, recalling his own initial curiosity upon arriving at the New Moon. He had sought to understand more about the place and had dug into some internal records at the Top Martial branch, a security service organization known for keeping track of unusual events.

...... “Over a hundred years ago, during the early construction phase of this lunar base, a severe safety incident occurred. Many lives were lost, though the details were never explicitly described,” Qin Cheng explained.

“In the years that followed, the ancestral grounds of Taoism and the first ancient monastery of Buddhism were successively relocated here.”

“About eighty years ago, a group of about a dozen people on the base inexplicably went mad. They continuously shouted incoherent and strange syllables that no one could understand.”

Qin Cheng shared many such stories before eventually taking Wang Xuan back to the company to review the documented records himself.

Wang Xuan browsed through the materials, his interest visibly piqued. Fifty years ago, a professor defied the laws of life and reverted to a youthful state, only to die abruptly half an hour later. All six eyewitnesses to this event passed away within the next three years.

Twenty years earlier, an individual was found levitating in the air, only to decompose rapidly and die upon touching the ground.

All these unusual incidents were briefly documented and had occurred in the same location: the “Lunar Pit” where strange artifacts had been unearthed. Now, the entrance to this site had long been sealed.

Setting aside the documents, Wang Xuan inquired, “Hasn’t there been a thorough investigation?”

Qin Cheng replied, “Of course, there has been. While the general public may not be aware, numerous exploration teams are drawn to the site each year. I recall that as recently as half a month ago, someone ventured there. Most return unharmed, typically finding nothing of note. However, the less fortunate teams that enter the pit never seem to come back out.”

“Moreover,” Qin Cheng added in a lower tone, “there were rumors of a warship crashing there in the early years. After that incident, there haven't been any major expeditions to that area. Basically, as long as you stay away from it, you'll be safe.”

He looked at Wang Xuan solemnly, cautioning him against any curiosity. The Lunar Pit was classified by Top Martial as one of the most dangerous places on the moon, without equal. josei

Wang Xuan nodded in understanding. He wasn't about to recklessly head there for an adventure. “It’s intriguing,” he mused softly, “On Old Earth's moon, they unearthed black technology, but here we have these mysterious incidents. Both moons are truly enigmatic.”

Qin Cheng sighed, “Rebuilding the ancestral grounds of Taoism and Buddhism on the moon has really turned into a huge attraction. It successfully draws numerous visitors to the moon. After all, on the New World, people are most interested in things with historical significance.”

Wang Xuan remained silent, finally understanding why the tycoons were so eager to excavate Old Earth. Every city on the New World was newly built, only having a little over a hundred years of history. It seemed they were keen on acquiring what they lacked, thus the aggressive “supplementation”.

As the conversation shifted to lunar tourism, Qin Cheng's spirits lifted. “That jerk Li Kun promised to transfer five million to my account within a day. Once the transaction is complete, I want to give you the extra two million.”

He also planned a lavish expenditure of his three million, intending to take Wang Xuan to the Guanghan Palace for a visit. “Are you crazy to spend so much on a sightseeing trip?” Wang Xuan admonished him. It was just a tourist spot; such extravagance and waste seemed unnecessary.

“That’s exactly why, Old Wang, you don’t understand. I want to repay you, even if it means biting the bullet and taking you there,” Qin Cheng explained. “The Guanghan Palace is all about prolonging life. Everything there, from food to drink, is designed for life preservation. Their slogan is ‘Restoring the Ancient Immortal's Mansion’.”

“There’s a soup in Guanghan Palace made from golden mushrooms. I heard it’s a rare ingredient gathered from the Hidden Land. It nourishes the bone marrow and creates more vital blood. After consuming it for a while, it’s said to enhance one’s physique substantially,” Qin Cheng shared with evident envy.

This immediately piqued Wang Xuan’s interest. The business at Guanghan Palace must be extraordinary. A powerful corporation must be behind it. Otherwise, it was simply unthinkable to have such rare and exotic items be made available for consumption. The golden mushroom was something Old Chen had mentioned before, known for its ability to improve physical constitution, especially beneficial for those practicing ancient arts.

“If it’s really three million Novadollars, let’s go all out!” Even Wang Xuan was tempted, thinking of joining Qin Cheng to ‘nourish life’ in Guanghan Palace. The golden mushroom alone made it worth the visit.

Qin Cheng’s face reddened slightly as he admitted, “Spending three million will definitely get us in and provide some life-nourishing services, but I’m not sure if they can arrange for golden mushrooms.”

Wang Xuan understood immediately. It was unlikely they would have golden mushrooms, considering how precious they were. “No worries, no rush. In a while, I’ll go to the Hidden Land and pick a basket full of golden mushrooms. Then, I’ll treat you to a chicken stew with mushrooms!” Wang Xuan promised grandly, waving his hand dismissively at Guanghan Palace, “Look at them, being so miserly with just a couple of mushroom slices in their soup. That’s too petty!”

“Old Wang, you’re more generous than a conglomerate. I’ll hold you to that,” Qin Cheng swallowed hard, allowing himself to dream of such a day, “In a little while, I should be transferred to the New World. I’ll be waiting for your treat then!”

"The 'Immortal Brew' of Guanghan Palace is a real marvel," Qin Cheng continued with awe in his voice. "Many heads of big organizations have visited just for a taste, and they’ve all praised it endlessly. The wine is rumored to contain a kind of snail essence, incredibly rare and valuable. Only a few pots are available each month, and they sell out on the first day of every month."

Hearing this, Wang Xuan felt a surge of excitement. Mountain snails, according to what he learned from Old Chen's book, were a rare treasure grown in rocks. Capturing and grinding them into powder for daily consumption could prolong life by five years. To think that such a life-extending treasure was being used in a monthly brew was astonishing.

He now understood why Guanghan Palace was like a money magnet. The items on their menu alone were beyond ordinary imagination. By releasing a limited amount of mountain snail brew each month, they attracted key members of major organizations and conglomerates, creating a network of influential connections.

Realizing why Ling Qiming looked so radiant after leaving Guanghan Palace on his first day on the New World, Wang Xuan guessed he must have been there for a substantial health boost.

"These are nothing," Wang Xuan declared, patting Qin Cheng on the shoulder. "Wait until I treat you to garlic-roasted mountain snails. We'll eat them grilled by the kilo until you're full!"

Qin Cheng's eyes lit up at the thought, eventually sighing, "Old Wang, you're so generous! Just thinking about it is enough to make my mouth water."

Wang Xuan pondered for a moment. The hidden lands held many treasures, and he wasn’t just talking big; he was setting goals based on what was available there.

Qin Cheng, returning to reality, informed Wang Xuan that life in the New World was generally good, but the divide between social classes was vast. The few at the top of the pyramid were already pursuing longevity, a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Wang Xuan nodded, "There’s no need to rush. Everything they’re chasing, I’m already on the path to achieving."

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