The Stars Beyond

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Slaying An Immortal

Chapter 111: Slaying An Immortal

"Wear your protective gear," Qin Cheng reminded as he led Wang Xuan into his specialized experimental herb garden. "There might be pockets of anomalous radiation here."

The area exuded serenity, with a few stationary robots amidst a sprawl of advanced sensors and monitors. While rooted in ancient cultivation techniques, the place was filled with state-of-the-art equipment.

"We've allowed certain herb plots to receive a controlled amount of cosmic rays, aiming to see if they induce mutations," Qin Cheng elaborated.

Monitoring data highlighted certain areas where radiation readings were unusually high, suggesting they were not ideal for prolonged visits. Soon, Wang Xuan's eyes widened in astonishment. The herbs grew densely, almost like a vast crop field. Contrary to legends that spoke of ancient grand sects housing limited quantities of sacred herbs, these plots boasted herbs growing in their tens of thousands in each patch. It felt as though he was walking through a modern greenhouse.

Prominent among the herbs were the ethereal blue-leaved Teng Snake Grass, the fiery red-toned Fire Ginseng, and the lustrous Golden Sun Vines.

"Take a moment later to sample these herbs; they might be beneficial to you," Qin Cheng suggested.

He further elaborated on the objectives of the lunar research: inducing benign mutations to make large-scale cultivation viable and shortening the growth duration of these herbs.

Many of the more potent herbs traditionally require decades, if not centuries to mature fully and attain their optimal medicinal properties. Here in the lab, the goal is to condense that growth period to a mere few years, or ideally, achieve annual maturation.

"By referencing various texts and through extensive experimentation, we've identified the optimal soil and environmental conditions each herb thrives in. Achieving mass farming and expedited maturation is the logical next step," Qin Cheng explained.

Currently, most experiments are promisingly close to fruition. Once certain herbs stabilize, their seeds will be harvested for larger-scale cultivation elsewhere. Wang Xuan was deeply impressed. If this trajectory continues, some conglomerates and major organizations might indeed realize their long-term goal of achieving near-immortality.

Yet, Qin Cheng was quick to temper the optimism, "Unfortunately, none of these are transcendent herbs. Those are notoriously hard to cultivate, let alone mass production and the shortening of their growth."

The revelation that certain entities had obtained seeds of such extraordinary herbs surprised Wang Xuan.

Qin Cheng sighed, "That's why some organizations here in the New World are feared. In their pursuit of longevity, they're exploring various avenues. Herbs are just one facet. I've heard that they've recently made breakthroughs in genetics as well. Despite the current uproar about the Old Arts, they might soon overshadow everything with their life-science research."

"What do you mean?" Wang Xuan asked, intrigued.

"They found a preserved finger that was very much alive in an ancient temple's underground chamber. After thorough analysis, they believe it might be a relic left behind by a Bodhisattva..."

Qin Cheng continued sharing information that Wang Xuan was partially aware of. Some life science institutes had previously created a Six-Armed Bodhisattva super organism. This entity had shown up in Pamir Plateau and possessed the power of a Master, but was defeated by Old Chen with ease.

There had long since been new developments. The Moonlight Bodhisattva super organism was a new product of the corporations. Cloaked in a radiant white light, appearing as if standing in the midst of the moon, this super organism was even more formidable than its predecessor.

This trend indicated that continuous advancements were possible from studying that severed finger. The ultimate projection was the emergence of the true form of the Bodhisattva. Wang Xuan inhaled sharply. The research labs on the New World were indeed truly capable of astonishing feats. Will there be a future where true forms of Bodhisattvas were mass-produced?

If this trajectory continued, the few dominant life research institutions might very well overshadow even the thriving New Arts. However, Wang Xuan pondered on the aspect of the soul, murmuring, "The physical form can be decoded, but the study of the spiritual realm, and most importantly the soul will pose a significant challenge."

As they prepared to leave, Qin Cheng nonchalantly received a large parcel from a researcher. The bundle contained numerous herbs, probably around twenty or thirty stems. Wang Xuan looked at him quizzically. Is Qin Cheng taking a bribe?

Qin Cheng shook his head, saying, "Don't look at me like that, I’m not taking any bribes."

There were twelve different fields in this area, and each field contained thousands of herbs. Regular checks on their potency and mutation levels were done daily, and some level of wastage was accepted.

"These herbs are typically slated for disposal. Yet, more often than not, everyone just divides them up and takes them home," Qin Cheng clarified. He had fostered good relationships with the local researchers and, after a prior arrangement, had managed to accumulate a two-day portion, all of which were handed to him.

Back at their quarters, the two stared at the gathered herbs. With over thirty different varieties either wafting a pleasant scent or an odd, pungent aroma that made the thought of consumption rather daunting. josei

From past encounters with such potent herbs, Qin Cheng harbored reservations. Previous intakes had either led to sleepless nights or consecutive days of nosebleeds.

Meanwhile, Wang Xuan was concerned about the mutated nature and accelerated maturation of these herbs. Yet, curiosity prevailed, and he sampled a few aromatic petals. A discernible warmth coursed through him, invigorating his metabolism. But for a master of his stature, the effects were nuanced.

Considering his previous experiences with the mystical Inner Landscape and his encounters with divine herbs, Wang Xuan found these herbs rather mundane. Their potential benefits, which would demand prolonged consumption, felt less enticing.

"Nonetheless, I should sample each for future reference," he mused, recalling Old Chen's counsel. Ancient manuscripts had alluded to the preparation for a transcendent realm associated with herbology. Exposure to a plethora of herbs now could be beneficial later on.

Intriguingly, post consumption of twelve diverse herbs, Wang Xuan detected a fleeting yet profound shift within himself. If not for his advanced spiritual acuity, this sensation would have remained imperceptible. The anomaly soon dissipated, realigning his internal equilibrium.

His recent experiences underscored the need to accord due respect to age-old doctrines. They encapsulated timeless wisdom that warranted a closer examination.

"Come on, let's go. There’s something interesting that you should see." Qin Cheng said after receiving a call. Another team was setting out to explore the enigmatic Lunar Pit.

The allure of that mysterious place had never faded over the years. Every now and then, thrill-seekers ventured into its depths, hoping to unravel its mysteries. The Lunar Pit, as it was known, now stood outside the protection of the base's perimeter.

Given the frequent disturbances and incidents linked to the location, it was considered ominous enough that the decision was made to sever it from the central compound. Notably, its positioning was equidistant from the White Horse Temple and the Millennium Taoist Temple, that formed an equilateral triangle.

When Wang Xuan and Qin Cheng arrived, they watched from behind a protective barrier as a group of about twenty people, clad in the latest spacesuits, began their descent into the Lunar Pit. At a distance, the terrain appeared scarred and pitted. These were marks of ancient meteorite impacts. At the center, a significant portion was concealed beneath alloy plates.

"That's the Lunar Pit," Qin Cheng pointed out, "That place is always sealed off. Those folks... they're brave to dive into a place like that." He could not fathom why anyone would be drawn to such danger simply for the thrill of it.

A bystander chimed in, "No matter which period we’re in, people seem to revel in the dance between life and death."

"Hey, you're from the Old World right?" Qin Cheng inquired, raising an eyebrow. The term 'adventurer' sounded antiquated, reminiscent of the language from the old world.

"Indeed," the man replied. "And judging by your appearance, you probably used connections to get transferred here to the New Moon, with plans to head to the New World next, right?"


The alloy plates slid open, revealing the long-concealed Lunar Pit. Its depths yawned darkly ahead, swallowing the group in mere moments. Dozens watched with bated breath. While ordinary citizens might be ignorant of the Lunar Pit's terrors, elite organizations like the Top Martial were painfully aware of the dangers it posed. It was primarily the members who stood here among the watching crowd.

Among the observers was an aged monk from the White Horse Temple, clutching a curious artifact – a Demon Subduing Mallet. Close by, a Daoist priest held a scorched peach wood sword, eyes fixed on the pit, alert and wary.

Wang Xuan observed them keenly. The mallet and the sword radiated distinct energies, which he sensed through his spiritual realm. He deduced that powerful remnants from the Buddhist and Daoist ancestral temples might be preserved after all.

An alarmed shout broke his train of thought. "There's an anomaly! Their emotional readings are erratic as they delve deeper," someone exclaimed. Monitors provided a real-time glimpse of the explorers below. Every official exploration necessitated the team to wear tracking devices, allowing those topside to monitor their situation.

Abruptly, a horrified gasp echoed as one of the monitors was drenched in red. Panic ensued as every tracking device malfunctioned simultaneously.

A chilling silence engulfed the Lunar Pit. After what felt like an eternity, a group of blood-streaked explorers resurfaced. The blood on them told a silent tale of loss and horror. They sprinted towards safety, their frantic pace hinting at unseen horrors trailing them.

Yet, behind them, the Lunar Pit stood silent and undisturbed. The eerie stillness contrasted their desperate flight.

Navigating through safety protocols, they first breached the isolation zone, then accessed the buffer area, subsequently transitioning into the intermediate layer. Only after these careful measures were they admitted into the primary protective layer.

They hastily shed their specialized gear, each person's face drained of color. They collapsed to the ground, seemingly drained of all strength. Their breathing came in heavy gasps, sweat drenched their bodies, and their hair looked as if it had been drenched in water.

"What happened down there?" was the immediate question on many lips. Their primary reason for being here was to ascertain the actual situation within the Lunar Pit and report back to their respective organizations.

Suddenly, muffled sounds echoed around, drawing everyone's attention.

...... Within moments of their return, eleven of the sixteen escapees horrifically burst into pieces. Blood sprayed violently, scattering bone fragments everywhere. The grisly scene was a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the Lunar Pit.

"Back away!" bellowed the elderly Daoist, brandishing his charred wooden sword, slashing at seemingly invisible forces.

Similarly, the monk from the Bai Ma Temple swung his demon-subduing staff, attacking unknown adversaries in every direction.

"I've never witnessed such a horrifying spectacle," whispered Qin Cheng, visibly shaken by the nightmarish scene.

Pulling Qin Cheng back, Wang Xuan wore a deeply concerned look. While others might be oblivious, Wang Xuan's heightened spiritual sense allowed him to perceive more. From the remains of the eleven, he saw faint luminescent wisps rising and coalescing into a radiant silhouette.

The world had layers of truths, some visible only through spiritual realms.

Wang Xuan deduced that a mysterious being had emerged from the Lunar Pit's depths. While the Daoist and the monk sensed its sinister presence, they couldn't truly see it.

"It's the true immortals... They're..." The voice of the twelfth individual broke through the eeriness before he too exploded, adding another glowing wisp to the ethereal figure.

Suddenly, this spectral entity fixed its gaze upon Wang Xuan and lunged.

Is this what legends referred to as an immortal? A chill ran down Wang Xuan's spine. Etched in blood on the entity's forehead was the ancient character for "immortal."

Reacting swiftly, Wang Xuan pushed Qin Cheng to safety, drew his blade resembling the legendary fish-intestine sword, and struck decisively.

The blade connected, decapitating the ghostly figure. A brilliant burst of white light followed, creating a tempestuous whirlwind around them.

Heart pounding, Wang Xuan grappled with the realization, "Did I just kill... an immortal?"

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