The Substitute Bride

Chapter 1424

Chapter 1424

Nurse Lin shook her head slightly and tried to get rid of all the confused thoughts in her mind. Finally, her eyes flashed and crossed a trace of cruelty. She was so cruel that she would stab the needle into Xia'an's arm.

All of a sudden, the ward door was violently pushed open, making a huge noise.

Xia'an and nurse Lin subconsciously look at the door. Nurse Lin's face turns pale. Maybe she is guilty of a thief. If there is a little wind and grass, they will feel panic, not to mention the earthquake.

Before the needle was inserted into the needle, nurse Lin's movements stopped unconsciously. She looked at people in a daze and found that it was Jani who worked in the hospital.

"What are you doing?"

As soon as Jani stepped into the room, she immediately grabbed the needle in nurse Lin's hand, prevented her from continuing to inject, and sternly questioned nurse Lin.

Under such burning eyes, nurse Lin felt unprecedented pressure and panic. She stayed in the hospital for a period of time. Although she did not have much contact with Jani, she also knew that Jiani was a very gentle person.

But now, Jiani's temper has become abnormal. She even talks to her in a fierce manner. This makes nurse Lin's heart beat a drum. The intensive drumbeats beat her heart, making her more and more heavy.

There was a lot of cold sweat on her forehead, and the thought of saying something quickly in her head prevaricated the person in front of her.

As time went by, her head seemed to be rusty. After a long time, she had to falter to Jani and said, "nothing Just It's just giving the patient a drip. " josei

"Is it? What are you doing? As far as I know, sister Ann has no problem with her body, so she doesn't need any more drops! "

Jani said at the end of the time, the voice raised a few degrees, eyes straight at nurse Lin do not let go.

Nurse Lin was shocked. She could not help but shiver. Her face was gray.

She murmured and explained for a long time before she completely vomited out a sentence: "this is just a nutrient solution, which is good for the patient's health."

Jiani didn't believe Lin's words at all. She looked at the panic of nurse Lin before her eyes, and then thought of the picture she saw in the dressing room just now, it was obvious that there was something fishy.

In her mind vaguely had a terrible conjecture, I am afraid that nurse Lin is to the disadvantage of Xia'an.

Jiani didn't let nurse Lin go. She quickly grabbed the liquid medicine and hid it behind her, intending to keep it as evidence. Then she turned her head and told Xia'an: "sister An'an, you must not believe her. I think she is ill intentioned and may harm you. I will never let her inject you with this nutrient solution today."

Xia an of course chose to believe Jiani's words. After all, she was close to each other and was clear at a glance. What's more, it seems that the performance of this nurse Lin is too sneaky and suspicious.

At the moment when Jiani grabbed the liquid medicine, the panic in her eyes could no longer help showing. She didn't realize that there was a strong appeal in her eyes when she looked at Jani.

Subconsciously, she wanted to snatch the liquid medicine from behind Jani's back. Even if she couldn't, she could smash the medicine bottle. In this way, she could destroy the handle. In short, she could never leave this fatal handle.

But Jiani saw through nurse Lin's intention at a glance, and was more sure that there must be an amazing secret hidden in the bottle. So she held the bottle tighter in her palm, and did not dare to relax for a moment. She looked at nurse Lin on guard and did not let her get close to the bottle.

Xia'an sees the situation and also stands up to maintain Jiani. Nurse Lin sees that seamless drilling is possible, and her eyes are about to burst into tears. What can I do? Does this hateful Jani have to do something bad about herself at this juncture?

On the one hand, nurse Lin was so angry that she was gnashing her teeth. On the other hand, she was even more afraid that things would come to light and she would face disaster.

She thought of the terrible consequences that might be produced. In the extreme panic, she suddenly had a crazy idea, and she would rush to Jani regardless of everything.

Seeing that the situation is not right, Xia'an immediately reaches out and stops nurse Lin. however, nurse Lin doesn't give up and pushes Xia'an away. She also waves her arm at Jiani and wants to beat her.

Both Jiani and Xia'an are shocked by the crazy color in nurse Lin's eyes. Jiani is even stunned because she is too frightened. Her feet are like being nailed.

Xia'an feels that nurse Lin's strength is getting stronger and stronger, so she can't stop her. So she gives Jiani a wink, but Jiani doesn't notice.

"What are you doing? Jani, you go out with the potion

Xia an was in a hurry and had to shout to Jani to try to remind her.

"Oh, oh." As soon as Jani woke up in a dream, she grabbed the medicine bottle and was about to run outside. Then she turned her head with worry on her face and said, "An'an, what do you do?"

Jiani suddenly thought that once she left, Xia'an would face nurse Lin alone. After she thought of this, she couldn't rest assured. Besides, nurse Lin was going to murder Xia'an, and she couldn't leave Xia'an out at the moment.A nurse who happened to be passing by the door was a colleague who had a good relationship with Jiani. She immediately called out to this colleague: "Xiao Gao, quick, please help me take this bottle of liquid medicine to Dr. Li, the doctor in charge of Xia'an, and ask him to help detect the composition of the medicine."

She trusts Xiaogao very much and quickly entrusts this matter to her. Seeing her anxious appearance, Xiaogao takes the medicine bottle and goes to see Doctor Li.

When nurse Lin heard this, she was completely disillusioned. She understood that she was no longer able to return to heaven. Her strength in her hand was suddenly eliminated and her heart was covered by the shadow of despair.

She looked at the figure of small Gao Yuan, only a word repeatedly appeared in her mind, that is, escape.

At the right time, nurse Lin pushed Xia'an and ran away, leaving Xia'an and Jiani unprepared. A moment later, nurse Lin left them far behind and fled the hospital.

Attending doctor's office.

After nurse Lin left, Xia'an and Jiani went to the doctor Li's office to find out about the bottle of liquid medicine.

"Dr. Li, the bottle of liquid medicine just given to you was injected by nurse Lin privately. It may contain toxic substances. Please help to test it as soon as possible." Jiani can't wait to say to Dr. Li.

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