The Substitute Bride

Chapter 1425

Chapter 1425

As soon as Dr. Li heard this, he knew that the matter was not trivial. After all, it was related to the life safety of patients and the reputation of the whole hospital.

If it is really like what Jani said, the hospital will also face a serious reputation crisis.

His face solemnly agreed: "OK, I'm going to arrange the inspection of the composition of the liquid medicine, and I'll tell you as soon as I have the results."

Xia'an and Jiani looked at each other and nodded to Dr. Li.

"We'd better wait for the test results here, or we won't be sure." Xia'an said to Dr. Li that Jiani had asked for a half day's leave, accompanying Xia'an to wait for the result here.

Half an hour later.

Dr. Li took the test report to Xia'an and Jiani, and said in a deep voice: "after testing, this bottle of liquid medicine contains a kind of chronic poison. The incubation period is one week. If you are injected with this kind of poison, in this week, there will be no obvious reaction, but after a week, it will suddenly attack and die."

Jiani was shocked. Although she guessed that there was something wrong with nurse Lin and that it might be bad for sister an, she never thought that nurse Lin would kill sister an, which clearly showed that there was no injustice or hatred between them. Besides, sister an has always been kind to others and could not offend nurse Lin.

Then why did nurse Lin do this? It's worth pondering. Otherwise, the danger hidden in the dark may come again when it is not detected next time!

Xia'an is also afraid for a while. At the beginning, she thought that nurse Lin was a good person who cared for the patients. In the twinkling of an eye, she found that the other side would kill herself. If Jani didn't arrive in time, she might die soon. How could Xia'an not be frightened and frightened?

And Xia an at this time racked his brains, but also really can't think why Tonglin nurse killed himself. She stood in the office in a trance, for a time, all over the body was chilly.

Xia'an is in a state of unconsciousness. Her eyes are lax and she stands in the same place. She grabs Jani's arm unconsciously, as if she wants to find a support point, so as not to collapse and collapse on the ground.

Jiani quickly helped Xia'an and looked at Xia'an with heartache in her eyes. She took Xia'an to one side of the chair and sat down. She put her arms around Xia'an and let her rest on her shoulder for a moment.

"Jani, I really don't understand why such a thing happened and why she has so much malice towards me?"

Xia an sobbed, almost muttering to herself, and the loss and pain in her eyes stung Jani.

"Sister Ann, don't think if you don't understand. It's not your fault at all." She gently patted Xia'an on the shoulder, gently comforting her.

Xia'an's face is fragile. She knows it's not her fault, but she can't help asking questions in her heart, trying to find an explanation.

She doesn't want to be persecuted in such a vague way, and she doesn't want to be frightened all the time in the future, which is filled with hidden dangers.

"Sister an, don't worry. We can go to the police and give this matter to the police. Nurse Lin, the murderer, will not escape and will be punished by law. The most important thing is that you have nothing to do. Now I will take you back to have a rest first?"

Xia'an had no words. After a long time, she bit her lips and shook her head gently.

Jiani looks at Xia'an's shocked appearance. She doesn't know what way to let her go. The only thing she can do is to accompany her in silence.

Dr. Li appeased Xia an a few words, and then walked to the corner, and soon called the president to inform him. After all, this matter is not trivial and needs to be solved by the president himself.

"Hello, President, there is a major matter that needs to be solved by you."

"What's the matter?" The president was impatient and didn't take Dr. Li's words seriously.

"Our hospital's nurse Lin gave Xia an a private injection of poison. Before the injection, she was found by the patient, and there were both human evidence and material evidence. Now nurse Lin is missing, and the patient is planning to call the police." Dr. Li made the whole thing clear in a few words.

The Dean was surprised and angry. How could he have thought that such a thing would happen in the hospital! If this is spread out, the hospital will certainly be condemned by all sectors of the community, which will definitely have an immeasurable impact on the hospital.

Besides, Xia'an, a patient, also knows something about it. When she was admitted to the hospital, her husband directly applied for VIP ward for her. It can be seen that she is very rich.

Later it was found that Xia an's husband, Lu Qichen, was the general manager of Xiangyu Group.

Then, the simple strategy of throwing money and sealing may not work in this patient. After all, the patient does not lack money.

But this matter must be solved, to press down as soon as possible, otherwise when the time comes, the whole city will be full of wind and rain, and it will be really impossible to end!

The president grabs the little hair left on his head and worries constantly, but the worry comes back to worry, and the problems to be solved still need to be solved without stop.

He soon contacted Lu Qichen. For such a serious matter, the patient's family has the right to know the whole picture of the matter at the first time, and he also needs to strive for the understanding of the patient and his family.Landscape garden.

It's hard for him to take care of An'an's head when he's tired. josei

Suddenly, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. He looked at the caller ID, which was a strange number.

"Is this Mr. Lu Qichen, please?" The dean asked nervously on the phone, thinking of what to say next, he felt great pressure.

"I am. Who are you, please?"

"I'm the director of the hospital where your wife, Xia'an, was admitted to the hospital."

Lu Qichen's heart cluttered for a moment, and his heart was suddenly raised. He asked in a worried tone, "is it An'an's body? What's wrong with it?"

The Dean replied stiffly, "no, Miss Xia is OK at present. Don't worry about it. It's just that some accidents happened today. I'll explain it to you."

When Lu Qichen heard that Xia'an was ok, he settled down in his heart.

"What accident?"

"A temporary staff member of our hospital injected poison to Miss Xia privately. Fortunately, Miss Xia found out the intention of the other party in time, so there was no casualties." President anxiously waiting for Lu Qichen's reply, he also knows that such a statement can not play a role.

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