The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 1134 - 1134 CHAPTER 1103 THE TRUTH

Chapter 1134 - 1134 CHAPTER 1103 THE TRUTH


The fight between the clones and the wolves quickly ensues, with how strong Shadowslash is, his clones are basically impossible to defeat with the meager strength that the wolves in front of him has.

They were confident that they can easily destroy his clones and seeing that they are charging towards them, all the wolves were stunned.

They then started laughing, they cannot believe that they had encountered such an opponent, it is common sense in this realm that foxes relies on their speed, intelligence and cunningness to win a fight.

This is the first time that they were fighting against a fox on a head-on clash against one, even though it was just clones.

They looked at each other and felt excited, they can obtain such a treasure with such a low risk, of course they would be ecstatic.

Unfortunately for them, this happiness was short-lived, when they finally clashes with the clones, they quickly realises that their opponent seems to be much stronger than them physically and unlike them, all of them are unafraid of death.

Not to mention, the clones that Shadowslash always summons are different, they can use some of his abilities like breathing fire and even capable of using his sword intent as he wishes it so.

The expression of the wolves quickly changes, they know that if this goes on, they will certainly die, without hesitation, they starts fleeing but this is a futile attempt.

The foxes are known to be one of the fastest beasts in this realm, they might not have space warping speed like some beings but they are a race that focuses in developing their speed. josei


The wolves that tried to escape had made such a terrible decision, they did not expect that such strong clones have a much more terrifying speed, before they can escape the vicinity, the clones reaped all of their lives in an instant.

Those that managed to survive the first attack were quickly mauled to death, Shadowslash watching everything couldn’t help but shook his head.

“A bunch of stupid dogs but considering their presence, it seems the Demonic Flaming Wolf Clan is finally going to attack the Spirit Fox Clan, huh.” He mumbles, he decides to tell Baifen about this.

When he finally arrives at Spirit Fox Clan, he immediately teleports to his mansion, just like when he left, Amethyst was still working without any rest, she does not need to rest and can continue working 24/7.

Shadowslash knows that this type of job is actually something that she very much prefers to do, just like how battle maniacs felt a sense of fulfillment when they fought a great battle, hers is working like a corporate slave.

He should pity her but since this is something that makes her happy, he just lets it be, seeing how focused she is in her job, he can only sit there and wait.

He knows that she had already sensed his presence, the two of them are very connected within one another, this type of connection cannot be severed unless both of them die.

After an hour, Amethyst stops her work and turns to him “You have been at the Immortal Dragon Race, have you obtained any relevant information that we can use?”

Shadowslash nodded “The information that I have obtained is not that much but there is something that might be able to once again increase my strength massively.”

Amethyst was a little surprised, she immediately fused back with him and the two of them once again became whole.

Suddenly, she senses something that seems to be calling her but when she tries to reach out, some sort of restrictions activate automatically, the most confusing part about the seal is that, she can sense a familiar aura.

‘It had the same template as Chaos and Harmony’s seal but they cannot use such skill inside big brother without his permission.’ She was confused but she decided not to mind such small detail.

The only thing that she was curious about is the sense of calling she felt, meanwhile, unbeknownst to her, Shadowslash was watching her action with the power of the two Fragments.

Seeing that the seal works fine, he heaves a sigh of relief, he quickly speaks in order to divert her attention.

“Amethyst, can you check how strong my body has become, also, do a deep analysis of my bloodline, separate the fox and dragon bloodline during your investigation and lastly, try to find out how the dragons swimming inside my body are made.” Hearing his series of requests, Amethyst quickly shakes off the calling sensation.

She immediately went into deep analysis mode in order to accurately analyze his entire body, other than the existence of The Fragment (Big Bang Universe), Shadowslash does not hide anything from her.

Just as both of them were busy finding out about the current status of Shadowslash’s body, someone opens the door without any prior warning, without even looking who it was, the two of them know instantly who it was.

Only one person in this realm does not care about etiquette in front of him, Baishen, she enters the mansion without any warning nor hesitation and even stays here like it was her home.

Shadowslash and Amethyst did not care about her rude attitude as they see her as their little sister/daughter, unfortunately, her father does not see the same thing.

He always feels helpless against her daughter’s actions but he knows that Shadowslash treats her well but he is now considered as one of the major guests in their clan.

They are even thinking of making him into one of the elders, their entire clan knows that they cannot afford to anger Shadowslash and they all want to stay in his good book.

His reputation in the clan is much higher than even some elders, not to mention, his strength surpasses everyone in their clan except for Baika.

With the effect of the training ground, even foxes from other clans are gathering into their clan, using this to their advantage, they have been collecting a small amount of fees every time they visit.

“Baishen you look so happy, did something happen to you that made you this jolly?” Seeing her happy expression, he smiles and asks but she does not answer him and snorts.

She turns her head backwards, ignoring him, seeing her reaction, he was quite confused but his smile causes the atmosphere in the room to be pleasant.

Seeing that he was not speaking, she finally caves in and complains “Why are you not ignoring me? You were sooooo busy all the time that you had forgotten about your best friend!”

Shadowslash finally understood what she was going about, looking at her puffed cheeks, he laughed out loud and with his divine sense, he pulled her towards him.

“Are you angry that I have not played with you all of this time?” Seeing his smiling expression, she harrumphs and glares at him cutely.

He shakes his head and says “But Baishen, I cannot be your only friend, you should make other friends besides me, with the amount of visitors coming and going in your clan, you are bound to find a friend.”

He blinks into the guest room and puts her beside him “I am considered as one of the older generation, in fact, your father even sees me as an equal to him, this basically makes me your uncle, I think that it is better for you to have friends with the same generation as you.”

Looking at her eyes that are about to burst into tears, he sighs and says “It is not that I no longer want to play with you but it is because I cannot, listen to me, in the future, there will be a great battle that will affect everyone in this realm, I will no longer be at your side during that time.”

Hearing this, Baishen becomes silent, seeing her current pitiful appearance, Shadowslash was also a little bit hurt, he knows that with the current strength of the Spirit Fox Clan, they will never be able to endure the assault of the incoming invaders.

His expression becomes determined “Baishen, listen to me, when the time comes, bring everyone inside my mansion, no matter how bad the situation looks like or this decision is, you must enter this mansion, this will be my last parting gift to you once I finally leave this place.”

She starts crying “Are you going to return?”

He sighs once again “I do not know, I am not one hundred percent sure that I can successfully survive the incoming event but I can say this to you, if you and your clan do not have anywhere to go, I will welcome you with open arms.”

She asks in a small voice “When are you leaving?”

“I do not know the exact date but considering the situation, it will not be long before I disappear.” Suddenly, Amethyst alerts him that Gaia sent a message to them.

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