The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 1135 - 1135 CHAPTER 1104 GRAVE NEWS

Chapter 1135 - 1135 CHAPTER 1104 GRAVE NEWS


It seems that Gaia’s situation has become very dire for it to try and break the boundary splitting the lower and Divine Realm to just send him a message.

“Remember this Baishen, you can either train in order to prepare for the incoming war or enjoy the current peaceful situation to the fullest so that when everything starts crashing down, you can say that you lived a fulfilling life.” Baishen was still in a state of sadness because of the information that he had just told her.

She looks at his sincere eyes and says “I do not know but I will go tell my dad about the incoming event that you keep on saying and Shadowslash, please survive, I wish to meet you once again.”

Seeing her leave, Shadowslash silently puts a hundred clones into her shadow, they will come out once she is in any state of danger.

“Amethyst, I will go and check the current situation back in the lower realm, monitor my body’s situation.” Since she was still in the process of analysing his body, he doesn’t want to go out just yet.

[Big brother don’t! Your last visit to the lower realm has exhausted your spirit greatly and with the disappearance of Grim, the burden that you will bear will certainly be unbearable.]

He had forgotten the fact that Amethyst does not know about the existence of The Fragment (Big Bang Universe).

“During my visit on the Immortal Dragon Race, I have obtained an ability to travel forth from the lower realm to this realm, it seems that the dragons used this technique in order to obtain so many followers and increasing their divine might.” Of course, what he had said were all lies.

He did not know if the Immortal Dragon Race truly have such ability but he felt that they should have, the Divine Realm has existed for billions of years, it should have developed some sort of technique in order to communicate to the lower realm.


After all, fate Qi is one of the most sought source of power in this realm but creating a new world is quite difficult and also, the new world would need millions of years to develop into a complete world and give birth to living beings by its own.

Immortals might be able to live for as long as they can as long they can absorb enough Immortal Spirit Qi but there are countless beings in this realm.

They cannot live indefinitely since the constant supply of energy is being absorbed by different entities, the stronger you are, the better your absorption rate is, the longer you can live.

He took over his Behemoth Avatar, this was his current strongest body in the lower realm, also, Amethyst has compiled many different types of techniques, as long as they complete the transformation of all the techniques that he had obtained, his strength would certainly increase, so would the people back on Gaia. josei

When he opens his eyes, he was already back on the lower realm, he is currently in Abyssal Plane, it seems that the war to conquer this plane is still happening, he is not surprised.

He knows that even with Gaia’s current strength, it is incapable of conquering an entire plane by its own, the only reason why they are able to grow this far is because of the new universal will present in the lower realm.

Since most of the powerhouses in the Abyssal Plane did not join the war against the invaders, they are seen as traitors and because of this, the plane is also affected.

They are incapable of reversing their situation since even the plane’s will is being suppressed, Shadowslash shakes his head, he cannot fully blame the people of this plane since the danger that the invaders possessed during that time were too life-threatening for them.

Everyone can be selfish but this would also be the caused of this universe’s downfall, actually, if the Abyssal Plane only accepted their alliance proposal, they wouldn’t invade it.

He teleports next to Gulli, he was busy fighting against a demon that is filled with hard scales, some of them were quite sharp, sensing the baleful Qi being emitted out of its body, he knows that this being is anything but kind.

Without hesitation, he made a move and instantly, the demon was crushed into powder, the sudden event stuns everyone at all sides, when the people of Gaia sees who it was, they cheers.

Shadowslash ignores them and speaks to Gulli “Gaia had reached out to me, it seems that it is something very important, I will leave this plane to you, I will have the avatar return shortly afterwards, for now, stop the assault and wait for my return.”

Gulli solemnly nodded, he did not expect that his brother would return that quickly but since he did, he decided to listen to his command.

The army that were advancing at a rapid pace immediately halted their movement, they all received the command from Gulli and hearing that the order came from Shadowslash, they are afraid to disobey it.

The powers of the Abyssal Plane were startled when they heard of their sudden ceased of movement, if it were them, they would use the current momentum to continue conquering this plane.

They wanted to investigate but because of the deterrence that came from the Behemoth Avatar, they become afraid, they regretted their actions of denying the alliance proposal, unfortunately for them, it is too late for their regret.

Back on Gaia, Shadowslash quickly fuses his consciousness with her, he then see the image that she wants to share.

His expression changes and turns pale, he did not expect that he would see the return of the Plunder Universe, what’s worse is that, the Demon Universe have also joined in the invasion.

His expression becomes ugly, he finally discovered what his instinct was warning about, the return of an old enemy, his strength is not strong enough to accomplish all of their plans.

He takes a deep breath and speaks to everyone on Gaia “Everyone, I bring grave news, the invaders have once again returned and their force is much bigger than before, return to your original worlds and prepare for the upcoming war.”

He doesn’t want to keep this a secret, he will not use this opportunity to make Gaia stronger, he wants to gather everyone’s strength in order to resist their enemies.

Their chances of victory is practically zero and their chances of survival is also low but he will not give up, he will continue to preserve for as long as he can.

The message sent everyone reeling in shock, they had known that the invaders would return, the Thousand Race Empire have repeatedly told them this and since they have a large amount of respect towards the empire, they believed and have already started preparing for the next war.

They just did not expect that it would happen so fast, Shadowslash can sense the fear that is now swirling in his world.

He once again speaks using Gaia’s power “The invaders are preparing to go to war with the Divine Realm, it will start destroying worlds in this realm but they will not truly focus on us and more so to the higher planes of existence, those that are near Gaia will be much safer than the rest.”

The people of Gaia all heave a sigh of relief after hearing this, they become proud that they are born in this world, many of them even started thinking of joining the military in the kingdom or any sort of territory they are currently in.

“Arm yourselves as we are going to have a bloody battle, billions will die in the upcoming war but as long as we stand united, we can survive this endeavour!” This is his last message before turning off.

He starts flying back to the Thousand Race Empire, he can teleport using Gaia’s power but it will only weaken her, he had already used her power to send message to every part of this universe, this expended a lot of energy.

His flying speed is incredibly fast and because of this, sonic boom can be heard every time he steps into the air, the loud sound startled the beings in the area but they quickly calm down after sensing his aura.

The people of this plane knows that if he wanted to, he can conquer every power of this world and proclaims himself as the ultimate ruler but he did not.

He let every power of this world have an opportunity to rise above, surpassing the Thousand Race Empire, Invincible Empire and Shadowslash’s Empire might be impossible but the other powers are all fair game.

As long as there is no genocidal war, every ruler can grow stronger, there are wars that is happening in Gaia but they would stop once the death toll reaches a certain number, after all, everyone knows that their actions were being monitored by the Thousand Race Empire.

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