The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster




They still have not discovered that the slimes are the ultimate spies in this world, they are considered as beings that are purely focused on cleaning the filth of this world, there are multiple of them and when they die, there would be magic cores left behind.

The cores would either decompose and turn into pure energy that would submerged into the ground, trying to reach the plane’s core as much as possible or would be obtained by some individuals or monsters.

Different cores has different values and since it will only take three days for them to crack and turns into powder without any special preservation skill, it is hard to find them in the wild.

This continuous cycle repeats when slimes cannot evolve into their next cycle and since not many would attack the slimes, they are also ordered not to attack anyone without prior reason.

The number of slimes circulating around Gaia are billions, the ocean even contains special slimes that had evolved just for the sake of traveling throughout the world in order to spread the slimes all over this plane.

This is why Gaia will only continue to grow, not only do the Safehaven Paradise would give large amount of energy to it from time to time, the stars near it would also be absorbed by it and turns into vitality.

Shadowslash cannot help but pity that it was born in such a dire time period, if it was left to grow under his care, it would be comparable to any part of the Divine Realm.

He sighs once more after thinking about this but he does not stop flying, since Gaia is ever expanding, the distance that he has to fly is truly too big, if it were not for his great stamina and speed, no one would be capable of traveling all around this plane.

Even spatial users were having a hard time traveling since the greater the distance, the greater the amount of spatial energy and Mana expended, also, their body must be able to endure such great travel.


The most basic Tree Swallowing Technique is available to all the residents of this plane but unfortunately, they can only be bought from the Holy Continent.

The Holy Continent which was formerly known as Thousand Forest Continent is now the place that is considered the last destination of all powerhouses.

Unfortunately, the residents of the continent are extremely disdainful towards outsiders, sometimes, they would not even sell them items that are considered as basic necessities.

Of course, with the existence of the elves, order is preserved and because of this, such small problem would be fixed by them but even with the education of the Hope Academy and the rest of the educational institutions inside the continent, many children would still grow up to disdain the outsiders.

The teachers were forced to teach about treating everyone with courtesy, no matter where they came from even though they do not believe in such opinion but even with this, the parents of the children would fill them with ideas that they are superior than the outsiders.

The only ones that are considered superior to them are those that are born, raised or both inside Safehaven Paradise and of course, the Hope Family.

The Hope Family is the symbol of the entire continent and all of the people loves them, from time to time, the elves that would travel all around the world would bring either spouses or children back to Safehaven Paradise.

The elves have multiple husbands, according to Shadowslash, since men can have multiple husbands, why can’t women? He would be an hypocrite if he is against having multiple lovers, since this ship had already sailed, he can only let his people experience the same thing.

The elves prioritized bloodline and potential than anything when choosing their lovers, most elves that are searching for husbands were considered as low level elves that wants to increase the potential of their clan or the strength of their family.

Meanwhile, most of the elves that are born on Safehaven Paradise are gifted children of nature, they are even classified as a different species and call themselves as the True Elves like how the humans calls themselves as the True Humans.

Only the dragon race calls themselves a different name, The Summoned Dragon Race, they felt that they are more connected with Shadowslash if they name themselves this way.

Back to the present, after traveling hundreds of thousands of kilometers, he finally arrives in front of the continent, he was accepted by it with a warm embrace.

If it were anyone else, even his family members, they would be rejected by the continent, anyone can enter it using any transmission array connected to the continent but entering via flight is basically impossible.

Unfortunately, the people that had realised this fact have all died since they tried to enter the continent via flight, the continent cannot be reached just by flight, the suppression that it gives will cause those that tries to approach to fall.

The closer you get, the greater the suppression is, once you reach the colorful fog beneath it, then, you would definitely die, the fog is not poisonous, they are pure essence of energies that converged into the continent.

Anyone that tries to enter would be filled with intense energy that they will blow up because of too much essence in their body and once they burst into blood, they would be added into the fog, turning them into nutrients that will nurture the continent.

Shadowslash’s presence was immediately discovered by the people at the edge of the continent, since it was also ever expanding, multiple individuals from other locations would migrate here and since they are not welcomed in the main territories because they are basically illegally entering another power’s territory, they settled at the edge.

The reason why they are not persecuted is because of the fact that most of them would either become soldiers or Adventurers that would work for the Thousand Race Empire.

They are more than willing to die to give their family a better future, even though there is constant battles happening all around the lower realm, this does not dissuade them from entering the military.

Upon seeing him, all of them becomes both excited and afraid, after all, they are migrating into his territory without any prior notice nor any permission from the authorities, the Holy Continent is unanimously accepted as Shadowslash’s domain.

The reason why it had become such a precious land is all because of him, Shadowslash stares at them, causing their hearts to constrict but he ignores them afterwards.

He just hope that none of them are spies, he does not care if anyone wants to live in this continent of his, actually, he is willing to accept multiple immigrants into his empire. josei

Of course, his arrival causes the people of the continent to cheer, even though he had just given such a grave news, they are still so carefree, this was brought to them by their confidence in their lord.

Yshelia and the rest of the Hope Family were already waiting for him in Hope City, their expression was very serious, they know what the information about the new invasion entails.

Another great war will take place and multiple lives will fade away, they can only try to strengthen themselves as much as possible for the inevitable battle.

They had just started entering the dungeons, their strength still have not risen that much but they are confident that they are going to grow a lot stronger during this period of time.

He was not surprised when he sees them waiting for him, he nods at them before entering Safehaven Paradise together, the people of Hope City were in a festive mood, quite the opposite of the situation in the other territories.

More kings and rulers were now thinking of joining the United Federation Alliance, the reason why they did not immediately join is because of the various restrictions that is within the alliance and because of the requirements to become a member.

This was the two main reasons why they did not bother to join the second strongest power of this realm but after hearing that the invaders have once again reappeared, they started panicking.

They had experienced the ferocity of the Plunder Universe’s Army during their invasion era, the era which all the power of this realm wants to conquer other worlds to strengthen themselves, other than those that are considered members of the alliance, every power lost their control over the worlds they had conquered.

This is why, many major powers in the past had their downfall, many of them did not survive but those who did carries the memories of the insects in their minds.

They will never forget the mad slaughter that they had seen with their own two eyes, the ability to devour everything they passed through, their ability to evolve continuously to counter their enemies.

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