The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 712

Chapter 712


His scarabs were slowly getting stronger and as long as the chaos world continue on their invasion, it would only hasten their growth, but other than this Hentai was now researching on how to create special scarabs so that the limitation of Xiantian Emperor Realm wouldn’t limit them.

The Primordial Rune Scarabs are still powerful, they could use the excess energy that they had devoured to increase the strength of their rune and increase their toughness.

Even though this was already enough for them to be feared, Hentai wanted to increase their strength more and for them to truly be something horrifying they need to obtain the body of a Saint Rune Beast.

Shadowslash knew that this would definitely take a long time before Hentai would be able to find a way but at least it now has something to occupy it.

He on the other hand was also busy on activating the spiritual volcano inside of him, the spirit Qi and Mana he had absorbed was slowly circulating towards it, waking the dormant volcano.

The only thing he needs to be worried about the volcano is that it would increase the strength of his yang Qi, his yin Qi should be comparable to his yang Qi at all time.

He realised that his yang Qi and the abilities paired with it was getting increasingly fearsome but his yin Qi wasn’t progressing as fast as it’s counterpart making the situation incredibly dangerous to him.


While he was deep in thought, the calm ocean started to get turbulent, he immediately knew that his clones have encountered some marine beasts, he just doesn’t know if they encountered a Pseudo chaos beasts or a true one.

He could only shake his head and started pondering on how to increase the strength of his yin Qi, it’s quality is already terrifying and wouldn’t be raised in a short time.

The only thing he could do is to increase its quantity and strength so that it would balance itself with his yang Qi, he also told himself to not use the [Heavenly Rune Sun Dragon Form] if his life wasn’t truly in danger.

He always fought on day while forgetting that he is much scarier at night, after always fighting head on, he had forgotten that in terms of fighting in the dark his potential is top notched.

His eyes then glinted, he then started to merge with the darkness of the ocean and decided to hone his skills as an assassin once again.

The ocean became chaotic, numerous marine beasts were killed and many have been tamed by Shadowslash and his clone, the chaos beasts that were killed were all fed to the scarabs.

Shadowslash doesn’t want to use Heaven Swallowing Technique at the present because he sensed that his physical constitution have already reached it’s peak on his current realm, what he needs right now is to tempter his attributes especially his yin Qi.

Throughout his journey on the ocean, he hadn’t killed a single chaos beast on a head on clash, all of the chaos beasts he had killed were result of assassination.

Too bad because of the strength of the chaos beasts, he felt that it was redundant, even if he attacked on the front, the beasts wouldn’t be able to sense his attack coming because of his speed and strength.

He then have a bold idea of going deeper towards the direction where the chaos world have made their base, with his chaos attribute he would be able to pose as a chaos beasts, as long as he could kill enough knights and beasts, he would be able to train himself while also weakening the enemy.

He then went deeper and deeper into the direction of the chaos world’s base, he met more and more chaos beasts on his way, of course all of those chaos beasts were given to the scarabs.

The number of the scarabs did not increase that drastically even though they have been given a stable amount of food throughout this journey.

The reason for this is Toxic, it’s appetite started to become bigger especially after it developed a poison that would increase ones cultivation speed as long as one would inhale it.

This poison was created after Toxic heard his request, after eating large amount of poisonous herbs, it finally managed to create this type of poison, other than creating poison it was also cultivating it’s strength. josei

It’s body was a fusion and because Vlaze has a powerful ancestor and both of them has poison attribute, it was easy for Toxic to fully assimilate with the body without any problem.

So other than it’s poison, it’s own combat strength is also that of Saint level, but he wasn’t a true Saint yet, Shadowslash have no idea how to convert ones Xiantian Qi to Saint Qi.

The only thing Toxic can do is to follow it’s instinct and many of the information he had received after devouring Vlaze’s soul, but even that information is incomplete.

Shadowslash knew that he wouldn’t be able help Toxic advance if he doesn’t have any information regarding the Saint Realm, fortunately Toxic would be able to increase his strength via the method of the Rune Beast kind.

Just like the scarabs, Toxic would be able to increase the strength and power of their runes by the excess energy they store in their body but because of this, there are only a couple of Rune Beast that are able to create their own core.

Toxic has one but it belongs to Vlaze, he needed to temper it with his own poison Qi to make it compatible with his current condition, for him the core that Vlaze has is substandard.

Meanwhile back on Defender Kingdom, there were three individuals that arrived and their aura belongs that of a Xiantian Emperor elite, but the three individuals were now shivering in fear as a swarm of scarabs were eyeing them with covetous eyes.

Fortunately one of the individuals has the aura the same as Shadowslash making the scarabs hesitant wether to attack them or not.

One of the individual has an armor made up of black flames, he looks like a western dragon with an appearance that belongs to the demon dragon kind, the black dragon shouted at the green dragon besides it “F*ck you! You old virgin! What do we f*cking do now?!”

The green dragon besides the black dragon has an appearance that belongs to the eastern dragon, he exudes great vitality that enticed the scarabs greatly, he shouted back to his comrade “I don’t know you barbarian! But I do know that Shadowslash isn’t here, If he’s here he would definitely help us get out of this situation.”

The third one was a golden dragon that exudes a majestic aura, it’s size was comparable to the two but his cultivation is only Xiantian King Realm, but his aura wasn’t weaker compared to the two, on the contrary it was a bit stronger.

The three dragons were Fire Demon Dragon King, Old man emerald and LS. The three have decided to go to Defender Island because of Shadowslash but when they arrived at this location they were immediately surrounding by the scarabs.

Fortunately for them, LS and Old man emerald has Shadowslash’s aura that prevented the scarabs on attacking them by instinct, LS is basically as Shadowslash’s son as he had grown inside his dantian and have been raised by him.

LS was fearless unlike the two dragons, he then flew towards the scarabs and release his spiritual sense, the contract between him and Shadowslash was shown making the scarabs retreat back to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the two dragon kings heaved a sigh of relief, their instinct have been ringing throughout the entire time when they were surrounded by the scarabs, they knew for a fact that their instincts aren’t tricking them.

They had already seen what the scarabs are capable of and after they sensed the aura of Xiantian Emperor Realm from them, the two instantly knew that they would be no match against the swarm of them.

The three then went to the incomplete kingdom, the three saw that the kingdom is still on tatters and the amount of people working on rebuilding the kingdom is too little.

Fire Demon Dragon King spoke “Judging from the infrastructure that they are building it seems that our friend want to make this place the defensive line.”

His whole body started trembling with excitement, as a battle maniac, he wants nothing more than go to war, there is also the fact that he hates the chaos beasts and knights with passion.

Old man emerald looks at the seedling that were present in the barren like land, with his affinity with nature, he sensed the powerful vitality of plants coming from Shadowslash’s garden.

He then looks at Fire Demon Dragon King and said “FD, it seems that you and LS would be the only ones returning to Beast Continent, I’ll stay here and help the plants grow, bring some of my sect members here.”

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