The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 713

Chapter 713


Fire Demon Dragon King nodded, even though he dislikes being ordered around and was even arrogant enough to challenge the dragon emperor of their continent, he was still an understanding man, from the appearance of the barren Defender Island he immediately knew what his friend is planning.

He then looks at LS, he didn’t say it but he was more afraid of him than the dragon emperor, he felt very uncomfortable when they were sparring, he knew that this came from the bloodline suppression and he wasn’t that angry.

Besides because of his relationship with Shadowslash, LS respect him very much and he of course would reciprocate the respect given to him.

Roar! LS shook his head indicating that he would be staying on the island, he then told the two of his plan to gather marine beasts to boost their combat strength.

Fire Demon Dragon King nodded, he knew that LS is able to do this because of his bloodline, he then said goodbye to the two and flew back, even though he had just arrived he didn’t rest at all and immediately rush back to their continent.

He knew that time is an essence, once Fire Demon Dragon King left, the two immediately went to work, LS dove into the ocean with a roar while Old man emerald went to Defender City, the capital city of Defender Kingdom, to be more precise it is the only city in the entire island.

Old man emerald knew that Shadowslash would always leave someone in charge on the territory that he had conquered, of course his presence shocked those that were inside the city, they thought he managed to bypass all the scarabs.


Old man emerald knew that he had caused too much commotion because of his appearance so he quickly shouted “Everyone! do not worry! I am Emerald, the Emerald Dragon King of Beast Continent! I am considered as an ally of Shadowslash!”

Hearing this the fear and anxiousness that everyone felt lessened considerably, but many of them still put their guard up, two golden flashes came out of the castle, Zultan and Strawberry appeared, both of them have golden wings behind them.

Upon sensing Shadowslash’s aura from the two, Old man emerald instantly knew that they were the chosen ones that were trusted to guard this island, he then became confused to see just how young Strawberry is.

Zultan saw his confused expression and quickly explained, when he heard this, Old man emerald’s expression became that of an admiring uncle, he then said “Little girl, you are perfect to enter my sect, why don’t you join my sect that both me and Shadowslash have created.”

“The name of our sect is now renowned to many forces, the name of our glorious sect is Divine Heaven Sect!”

He was looking extremely proud when he said this, he had been going around the surrounding territory killing chaos beasts and sometimes even meet chaos knights, throughout all of his expedition he had always been spreading the name of his sect.

Strawberry looks at Old man emerald and felt intimate somehow as if the two came from the same mother, she immediately knew that he wasn’t lying but she still shook her head and answered in clear and concise manner “No”

Old man emerald nearly falls from the sky when he heard her answer, he then looks at her in an incredulous manner, he then asks “Do you still not believe that me and Shadowslash are friends?”

Strawberry shook her head and looks at him in the eyes and said “No, I believe you and master Shadowslash are friends, you have his aura and because you are inside my kingdom, I have the ability to see through if you are lying or not.”

Old man emerald was a bit shocked to hear her ability to see through lies on her territory but upon thinking about the miracles that Shadowslash have performed throughout all this time his shock dispersed and a look of ‘just as expected’ appeared on his face.

But this information made him more confused, he doesn’t know why this little girl doesn’t want to enter his prestigious sect, this was the best path for her to increase her strength.

Zultan saw his expression and quickly realised what he was thinking, he then explains in an amiable manner “Venerable Emerald, the reason why queen Strawberry declines your proposal is that she is the queen of this kingdom.”

“She has the responsibility of taking care of this kingdom, from what master Shadowslash have said, this island would be the defense line for this world against the chaos world.”

Old man emerald raise his eyebrow and asks “If Shadowslash said this, then that means that the chaos world is too strong for our current world so we could only defend and not attack.”

He had quickly realised this information after he heard Zultan’s explanation, he knew Shadowslash very much, he wouldn’t build a defense line that would become a kingdom just because of the incoming war, he would create a defense line but the entire Kingdom wouldn’t be structured to be only a defense line.

Knowing this his expression became much more heavy, he then looks at Strawberry and said “I am sorry for my proposal, it seems that you bore great responsibility despite your age, no wonder Shadowslash have appointed you as the queen of this place.”

“Worry not, our Beast Continent would definitely help you tide on this war, and since this location is going to be the defensive line of the entire world, I am going to used this chance to promote our kind.”

The two became confused, Old man emerald then smiles and pointed towards a certain direction and said “I am going to build a man made island on that location and this island would be owned by my sect.”

The two were greatly shaken, especially Zultan, after being promoted by Shadowslash, he was given the responsibility to learn more knowledge about this world and have been reading all the books he could find, after cultivating. josei

He knew that man-made islands wouldn’t exist that long, not to mention spirit Qi and other types of energies would be chaotic inside a manmade island because it isn’t natural.

He hesitated if he should tell this to Old man emerald or not, Old man emerald saw his expression and grins “It seems that our friend here know a thing or two.”

“Do not worry, what I meant by man-made island is not what you all thought, my man-made island is the personal independent realm inside our dantian.”

The two became confused as they don’t know any of this, Old man emerald patiently explains “The personal independent realm inside your dantian, is an accumulation of innate attribute you have, only a couple of individuals are able to create a complete and real realm.”

When Strawberry heard this, her expression became solemn, she then asks “Since it’s an accumulation of energy on your body, then wouldn’t the personal independent realm important to it’s owner?”

Old man emerald looks at her once again, admiration could be clearly seen on his eyes, he then nodded and said “Yes, if the independent realm would be destroyed, then the owner of the realm would suffer irreversible harm and his future cultivation would be nigh impossible to improve.”

The expression of the two quickly changes, they were about to persuade him, when suddenly the scarabs started acting up and their entire aura started to emit dense killing intent but this only flash for a second.

But thd three were very perceptive, Old man emerald’s expression became very solemn and said “Only Shadowslash is able to influence the emotion of these little critters, it seems that he had found something disgusting that angers him very much.”

At the present, in a location where the world vave turned gray, Shadowslash was now standing in front of a grave that is full of bones, the bones belongs to the residents of this world, regardless of age and race all the bones were piled up here and were now being crushed into powders to power up the device that connects this world to the chaos world.

He now realised that the chaos world saw this world as a power source to be raised in captivity to increase the strength of the chaos world.

He became furious as he saw many living creatures of this world being slaughtered just for fun, but he cannot do anything, there were at least 30 Saints in this place, this shouldn’t worry him this much but in this location the Saint chaos knights are able to summon an avatar of their leader.

He had sensed the power that came off of the chaos orb and was greatly shaken because he felt dread from it and he knew that even his scarabs wouldn’t be able to take care of the leader of the chaos knights.

He had never thought that the difference of a Saint and a True Saint would be this large, even Toxic wouldn’t be able to defeat the avatar of the chaos commander.

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