The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 822

Chapter 822


Realising her rude behavior, she quickly explains herself, “I apologized, I just meet an individual that has the same appearance and temperant as yours, such a coincidence is quite surprising, I met two equally gorgeous goddess with great strength.”

The female in the lotus was surprised, she is quite proud of her appearance, her only rival in this world was the fairy dragon of the dragon clan, there are many gorgeous succubus in the demon realm and sone higher class ones are comparable to her but they came from different world.

While fairy Su was chatting with the unknown female powerhouse, in an another location, the sword sect leader opens his eyes and he was now inside a cave, he is a bit dizzy, it seems that his teleportation array have brought him in an unknown location. josei

He was still a bit groggy, when he finally regains distinction, he was shocked to see the skeletons that were everywhere in the cave, what was the most shocking of all was the giant dragon skeleton that he was lying upon.

He then sensed something calling for him, he looks at the head of the dragon and saw a golden sword radiating intense flame, his soul seems to desire it, he didn’t know why but his body instinctively walk towards it, he puts his hand on the handle and he was brought in a flaming hell.

An individual with flaming hair looks at him and spoke “It seems that this world is once again in a turmoil, to think that the world consciousness sent an individual like you on this godforsaken land, since you are chosen by this world, you’ll be able to wield me.”

The sword sect leader is still processing what’s going on, the flaming hair fellow then smile and a chill descended on his entire body, he doesn’t know why but he is now having an extremely bad feeling towards the person in front of him.


The flaming hair individual then pointed at him and shouted “You might be chosen by destiny but I wouldn’t let you wield my power without showing me you are worthy of it! Try to survive in my domain! Oh, pitiful human!”

The sword sect leader quickly reacted, he then said, “Great venerable! please calm yourself down, I don’t know what you are talking about, I just stumbled in this place on accident, I don’t know anything about this so called destiny you are talking of.”

The flaming hair individual didn’t listen to what he was saying and multiple flaming monsters appeared and charge towards them, he and fairy Su are on different situations but both of them have been chosen by the world’s consciousness for a purpose.

Back on Gaia, the soldiers that returned couldn’t help but breath in the fresh air of their homeworld, especially those that are too used on absorbing Mana in the air, the soldiers were carrying prisoners but what was most confusing were the treatment of these prisoners.

Even though they are inside a cage, they aren’t mistreated, their place was extremely comfortable with food and drinks prepared for them, they are Wang Meimei, Ming Rouxi and Lei Long, inside of them, Yshelia was sitting watching their every move.

Wang Meimei have already realised that they wouldn’t be able to escape with Yshelia watching over them, not to mention, the soldiers that returned with them aren’t pushover, they might win if it was one on one against ordinary soldiers but they already seen what they are capable of.

Their strength multiplies if they work together, their role and strategy seems to be deviced to take down powerful goes that are much higher realm than them, it was quite a surprising experience, Ming Rouxi started to use her energy.

She shared her discovery to her comrades via spiritual sense, ‘This world seems to have an additional type of energy that seems to benefit my occupation but the laws of this world is different from ours, I am having a hard time accessing my spiritual root’

Wang Meimei wasn’t surprised, she then , explained, “Yes, in this world, people calls your occupation as magicians, besides when we first invaded this world, we also have a hard time, fortunately, our powerful sect’s disciples are stronger than average sect disciples.”

Lei Long added, “What do you mean fortunately? Because of our wanton expansion, we actually alarmed the strongest force of this world, you two have already realised that our sect wouldn’t be able to defeat them.”

Ming Rouxi and Wang Meimei became silent, they knew that this was the truth, Yshelia who had been silent since their return finally spoke, “It seems that the three of you finally realised that you had messed with the wrong world, you are fortunate, if it was any other ruler, they would have been advancing in an aggressive manner.”

Lei Long became angry, he remembers the fallen comrades during their battle, his anger got the best of him and he actually shouted at Yshelia, “What do you mean?! So it was our fault?! On my recollection, it was you world that first invaded our world, we are only trying to protect our home?”

Ming Rouxi immediately hugs him, she holds him tightly, Wang Meimei put her hand on his head and use her Qi to calm him down, she knew that he was agitated because, they had seen Lei Long’s master, during their time as prisoners, he was no longer breathing.

What’s worse is that, they had seen their enemy feed the corpses to the beasts, such an image was planted into Lei Long, he is now grieving for his master, being mocked by Yshelia have finally broke his temper and he could no longer hold it in.

Yshelia use her spiritual sense and Lei Long was pressured into the floor, Ming Rouxi was startled, she then use her storage ring to take out a talisman paper but with a quick flip of Yshelia’s finger, she was thrown into the corner of the cage.

Bam! She grunted, Wang Meimei was already charging towards their target but just like the other two, she was utterly helpless against Yshelia, seeing that the three still hadn’t give up, she increase the pressure of her spiritual sense.

Cracking sounds could be heard, it came from Lei Long but he didn’t let out a cry, he gritted his teeth and looks at Yshelia full of hatred, Ming Rouxi started crying, she wasn’t afraid of dying but she is afraid of losing her friend, she was about to beg mercy, when suddenly, the pressure disperse.

Yshelia looks at them coldly, her stare causes Ming Rouxi to tremble slightly, Wang Meimei was using her sword to stand in a rather unsteady manner, Lei Long continue to lie on the floor while looking at their oppressor with hatred burning in his eyes.

Seeing this, the other soldiers immediately wanted to kill Lei Long, Yshelia was one of their goddess back on Thousand Race Empire, she and the others are well known to be the most beautiful women in this world, what is the greatest trait they have were their individual capability and strength.

They aren’t just nice to look at but they are also powerful, Yshelia spoke, “Looking at your eyes, it seems that I no longer need to bring you back to my Shadowslash, it’s sad because he wanted to know you better, if only your

stupid elder accepted his proposal.”

Wang Meimei, Ming Rouxi and even Lei Long couldn’t help but look down, they are feeling extremely regretful, especially, Lei Long, he became furious at their elder, after meeting Shadowslash, the three of them knew that he is a reasonable guy.

The tension between two worlds wouldn’t be so tense, if only they accepted his proposal, the three of them became silent, this lasted for a couple of seconds, then something hit on Wang Meimei’s mind.

She recalls their discussion earlier and her expression immediately changes, she looks at Yshelia full of apprehension and asks, “You can interpret what we are talking about even after using our spiritual sense?!”

Lei Long and Ming Rouxi quickly realised this, Yshelia looks at them in a rather strange gaze, she then realised that the things taught in Thousand Race Empire are sometimes much more advanced compared to other forces in Gaia, she had never thought that this would be the same compared to other worlds.

She smiled and said, “Our great empire is capable of lots of things, reading what you are saying via spiritual sense is extremely easy, one could do it when they exceptional control over their spiritual sense, the prerequisites is that they at least need Xiantian Emperor cultivation level.”

Wang Meimei was very shocked by this revelation, so were Lei Long and Ming Rouxi, they have never heard something like this before, they wanted to learn such ability, they are already in Xiantian Emperor Realm, since they have one of the requirements, they wanted to learn such perverse ability.

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