The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 823

Chapter 823


Yshelia chuckles inwardly, he knew what these three were thinking but she didn’t told them one of the requirements and it is an important one, you should be perceptive towards emotion just like fairies, after all, you wouldn’t know that if they are talking via spiritual sense without sharp intuition.

They continue to travel back to Thousand Race Empire, there are still no long distance teleportation array on where they are because it was still being build, a simple teleportation array would be built quite easily but a large one capable of teleporting numerous individuals safely is an extremely endearing task.

The resources and manpower needed is astronomical but the richest power of this world is Thousand Race Empire, just the treasures hidden in Safehaven Paradise is already capable of buying a continent in this world, that is why it is such a fabled land.

The soldiers started talking, because of the language barrier between worlds, the trio doesn’t understand what they are talking, Ming Rouxi started talking to herself, Yshelia looks at her full of surprise, she then said, “You are extremely talented.”

Ming Rouxi was startled, she then looks at her, the two lock gazes, realising that she was found out, she droops her head, Wang Meimei knew what had happened, so does Lei Long, the both of them knew just how smart their friend is.

They have been trying to learn this world’s language but only she managed to learn a few words, Yshelia then spoke “I know Shadowslash would definitely teach you our empire’s language but since we have some free time, I’ll teach you before we reach our great empire.”

Meanwhile, back on Safehaven Paradise, Shadowslash finally opens his eyes, next to him was the recuperating JL, both of them are now resting next to the Luminous Tree Of Life, they left countless mages on guard in the entrance of fierce beast world.

..... josei

Even Shadowslash didn’t expect that the nine abyssal dragon door would have a special function of connecting with numerous worlds, they need to be wary against it, especially since they don’t know which world it had connected with, fortunately, he had sealed it using the remnant power of Emperor’s Dignity Array.

Not only it restrict other beings from entering or exiting the passageway, it also conceals the aura of the passageway buying them more time to make preparation for the next invasion, they were already swamped with work and yet, here comes another troublesome headache.

He couldn’t help but want Sans and Gulli to return, with their army, they would be able to take control over this predicament and strengthen their force, he let out a sigh and stretch his body, he had Amethyst disguise herself as him to calm the empire down.

The people have already started to calm down but all of them have already become cautious with the fierce beast world, they had received numerous request to build a frontier near it’s entrance, the prisoners that would be marked by the sinner mark or slave mark in the past would be thrown inside.

If they manage to survive at a specific time, they’ll be rewarded, even though the rewards are extremely unfair and not worth it for them to risk their lives, they have no choice but to do it, besides, their sentence would become lighter as long as they contribute more.

The prisoners that were thrown into fierce beast world were heavy to medium quality criminals, no one had any good impression to them, they are seen as disgusting parasites of the society by the people of the continent, they thought that Shadowslash was merciful for giving them a chance to redeem themselves.

When this information was known by Shadowslash, he was speechless, he thought that the people of this world was extremely cruel, criminals might be not good people but they might have special circumstances that they experienced to turn them into what they are right now.

The people that he thrown to fierce beast world both contains people that were forced to become criminals and those that were truly evil, if the evil ones managed to survive to redeem themselves, he is planning to turn them into Amethyst’s puppets.

For those that could be still redeemed, they would be given a second chance, as long as they continue to contribute, the empire would accept them as one of their own, he didn’t told this to anyone, only Amethyst knew of this plan.

While he was fixing his body after the battle with the white haired man, Amethyst told him an extremely great news, Yshelia, Russel, JM and Karl have returned, a small part of the army have also returned, this would definitely alleviate the trouble that the empire is experiencing right now.

He looks at JL and sigh, he knew that his brother of his have truly fought with his beast, unfortunately, he had no backup, the enemy have a counter against his scarabs, it seems that the world they belong to have already experienced the terror of these gluttonous devils.

It would definitely be an extremely long war against them, to develop and discover a weakness that even Amethyst was having a hard time to access, they definitely fought against species just like his little devils for centuries, not to mention, they would definitely have many geniuses to develop such method.

Back to Murim World, Don2 have returned back to the city together with the scholars and the adventurers, their presence startled the people of the city but when they saw who was leading them, the people inside the city immediately celebrated, they already had a great impression to Don Don’s disciples.

The city have become more stable, the bandits that were roaming near the city were eradicated by the Don Don’s disciples, they are now seen as valiant and just martial artists, even the children started idolizing them, because of this, the Qi family started regaining their prestige.

Qi Nulong doesn’t befriend anyone though, she acts kind towards the civilians but she doesn’t give any face to the other members of the great family, even the members of the city lord weren’t given any face, no one dares to argue with her though, with the deterrence that Don2 has, everyone was walking in thin ice around her.

Qi Nulong who was now inside their family estate received the news from one of the servants that they had hired, she quickly ran out of her room leaving the important documents scattered everywhere, of course, she wasn’t careless, these documents aren’t as important as Don2 and his disciples.

The people then arrived, their number greatly startled her but this was just the beginning, when four of the people that Don2 brought spoke to her in their language and with manners that seems to be natural for residents of this world, she was extremely shocked.

She looks at Don2 for explanation, knowing what she was thinking, he nodded at her and gestures that they should talk inside, she immediately brought back these people back on the mansion, she kept on looking at them with a rather strange gaze, she felt that she was being targeted by foxes and snakes.

When they were finally inside, she was the first to speak up, “By the way, it seems that these newcomers doesn’t have the same protection as yours and your disciples has, do you think that it is okay for you to bring them here?”

The four scholars weren’t surprised, the veteran adventurers on the other hand was greatly startled, they quickly grabbed their weapons, fortunately, Don2 managed to stop them from ending Qi Nulong’s life, he quickly explained, “She is one of us!”

The four scholars chuckles, upon hearing their mockery, the veteran adventurers became furious, they look at them with intense stare, the four on the other hand looks at them with mocking gaze, Don2 seeing them like felt that his great plan was already crumbling.

Qi Nulong cough, she wanted to direct their attention back to her, she then asks once again, “So isn’t this a problem, as long as those from the sword sect see you guys, it will be over for you, I know that you guys are powerful but if they outnumber you, it would definitely end bad for everyone of us.”

Don2 shook his head and explains, “Don’t worry, they’ll be staying in the mansion, their only job as of right now is to train the orphans that you have brought into capable warriors or intelligent individuals capable of helping us increase our influence.”

“Besides, these four would be teaching my disciples how to speak your language.”

Qi Nulong’s mood brighten up, she had always wanted to talk to Angela but because of the language barrier the two of them could only do sign language to chat with each other, it seems that they were attracted to one another, they are both strong willed women.

Even though Angela might act like a man most of the time, she actually discover that she is still a woman, she just fights like a barbarian because of her unique constitution but this doesn’t mean that she isn’t a woman.

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