The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 182 - Blank

Chapter 182 - Blank

"Alfonso, he is here, AGAIN" Said Artemis with annoyance.

"Maybe I made a mistake" Said Alfonso with bitterness.

Its been two weeks since the newcomers came, all in all, they managed to adapt really well, furthermore, they didn't broke any of the laws…

To be fair, it was quite hard to break any law when you have twenty something wolves looking at you; Wasteland Valley was huge, yes, however, the places where people actually live in was reduce to the twenty percent of the land at most, so, it wasn't that hard to distribute.

Another good thing that happened was that Felio was kind enough to send two merchants that taught Zeti the "Jacques of the trade", finally the internal commerce in Wasteland Valley was going in the right direction.

It was slow yes, but, it was flowing nevertheless.

"The economy is going in the right direction and the newcomers are adapting well, everything is going according to schedule, however…" Said Alfonso.

"I AM HERE TO SEE MR.LOCKHEART! LET ME IN!" A voice came from the hall.

"Sir, The lord is currently busy, so-"


"I am sorry, I am so, so sorry!" Said another voice, apologizing to the guard.

"I came here by myself; I don't know these two idiots" Said a female voice.

"Alfonso, I didn't sign for this" Said Artemis.

"When did I made you sign anything!?" Said Alfonso.

This scene had repeated itself over and over for the last week, the trio outside was no other than Socrates and coop.

"Let them in" Said Alfonso with a defeated voice.

The guard felt relieved after hearing Alfonso's voice and let the old man and the two youngsters in.


"Socrates…you are here…again… what a delightful… SURPRISE" Said Alfonso.

"I am so, so sorry" Dalton Apologized once again.

"Don't worry, Damian-"

"Dalton" Said a voice behind Alfonso.

"Ah, yeah, Dalton, don't worry, I kind of know the… 'habits' of your master already" Said Alfonso.

"What are we wasting time for!? Lets debate!" Said Socrates.

"I am sorry, my friend, today, I must excuse myself, I have things to do" Said Alfonso.

"What!? Nothing is more important than knowledge! Go cancel your things, I will wait here" Said Socrates stubbornly.

"... Give me a hand here" Said Alfonso to Tily, who was looking by the sides.

"He wont give up, my lord, since that day, he started to write a book about your discussions, its being a pain in the-, hard for us too" Said Tily.

"But I am really busy today… wait…" Alfonso suddenly thought of something.

"You want to discuss right?, how about you discuss with my apprentice first? He was about to give a lesson" Said Alfonso with a mischievous smile.

"No! It has to be you!" Said Socrates.

"Don't be so stubborn, my friend, how about you met him first?" Said Alfonso. josei

"…Ok…" Said Socrates unwillingly.

"Io, call Taylor please" Said Alfonso.

"As you order" Said Io.

"He is coming in a minute, meanwhile, why don't you tell me why did you come here for?" Asked Alfonso looking towards Tily and Dalton.

"I came here to meet Miss Demeter" Said Tily respectfully.

"Demeter?" Said Alfonso in surprised, After all, the only people who came to visit Demeter was Camel.

"Yes, Miss Demeter told me that I had talent for medicine, so, she asked to come here to meet her, so she could introduced me to someone" Said Tily.

"A talent for medicine… how come? When did she said that?" Alfonso was curious.

"By coincidence, Miss Demeter was walking by when I was making this… it has been a hobby of mine since I was a child" Said Tily.

She took out a small basin that had some crushed herbs, Alfonso looked at it curiously.

"What is this?" Asked Alfonso.

"Since I am not good at studying as my brother, I used to play in the backyard of my house, there, a maid used to play with me and taught me to make this sabila, its basically the essence of the herbs and can ease bruises and burns, is nothing extraordinary though"

Alfonso was stunne when he heard the description, who would have thought that this little girl was a hidden gem! Demeter, Good Job!

"Demeter always had good sight for people, indeed, we need people like you, young lady, guard, escort this young lady towards Hygeia's room, told her that I send you and show her that sabila" Said Alfonso.

"As my lord wishes, young lady, this way please" Said the guard.

Tily made a small bow and accompanied the guard towards Hygeia's room.

"Now then, Demetrio-"


"Dalton, what brings you here?" Asked Alfonso.

"… Well I was accompanying my master…so…" Said Dalton while looking at the sides, like he was looking for someone.

"Hoo~" Alfonso looked at the red Dalton with a courius smile, he also looked at the sides and though for a bit.

"Demeter…nah… way out of his league, and he knows it… Artemis? Nope, she looks like a guy on his eyes… Susana? Could be, however, I have the feeling that she isn't… so, who could it-, maybe…" Though Alfonso.

"Io" Said Alfonso.

"You called, my lord?" Said Io, while showing herself by Alfonso's side.

Dalton looked at Io and his face blushed a little.

"Bingo" Though Alfonso.

"Darwin" Said Alfonso.


"Dalton, you wanna kept waiting with your master? Because I have to go somewhere" Said Alfonso with a smile.

Dalton looked at Alfonso and Io, with her usual cold face, like her master, and though for a moment before saying

"I- I want to go with you! If, if you don't mind…" Said Dalton.

"Sure, come on, Socrates, stay here, my student will be here soon!"


Alfonso and Dalton made a bitter smile and went out.

"Where are we going, my lord?" Asked Dalton.

"To meet the troublemaker" Said Alfonso.

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