The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 183 - The Worries Of A Mother

Chapter 183 - The Worries Of A Mother

*Knock* *Knock*

"Who is it?" A voice from inside asked.

"Its me, can I come in?" Asked Alfonso.

"Sure, come in" Said the voice.

When Alfonso entered, a tall man with a huge piece of meat on his mouth received him.

"Yo! Alfonso, how are you this beautiful day!?" Asked the man.

"… Leviathan… its been three days already, when are you planning to go!?" Asked Alfonso.

"Jaja, soon~, despite being injured, I am the fastest dragon among dragons; I can get to the capital in one month at most" Said Leviathan.

Alfonso face palmed and regretted that he let this troublemaker stay in.

Three days ago, Leviathan came in the form of a human to meet Alfonso as per deal, Alfonso made a request to Leviathan in exchange for giving him more blood, Leviathan accepted and they make their deal, however, because the date of the promise is still far away, Leviathan decided to be a pain in the a-, prolong his stay.

"Alfonso… are you sure about your decision, My lord? There is no turning back once Leviathan arrives there" Said Io behind him.

"Did you made an important decision, my lord?" Asked Dalton.

Alfonso looked back at Io and Dalton and made a serious face.

"Yeah, a very important one" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso turned around and left, Dalton and Io followed from behind, however, they didn't talk.

"You think that you can just go happily and kill me huh?" Said Alfonso with a smile.

A huge wave was coming to the capital.

However, nobody knew it yet. josei


"Felipe, you have been in good humor since you left Arcadia, what's on your mind?" Asked the young lady of the Veritia family, Sana Veritia.

"Nothing, its just that, something interesting is going to happen really soon" Said with a smile.

"Hmm? And what's that?" Asked Sana.

"Alfonso Lockheart" Said Felipe.

"The idiotic prince?"

"Yep, he, I think that he is going to come to the capital for his funeral" Said Felipe.

"Why should he? He is stupid, not suicidal, if he goes back to the capital, he is going to get himself killed, think about it, the emperor makes a nice funeral for his son and results that he isn't dead, that would be such an humiliation for him, if something stills remains of his corpse that would be a miracle" Said Sana.

Felipe smiled and looked through the window, he looked at the road and felt the sound of the wheels in the wagon.

"I am looking forward to your performance, Alfonso" Though Felipe with a smile.


"The blood of a real dragon is really something else, I should say thanks to Alfonso when I get the chance" Though Allison.

She has been in seclusion since she made the deal with Leviathan, although nobody noticed since she always stayed out of sight to begin with.

"The royal funeral is in four months… I don't want go for fuck's sake, what's the big idea of gathering all the forces in Wasteland Valley for a funeral of an empty coffin" Though Allison.

"Mom, are you there?" A voice interrupted Allison's thoughts.

"Pierre? Come on in, its open" Said Allison.

A young boy with blond long hair and a bow entered to the room, he bowed in front of Allison.

"Good morning to you, Your majesty" Said Pierre.

"Pierre I have told you many times to stop with the formalities, we are son and mom" Said Allison with a sweet smile.

"No, despite our relationship, you are the head of the Veritia family" Said Pierre.

Allison smiled and made a gesture for Pierre to sit beside her.

"My son, you are always so right and perfect that I worry about your future, I hope that you would choose a nice girl to marry in a near future, I want some grandchildren after all~" Said Allison.

"What are you talking about mom? You are too young to be a grandma and I am too young to marry lot less talk about children, I am only sixteen after all" Said Pierre.

"Well, that's also true, *sigh*, If only your sister had half of your sense of responsibility, I wouldn't be so worried about her future" Said Allison.

"You are too harsh on her mom, sparky it's still a child after all, let her enjoy her freedom and mess around, we don't mind cleaning out her mess" Said Pierre.

"And that attitude it's what made her like that In the first place, she is way too spoiled, or, to be more acquired, you and the Boltor family make her like that, Pierre, I hope that, in this two years, you and your brothers don't interfere with her" Said Allison.

"Aren't you worried that this Alfonso would make her do something despicable?" Said Pierre.

"Ho? I didn't though that you would ask me that" Said Allison.


"After all, how could someone like him, who is known as the stupid prince, do something to her?" Asked Allison.

"I also have some network, mom, I am one hundred percent sure that this Alfonso isn't an idiot, in fact, I think that he is as cunning as his brother Raul, or maybe even more; furthermore, maybe he isn't as powerful as sparky, but, his assistants are, especially the gorgeous woman, I think she is a king" Said Pierre.

"She is a perfect candidate for a wife right?" Said Allison.

"Yes she is" Said Pierre.

"Wanna go for her?"

"No, I don't think she would like me" Said Pierre.

"Why?" Asked Allison.

"Just a feeling, however, my guts have never fail me" Said Pierre with a smile.

"You know who I am right? Even if the emperor interferes, she would still be yours" Said Allison

"Mom, stop treating people like objects, I hope that my future wife would love because what I am, not for what I have" Said Pierre.

Allison only smiled and hugged her son.

"That's why I said that you are too naïve, however, that's what make you so cute~" Said Allison.

"Stop it, mom" Said Pierre with a bitter smile

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