The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 201 - Zuoqiu Ming's Fear

Chapter 201 - Zuoqiu Ming's Fear

Chapter 201 Zuoqiu Ming’s Fear
“Um…” Qin Shaoyang was hesitant. The disciple earlier sneered and was about to speak when he raised a hand to silence him. He told Xiao Chen, “Well, on our way here, we met a few people who looked like they were disciples of the Corpse Refinery Sect. Moreover, we heard many people in Canglan City saying that you killed the Young Master of the Zuoqiu family, and the method you supposedly used was of the Corpse Refinery Sect.”

Xiao Chen raised his head and laughed heartily. It seemed that the Zuoqiu family had gone around spreading malicious rumors about him. He said icily, “Ridiculous!”

Murong Xian’er was so peeved that her entire face turned red. Fuming, she said, “It’s that scoundrel who tried to kill us and got himself killed by another scoundrel! How can you blame it all on Brother Xiao Chen?”

Xiao Chen extended his hand, signaling her to save the trouble. “I have done nothing that I should feel guilt over. I don’t care if you believe me, but the Zuoqiu family isn’t telling the truth.”

He immediately told them about what happened in the past few days, though he left Su Xiaomei out of the story. Everyone was listening so closely that they were frowning. Some were nodding, some were shaking their heads. Some were just engrossed in their first impression that they still didn’t quite believe him. Liu Feiyan said, “Humph! If that’s the case, why did you leave without bidding farewell that day? Do you know how long you kept me waiting?”

Xiao Chen shot her an uninterested glance. “What? Must I play along with your childish games just because you want me to?”

“You!” Liu Feiyan unsheathed her sword with a clang. She had gotten used to having her way since young. Most of the disciples in the Xianyong Sect had always given into her. She had never seen someone going against her time and again like Xiao Chen. Evidently, her anger was quite severe.

Some of the disciples who typically enjoyed fawning over Liu Feiyan also said, “Xiao Chen, don’t act high and mighty just because you’re a little capable! Don’t be conceited!”

Xiao Chen sneered. “Who cares if I’m acting high and mighty or being conceited? I’ve said all I have to say. Farewell!” With that said, he held Murong Xian’er hand and walked away.

“Please halt, Brother Xiao.”

“What’s wrong? Are you going to stop me, Brother Qin?”

Qin Shaoyang took several steps forward and said, “Don’t misunderstand, Brother Xiao. I’m just wondering if you’re heading to Canglan City.”


Naturally, Qin Shaoyang knew that Xiao Chen was going there to rescue the friend he mentioned earlier. Thus, he said, “Forgive my wordiness, but the Zuoqiu family is going all out in hunting you down. Please focus on your safety, Brother Xiao. My master doesn’t wish to see you in trouble.”

Several disciples who were close to Qin Shaoyang stepped forward and said, “That’s right. They have laid down an inescapable net just to draw you over. Won’t you be walking right into your trap if you go there? I fear you won’t be able to escape even if you have wings then.”

“Won’t be able to escape even if I have wings? What apt words!” Xiao Chen sneered. However, he feared that they might be right. The Zuoqiu family had laid down an inescapable net and was waiting for him to fall into it. Considering how much trouble they were going through for this, it was likely that they didn’t do it to avenge Zuoqiu Ze.

What frustrated him was that his current cultivation was simply too low. Gui Xian once saved him; he must save him. If he still had his Nascent Soul Realm strength from back then, not even ten of Zuoqiu families would pose a problem.

This thought made him crack the bones in his hands noisily. Murong Xian’er tugged on his sleeve and timidly said, “Brother Xiao Chen, why don’t we forget about it? Grandpa will definitely be fine…”

Xiao Chen glanced at her and said somewhat angrily, “Xian’er, what are you saying? When I nearly exhausted my powers and died back then, it was Gui Xian who saved me! Now that he’s in trouble, how can I ignore him?”

“But, but I don’t want to lose you again, Brother Xiao Chen…” She then turned to look at Qin Shaoyang. “Brother Shaoyang, can’t you persuade Brother Xiao Chen for me? He alone is no match for so many baddies.”

Qin Shaoyang said, “She’s right. Even if you won’t consider your safety, are you going to put Younger Sister Murong in danger as well? When you were battling Ling Jingshan in Xianyong City, I heard from my juniors that she was so worried that she cried.”

“Xian’er…” Xiao Chen looked at her. When he saw how tearful she looked, his heart ached as well. However, he was also thinking of how vicious and merciless the Zuoqiu family was. Gui Xian might be going through torture right now. Was he to run from all that?

The rest couldn’t help sighing after seeing how affectionate the siblings were. Seeing how loyal and steadfast Xiao Chen was, how could he be someone from the Devil’s Practice as the Zuoqiu family had claimed?

One of the disciples stepped forward and said, “Humph! Isn’t it just a mere Zuoqiu family? Did they think they’re gods, to capture anyone as they please? I’ll go with you!”

Another chimed in. “I’m going as well! I refuse to believe that our Xianyong Sect can’t subdue a little influential family!”

Soon, several other disciples also stepped forward. Qin Shaoyang flicked his sleeves and said, “Back away, all of you! Don’t babble nonsense here!”

It wasn’t that the Xianyong Sect was unwilling to uphold justice for Xiao Chen. The matter at hand was simply too complex. One careless little mistake would be enough to incite a war between the two factions, neither of which was easy to deal with. When that happened, both factions would summon their allies. It would shatter the hard-earned peace in the Violet Manor in the past few years.

Xiao Chen sighed. Suddenly, he remembered None-flower Dust. None-flower Dust had unfathomable cultivation. It was that person who inexplicably brought him to Gui Xian to be healed back then. Unfortunately, the person was like a spirit who appeared and disappeared as he pleased. Where would he be now…

He sighed again. “We can talk after leaving this place. The miasma here is too strong. It’ll hurt your cultivation.”

The group started walking out of the mountain range and only reached the exit after nearly two hours. Before they could walk more than 5 kilometers along the road outside the mountain range, they heard a deep and resounding voice drifting from afar. “You’re showing your face at long last!”

Like the muffled thunder in the sixth month of the year, the sound sent shockwaves down everyone until their blood and Qi were violently undulating. Quite a few people had their hands clapped over their chest. Shocked, everyone looked up in the direction of the voice with their hands raised. They watched as a black-robed elderly man trod through the air and arrived in front of them in no time.

The potent momentum incited gale to rise all around them. Under such pressure, many experienced the shortness of Qi and pain in their chest. They looked away, not daring to raise their heads and stare at the old man.

The old man was the Nascent Soul Realm cultivator who left three days ago, Zuoqiu Ming.

Three nights ago, Yu Yangzi terrified Zuoqiu Ming and Zuoqiu Ping into escaping with their tails behind them. When they made it outside the Changyin Mountain Range, Zuoqiu Ping looked at his grandson’s body that lay in his arms with a frown. Suddenly, he thought of a plan.

“Young Ze’s vital soul is still inside the life-and-death light at home and his grievances against Xiao Chen are heavy. If we use our family’s Three Souls Revival Technique and steal that kid’s soul as a medium, we may be able to reform his vital soul.”life-and-death light

“The success rate of this technique is only about one or two tenths, but we can give it a go. You can go back and start the preparations. I’ll stay behind and see if I can catch that kid.”

Meanwhile, on the main road outside of the forest, a grave-looking Zuoqiu Ming was emanating an imposing aura. “I’m here to avenge my child! Scram, outsiders!”

His every word was like a clap of thunder, sending shockwaves down everyone until their Qi and blood reacted violently. Many disciples in the ground had never seen a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator. Now that they were experiencing such a potent aura, they had the feeling that this cultivator could shatter their vital soul just with his aura alone. How could they not panic? Everyone started retreating far, far away.

Xiao Chen handed Murong Xian’er to Qin Shaoyang and then raised his head to look icily at Zuoqiu Ming. In an emotionless voice, he said, “You’re Zuoqiu Ming?” Earlier, he had heard quite a few stories about the Zuoqiu family from Qin Shaoyang. Naturally, he could recognize who this person was.

Zuoqiu Ming replied coolly, “You’re pretty calm, kid. I suppose you’re the only Foundation Building Realm cultivator in the world who dares to meet my eyes. You’re also the only one who dares to call me by my name.”

“So what? Why, do you think a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator is all that powerful? Then I can only say that you’ve seen too little of this world,” Xiao Chen retorted placidly.

In the distance, the others gasped in shock. How could Xiao Chen talk to a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator that way? They had believed that Xiao Chen would act so wild and violent in front of them, but little did they expect that he would continue acting this rashly in front of a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator. Moreover, he demonstrated his rashness in such a calm, unconcerned manner.josei

Zuoqiu Ming wasn’t miffed. Rather, he was laughing. “What a wild kid! Then, before you die, allow me to learn who your master is and which sect you belong to so I know where you learned your rashness!”

Xiao Chen flashed a small, emotionless smile. Even now, no trace of fear could be found on his face. This made Zuoqiu Ming feel very ill at ease.

“Who my master is and which sect I belong to? I suppose even a lowly servant from my sect back then can crush you into pieces.”

Zuoqiu Ming sneered. “Hehe! I’d like to see how you can try and crush me into pieces today!” With a flick of his sleeves, a force surged forth and lunged at Xiao Chen.

Rocks on the road scattered in the air. Xiao Chen knew that at his current cultivation, he was no match for even the force produced by a flick of Zuoqiu Ming’s sleeves. After leaving a false image in his original position, he disappeared and reappeared more than ten feet away in an instant.

This was beyond everyone’s expectations. They all did not think that he was capable of dodging a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator’s attack.

Zuoqiu Ming narrowed his eyes. He never thought that Xiao Chen would have such strange cultivation methods. This further reaffirmed his previous conjecture.

He had noticed that Xiao Chen was able to speak to him without any change in expression. How could ordinary disciples from Immortals’ sect be this composed? Moreover, he was equipped with curious cultivation methods too. Could he really be a descendant of the Ancient Immortal Clan out experiencing the world?

Having achieved such high cultivation, his only fear was the Ancient Immortal Clan. He knew very well how terrifying the clan was. He could provoke anyone, but he dared not easily offend the mysterious Ancient Immortal Clan.

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