The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 202 - Vitality-devouring Supreme Art

Chapter 202 - Vitality-devouring Supreme Art

Chapter 202 Vitality-devouring Supreme Art
The more Zuoqiu Ming thought about it, the more guarded he became. He asked solemnly, “Do you insist on refusing to tell me who your master is and which sect you belong to?”

Xiao Chen replied placidly, “Even if I tell you, you might not necessarily recognize them. Why waste my words then? Just release my friend. If your Zuoqiu family insist on making me your enemy, the outcome may not necessarily be in your favor.”

Zuoqiu Ming narrowed his eyes. He thought that even if this kid was from the Ancient Immortal Clan, he had likely been expelled. Considering this, he became braver. He sneered and said, “Hehe! What a wild kid! I’d like to see what gives you the confidence to say such things!”

He pushed his palms, sending two blasts of ferocious force flying at Xiao Chen. Simultaneously, he himself lunged at Xiao Chen like a bolt of lighting.

He didn’t use his full strength in the attack for he wanted to test the kid’s capabilities. He noticed that this kid was able to move out of the way the instant his attack landed. How could a mere Foundation Building Realm cultivator possess such mystical cultivation methods?

Moreover, this kid had remained within the Changyin Mountain Range for a few days. Could he have found a magic treasure from the Archean Eon inside by chance?

Was it not for his deceased grandfather’s warning that their family was not to enter the Changyin Mountain Range for no good reason, he would have long investigated its secrets. When he considered that Xiao Chen had very likely obtained a magic treasure from the Archean Eon, his gaze became heated.

Right then, he noticed a flash of green light on Xiao Chen’s chest. His heart jumped. Sure enough, Xiao Chen had a magic treasure on him!

“Very well, kid! Leave your life behind!”

Following his bellow, he instantly reappeared in front of Xiao Chen like a bolt of lighting. He hadn’t used all of his strength earlier, allowing Xiao Chen to dodge his attacks every time. This time, however, he exerted nearly 80 percent of his power. The vital force around them raged as if it was going to confine space itself.

Right now, it was as if an incorporeal, massive hand was pressing onto Xiao Chen and restricting his movement. He couldn’t help feeling a deep sense of horror.

Zuoqiu Ming, noticing that Xiao Chen was finally showing fear on his expression, looked smug and disdainful. He stretched his massive hand and attempted to grab Xiao Chen’s chest. He looked like he was going to hollow out Xiao Chen’s chest.


In the distance, everyone’s expressions changed at the same time. Murong Xian’er was even screeching. Had Qin Shaoyang not stop her, she would have rushed over to Xiao Chen.

However, in the next moment, the scene of flying blood and flesh that everyone expected didn’t happen. On the contrary, gale started rising all around and the vital force in the world seemed to be rapidly gathering on Xiao Chen’s chest.

Zuoqiu Ming’s expression changed drastically. In the split second when he came into contact with Xiao Chen’s chest, he detected a strange ice-cold sensation. He instantly knew that something bad was about to happen. When he wanted to pull his hand away, his hand seemed stuck on Xiao Chen’s chest. Try as he might, he was unable to retrieve his hand.

“Kid, stop right now!”

Xiao Chen wanted to stop, too. However, this was beyond his control. It wasn’t that Zuoqiu Ming’s hand was stuck on his chest. Rather, the Icy Jade Pendant was stubbornly pressed against his skin and was ushering Zuoqiu Ming’s powers into his body at a steady pace.josei

Right then, he felt as if there was a large stove inside him that was trying to refine all of his five viscera and six bowels. He was in such great pain that he couldn’t even talk.

“Stop right now, you b*stard!”

Zuoqiu Ming’s expression had changed completely. If this continued, the powers that he cultivated over his lifetime would be absorbed by this kid. In a moment of desperation, he viciously poured True Energy into his other hand and slammed Xiao Chen’s chest with his palm.

“Let go of my hand!” Yet another palm attack landed.

The faraway audience didn’t know what was going on. Meanwhile, Xiao Chen was finally coughing up blood after suffering three palm attacks in succession. His blood sprayed all over Zuoqiu Ming’s face. He said with difficulty, “Old thing, kill me if you dare. I’ll bring you down to hell with me!” Ignoring the pain he was feeling, he abruptly started activating his True Energy.

Zuoqiu Ming’s powers began to flow out at an even quicker pace. His aged face swiftly turned pale. Throwing all caution to the wind, he bit the tip of the tongue until he coughed up his Blood Essence. Then, he began to speedily draw a spell.

The sound of an explosion reverberated and vital force raged, sending even the faraway Xianyong Sect disciples flying. This time, Zuoqiu Ming and Xiao Chen finally separated from one another. It was as if two volcanoes were finally divided in half.

Zuoqiu Ming fell back more than ten steps behind before regaining his footing. When he nudged his powers, he discovered that his cultivation had fallen from the second level of the Nascent Soul Realm to the first level.

Once one entered the Nascent Soul Realm, every level of cultivation was earned with immense difficulty. It would take ten years, if short, or several decades, if long. Some people might not even achieve a breakthrough in their life. His loss pained him greatly, so much so that he looked at Xiao Chen with nothing but malice.

Meanwhile, Xiao Chen felt like his entire body was close to exploding after absorbing an entire level of Zuoqiu Ming’s cultivation. Blood was flowing out of his eyes, nose, and ears.

“Vile brat! I’m going to kill you!”

Following Zuoqiu Ming’s bellow, he tried to kill Xiao Chen with a single palm attack. However, when he saw the glint of green on Xiao Chen’s chest, a chill ran down his spine and he dared not to use his powers anymore. He abruptly retrieved the force he poured into his palm.

“Kid, I’ll come back for your life next time!”

He was so anxious about his opponent’s strange magic treasure that he dared not linger around. Just as he was about to flee, he heard a mischievous voice ringing in his ears. “Hehe! Do stay put, old senior! You haven’t given me your powers! You can’t be this unfair! Humph!”

The Icy Jade Pendant resting on Xiao Chen’s chest started floating on its own. Zuoqiu Ming was so frightened that he made a strangled cry. He wanted to climb onto his flying sword and escape, but unexpectedly, the Icy Jade Pendant was much faster and stuck itself onto his back.


Zuoqiu Ming’s repeated scream was hair-raising. Wrinkles began lining his face. He wanted to shake away the Icy Jade Pendant, but his efforts were all in vain.

“Save me, Great Ancestor!” he screeched. He abruptly coughed up a mouthful of Blood Essence. The Blood Essence swiftly formed a circle of light around him and finally shook the pendant away with a bang.

Zuoqiu Ming was panting hard after using so much of his Blood Essence. He now looked like a man who had aged several decades in a flash. From a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, he was reduced into a mid-stage Core Forming Realm cultivator. He had likely gone mad, for he continued to scream. He took off on his flying sword and disappeared in a random direction.

“Don’t even think of running!”

With a point of his finger, Xiao Chen’s Unsullied Sword instantly turned into a white light and chased after Zuoqiu Ming. He knew very well that he must not let Zuoqiu Ming return, or the latter would surely be his great nemesis once his powers recover.

However, he was now impossibly weak. His Unsullied Sword slashed Zuoqiu Ming’s back just once before weakly flying back to him.

In the distance, the Xuanyong Sect disciples were all in a panic. Their legs had gone soft. Icy Jade Pendant flashed with a green glint again and returned to Xiao Chen’s neck.

Having first suffered three palm attacks, then blocking the mystic powers that invaded his body, and finally launching the Unsullied Sword by force, Xiao Chen was now incomparably frail. He imbued a Divine Thought into the Icy Jade Pendant. “You’re, you’re too reckless. That person and I cultivate different Mystic Skills. You’re just hurting me…”

“Hehe, blaming me, are you? Let’s talk later. I need to ingest that man’s powers.”

Xiao Chen shook his head. Su Xiaomei was indeed a demoness. Suddenly, his vision darkened as he completely lost consciousness. He didn’t know how long had passed when he woke up again. He immediately yelled, “Xian’er! Xian’er!”

“Brother Xiao Chen, I’m here.”

Xiao Chen got up and saw that he was in a bedroom, with Xian’er watching over him by the bed. He noticed the beads of tears glistening on her long eyelashes. She must have been worried sick while he was unconscious. He said gently, “I’m fine now. Where’s this?”

“We’re in the Stone Cliff Town. You have been sleeping for an entire day, sob…”

Xiao Chen caressed her face and said softly, “It’s alright now. I’m fine. Where are Qin Shaoyang and the others?”

Murong Xian’er nodded softly. “Hmm. They’re in the tavern as well.”

Xiao Chen nodded. Suddenly, a burning hot sensation surged from his elixir field. Zuoqiu Ming’s mystic powers were beginning to wreak chaos again.

He knew that he must ingest these powers or it would pose a great obstacle to his further cultivation. Simultaneously, he was also wondering why Su Xiaomei, a member of the Su family, would be familiar with a demonic technique like the Vitality-devouring Supreme Art. He vaguely remembered that the Vitality-devouring Supreme Art was a cultivation method recorded in the devil’s book, the Heaven’s Talisman.

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