The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 203 - Core Forming Realm

Chapter 203 - Core Forming Realm

Chapter 203 Core Forming Realm
Midway into his contemplation, Xiao Chen faintly heard a flurry of footsteps in the corridor outside his room. The footsteps only stopped outside the door.

“Have you woken up, Brother Xiao?”

“Yes. Please come in, Brother Qin.”

Murong Xian’er ran to the door to open it. Qin Shaoyang and two other Xianyong Sect disciples walked inside the room.

“How are you feeling, Brother Xiao?”

“I’m fine now,” Xiao Chen replied. “How far are we from Canglan City?”

Qin Shaoyang frowned. “You’re still planning to go?”

Xiao Chen didn’t answer. The Zuoqiu family losing a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator was a very advantageous thing for him. He must not miss this opportunity.

Qin Shaoyang knew what he was thinking and thus, said, “Their sole Nascent Soul Realm cultivator isn’t the reason the Zuoqiu family dominates the Middle Continent.”

Xiao Chen’s eyebrows gathered into a frown. Did the Zuoqiu family have another Nascent Soul Realm cultivator? He asked, “What do you mean?”

Qin Shaoyang looked out of the window, where the wind had carried several dead leaves into the room. “Zuoqiu Que, a Level Four apothecary.”

Xiao Chen’s heart sank. Naturally, he knew about apothecaries. He had heard quite a few stories about them from Gui Xian. High-level apothecaries not only could revive the dead but also possessed extraordinary pill concoction skills. Thus, in the Violet Manor, apothecaries were very well-connected. Many would rather offend an entire sect than offend an apothecary of Level Three and above.

In ascending order, apothecaries were divided into eight levels: Elixir Apprentice, Elixir Master, Elixir Spirit, Elixir King, Elixir Luminary, Elixir Saint, Elixir Immortal, and then legendary Elixir God.

A mere Elixir Apprentice would be famed for his superior medical expertise in the Human World. An Elixir Spirit would possess a rudimentary knowledge of reviving the dead and be able to produce high-level medicinal pills such as Core-forming Pills with ease. Back then, Gui Xian was an apothecary who was about to become a Level 4 Elixir King.

Xiao Chen hadn’t expected there to be a Level 4 Elixir King in the Zuoqiu family. Just what kind of existence was an Elixir King? Not only could he revive a person, but he could also produce heaven-defying pills such as Nascent Soul Pills or Nirvana Pills. That wasn’t even the scariest part. An Elixir King needed only to yell for help and a magnificent army would immediately answer his pleas.

Many years ago, a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator tried to kidnap Zuoqiu Que and make him his personal apothecary. In the end, the cultivator had his soul extinguished by the experts from all walks of life that the family summoned.

Xiao Chen’s frown deepened. He and the Zuoqiu family were now like oil and water. Even if he didn’t try to rescue Gui Xian from them, they wouldn’t let him off either.

Finally, hesitation crept onto the expression of one of the disciples behind Qin Shaoyang. He said, “That’s not all. Zuoqiu family has a First Young Master with a phenomenal talent called Zuoqiu Yang. He’s Zuoqiu Ze’s older cousin and ranked ninth on the Heaven List. He has six Spiritual Meridians.”

Xiao Chen’s frown deepened more and more. Someone from the Heaven List? The top ten on the list mustn’t be underestimated. They were far more terrifying than any of the old folks.

“Zuoqiu Yang achieved the peak of Core Forming Realm long ago. Recently, he has been learning in the Divine Mist Sect at the west border of the Middle Continent. Moreover, he’s the chief disciple of the Divine Mist Sect Leader. He has already rushed home with his men after hearing that you killed his cousin.”

Xiao Chen snickered. “Let them come! The more, the better! Send one, I’ll kill one; send two, I’ll kill two; send three, I’ll kill all!”

Qin Shaoyang raised his head and sighed. “Don’t force it, Brother Xiao. My master has entrusted a task to you. You must stay safe. In my opinion, you should lie low for now. We can talk about rescuing your friend in the future. It’s said that a leader can submit or can stand tall as required. Why ruin your future plans for a moment of bravery?”

Xiao Chen shook his head. “Please leave for now. I need some silence.” He then turned to Murong Xian’er and said, “Xian’er, please leave as well. Close the door behind you.”

When everyone was gone, he crushed the bedside with a loud thump. Veins had emerged on his forehead.

The Zuoqiu family was even more repulsive than the Ling family, and much stronger too. He felt not only a sense of helplessness. If this was the past, who would be stupid enough to provoke him after hearing that he was a disciple of the Mystic Cyan Sect and Immortal Miaoyin, Ling Yin?

However, the past was untouchable. It was useless to think of this now. The opponents he met were increasingly powerful. The only thing he should do now was getting stronger, so strong that they would get frightened just from hearing his name and wouldn’t dare to provoke him!

He took a deep breath and started refining his Qi. He concentrated on operating the Mystic Cyan Cultivation Method. What was paramount was ingesting Zuoqiu Ming’s powers as soon as possible. Perhaps he might have a chance to break through into the Core Forming Realm then. Once he succeeded, he could use the Devil’s Three Turns of the Heaven’s Talisman when he truly had to. So what if Zuoqiu Yang was a peak Core Forming Realm cultivator, a quasi-Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, or a true Nascent Soul Realm cultivator?

Successive attacks hit acupuncture points like his Sea of Qi, Great Tower Gate, and Elixir Field. Several hours passed. Xiao Chen was so exhausted that sweat was dripping off his face and drenching his innerwear, but he was still unable to break through the bottleneck in his Foundation Building Realm. The gold elixir inside his body had yet to take complete shape. How could it be so easy to enter the Core Forming Realm?

“Seven interlinked apertures, with each one luminous. The sacred sun and moon shine upon the golden hall…”

It was much harder to enter the Core Forming Realm than entering the Foundation Building Realm. One had to form an Internal Elixir inside the body. He recited the mental cultivation method for the Core Forming Realm over and over. Finally, an Internal Elixir became faintly visible inside his Elixir Field. The Internal Elixir, wrapped with a white glow, was sometimes there and sometimes not. It looked both real and illusory at the same time.

Xiao Chen meditated, knowing that this was the first sign of the Core Forming Realm. He must remain calm right now or his scattered Qi would spell the end of his Internal Elixir as well. He put even more focus on reciting the mental cultivation method. “Refining essence into Qi, refining Qi into the state of apotheosis, refining apotheosis into nothingness…”

Several more hours passed, drawing the curtain of the night. Qin Shaoyang and the others could detect the continuous fluctuation in vital force inside his room. Knowing that he was forming his core, they stayed in the courtyard to protect him.

“I use my heart to observe its shape; I use its shape to become one with it…”

Xiao Chen repeatedly recited the mental cultivation technique while guiding his internal powers. The Mystic Cyan Cultivation Method was indescribably wonderful. Back then, it was the top method in Immortal’s Practice. Finally, the Internal Elixir inside his Elixir Field gradually materialized into something tangible out of nothingness.

When his Internal Elixir came into shape, white glow illuminated for one hundred thousand feet!

A white light emerged from within his body, lighting up the entire room, and then broke out of the window lattice and roof to illuminate the entire courtyard so brightly that it looked like daytime.

Everyone in the courtyard was tremendously shocked. Qin Shaoyang, in particular, was in disbelief. He himself was in the Core Forming Realm and he had also seen others achieving the realm. The white light would flash only briefly each time. However, this time, the white light that Xiao Chen was emanating looked as if it had become one with the moonlight.

Instantly, boundless vital force extended 5 kilometers in all directions, covering it all in white light. It awakened countless people residing in the small town in a state of confusion.

Qin Shaoyang and the rest had long become dumbstruck. The white light continued to emanate from Xiao Chen’s room without fading. How could this be considered an unnatural phenomenon for success in Core Forming Realm cultivation? This was the unnatural phenomenon for success in Nascent Soul Realm cultivation!

It took a long time for the white light to gradually subside, revealing the twinkling stars in the night sky. Xiao Chen was sitting cross-legged inside his room with a peaceful heart. He had finally broken into the Core Forming Realm, but what surprised him was that this time, he had instantly broken into the third level of the realm!

That feeling from thousands of years ago seemed to have returned to him. That prodigy from the Mystic Cyan Sect had finally returned.

The door opened with a creak. Xiao Chen strolled out of his room with a smile on his face and a hand behind his back. The moonlight that illuminated him seemed to be coating him in a white glow. It made him look like an immortal who had descended onto the mortal world.

Right then, his entire temperament had changed. One could sense a faint otherworldly aura from him. Everyone in the courtyard was astounded. Qin Shaoyang was the first to recover his senses. He saluted Xiao Chen and said with a smile, “Congratulations, Brother Xiao!”josei

Only now did he understand just how strong Xiao Chen was. Previously, he forced a draw with Xiao Chen and refused to use his full strength. Now, he might not be a match for Xiao Chen even if he used the entirety of his strength.

Xiao Chen chuckled. “Thank you for keeping guard for me, Brother Qin.”

“Brother Xiao Chen!” An overjoyed Murong Xian’er ran over to him and gave him a hug, eliciting the envy of the remaining ten or so Xianyong disciples.

“Hehe.” Xiao Chen caressed her hair. It was only now that he felt like he had truly become strong. In the past, he never realized it. Only now he knew the true difference between a peak Foundation Building Realm and a beginner Core Forming Realm cultivation. Even though it was merely a step away, it was such a far one and carried a heaven-and-earth difference.

If he could fight ordinary beginner Core Forming Realm cultivators when he was just a peak Foundation Building Realm cultivator, then he could now battle any peak Core Forming Realm cultivators or even quasi-Nascent Soul Realm cultivators.

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