The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 204 - Decisive Battle in Canglan City (Part 1)

Chapter 204 - Decisive Battle in Canglan City (Part 1)

Chapter 204 Decisive Battle in Canglan City (Part 1)
Two days had since passed. Rumors were strife that Xiao Chen had colluded with the Corpse Refinery Sect to kill the Young Master of the Zuoqiu family. Some even said that the Zuoqiu family was harboring wicked intentions and was trying to usurp Xiao Chen’s ancient cultivation methods.

In short, news of Xiao Chen’s battle against the Zuoqiu family had spread far and wide across the East Continent, reaching even the four other continents. Undoubtedly, the news was causing huge waves in the Violet Manor. Many cultivators were rushing over to Canglan City, some of them excited to witness the strength of the rising rookie, but most were hoping to gain benefit during such chaotic times.

The Zuoqiu family had issued hero invitations everywhere, gathering cultivators of all walks of life, in the glorified name of “rooting out remnants of the Devil’s Practice”. Every cultivator with peak Core Forming Realm cultivation and above who answered the invitation would be given a Nascent Soul Pill.

One Nascent Soul Pill was enough to elevate a Core Forming Realm cultivator by one to three levels within three months. When a quasi-Nascent Soul Realm cultivator consumed such a pill, there was a high chance that he would be able to truly enter the Nascent Soul Realm cultivator. This was an unprecedented and non-replicable temptation.

Zuoqiu Que even went so far as to put a Nirvana Pill up for offer. That was the sole pill that he produced over the span of several years. Whichever Nascent Soul Realm cultivator who killed Xiao Chen would be entitled to this pill.

A single Nirvana Pill was absolutely capable of elevating a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator by one level. To Nascent Soul Realm cultivators, this was an irresistible temptation. Moreover, the Zuoqiu family had also made it known that they would be providing Energy Pills the entire time, allowing the cultivators to unleash their skills without misgivings. This time, they had truly spared no expense.

With a loud crash, Xiao Chen’s palm landed on the table and shattered the teapot on it. The water dripped off the surface, every drop falling on the floor below.

To be frank, he knew that Zuoqiu family didn’t have to go through so much trouble to subdue him. They were simply trying to tell the world that whoever dared to come to his rescue would be declaring war against the entire Zuoqiu family, and cultivators from all walks of life by extension.

Simultaneously, it was also a message to the world that the Zuoqiu family was able to summon a legion of experts with just a call for help. It was a warning not to provoke them, for they cared not how powerful their enemies were.

Qin Shaoyang was wearing a deep frown. “Have you made up your mind to go? Please give up. You’re alone now. There’s no way you can bring down an entire family.”

Xiao Chen didn’t reply. He was carefully pondering over this matter. The Zuoqiu family had forced his hand this time; he must go. They had declared to the world that Gui Xian was in their hands. He could just imagine what people would say in the future if he didn’t go. “Oh, Xiao Chen? Isn’t he the coward who went into hiding when his friend was in trouble?”

All of these weren’t the point. The crucial question was who would save Gui Xian if not for him? Was he to sit here and watch Gui Xian’s soul be ingested?

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen slammed the table and rose to his feet in anger. “Save your breath! I have already made up my mind! At noon tomorrow, I’ll fight the decisive battle in Canglan City!”

Seeing that he couldn’t persuade Xiao Chen, Qin Shaoyang sighed and stopped talking. Xiao Chen said, “Brother Qin, I know we have just met but can I entrust Xian’er to you for the time being?”

When Murong Xian’er heard that he was planning to show up to the battle on his own, she hastily said, “No! I’m going with Brother Xiao Chen!”

Xiao Chen shook his head. “Xian’er, I’m entering a very dangerous situation. I can’t keep you safe there. Can you listen to me this time?”

“No! I refuse! I refuse!” Murong Xian’er was still protesting. While speaking, tears were welling up in her eyes.

Xiao Chen sighed. He addressed Qin Shaoyang and said, “Brother Qin, I’ll leave Xian’er to you for the time being.”

“Very well. Rest assured. I promise I’ll keep Younger Sister Murong safe.”

Early the next day, when the light of dawn started rising from the east, the six steel sabres that Xiao Chen ordered to be done by expert craftsmen overnight were secured on his back. A fine colt capable of covering 500 kilometers came to him, taking him westward.

“No, Brother Xiao Chen!” Murong Xian’er chased after him for several kilometers with tears streaming down her face. In the end, Qin Shaoyang tugged on her to stop. “Younger Sister Murong, don’t be sad. He’ll be fine. The day before yesterday, I sent a homing pigeon back to the sect. I’m sure my master and the Elders have received the message by now.”

Meanwhile, Canglan City was packed with people. There were quite a few cultivators who had arrived ahead of time. The Zuoqiu family had also arranged for patrols in every street in the city. A banner bearing the Zuoqiu family’s mark was hanging from the city gate tower. They had truly gone all out this time.

Xiao Chen whipped his horse to pick up the pace. After speeding along for four hours, he finally saw the flag on the city gate tower from afar. He bellowed, “I’m here to answer your challenge! Young child of the Zuoqiu family, immediately come out of the city to meet your death!”

He amplified his voice using Qi so that his fierce aura would reach before his horse. Many cultivators inside the city who heard his divine roar were astonished. “He’s here! The Zuoqiu family has already set an inescapable trap for him and yet he dares to come! What courage!”

Many couldn’t help feeling amazed as they rushed to the east city gate. The General of Defence was sweating. Even though he knew the Zuoqiu family stationed them here to be cannon fodder, there was nothing that they could do about it.

Smoke and dust were churning where land met the sky. A silhouette was gradually enlarging, covering several kilometers in an instant. The back of the General of Defence was already soaked with cold sweat. Before he could command his subordinates, he saw a golden light hacking at him. This attack nearly shocked the soul out of him. He stammered, “Hurry! Hurry… and release the arrows!”

However, before his voice reached the ears of his subordinates, Xiao Chen had already cut off several banners in front of him and the banners fell off the buildings. More than one hundred soldiers responsible for guarding the city hoisted their bows and fixed arrows on them. These arrows were no ordinary arrows; they were forged with hundred-year mystic iron and infused with cultivators’ True Qi. In a flash, a gale began screeching as a rain of arrows fell.

Xiao Chen sprung forth and soared into the sky as his horse was impaled by more than tens of arrows and met an instant, violent death. Simultaneously, he unleashed his Phoenix’s Wings and sent two Cyan Dragon Roars palm attacks at the city gate tower.

The boundless Dragon Roars were irresistible. The entire tower instantly collapsed, transforming into a cloud of smoke and dust. The onlooking cultivators were stupefied. That force was close to the might of a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator!

Xiao Chen ignored the dumbstruck cultivators and once again bellowed with his Qi, “I’m here! Young child of the Zuoqiu family, come out now and fight me!” He then aimed a palm attack at a building bearing the Zuoqiu family’s flag and easily crushed the 9-storey building into rubble.

By then, some two hundred patrols had arrived on the scene. One of the generals shouted at Xiao Chen in anger, “How dare you, you devil! If you have a grudge against the Zuoqiu family, you can just settle it privately! Why are you injuring the citizens of our Cangming State?!”

Xiao Chen raised his head and laughed heartily. His long hair danced wildly in the air behind him. His gaze was razor-sharp. “Zuoqiu family’s lap dogs! Go to hell, all of you!” He slammed a palm attack on the ground. Instantly, incessant screeches filled the air. The two hundred patrols or so coughed up blood as they were sent flying.

In the distance, the onlookers were stunned. Was Xiao Chen declaring war against the Zuoqiu family or the entire Cangming State? In a flash, discussions reverberated throughout the crowd.

Right then, a golden light of one thousand feet crashed down with boundless power and momentum. Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes, having noticed that the newcomer had quite a high cultivation. He retrieved a steel saber from behind and exalted it. One-hundred-feet saber radiance responded to it. Then came an ear-splitting explosion. The roof tiles of the buildings in the city scattered in the air, sucked in by a tremendous force.

Xiao Chen tucked away his Phoenix’s Wings and landed on the public square on the ground. The crowd gave way, revealing a youngster in a purple garment. Hidden in his cold and gloomy eyes was an ominous glint.

“I’m Zuoqiu Yang, here to answer your request for battle!”

Many outside the public square gasped when they heard his self-introduction and started discussing among themselves.

“This is the number one among the younger generation of the Zuoqiu family, Zuoqiu Yang? I heard he achieved peak Core Forming Realm cultivation at a young age and has been studying at the Divine Mist Sect. I suppose he must be a quasi-Nascent Soul Realm cultivator by now?”

“Dear God… A quasi-Nascent Soul Realm cultivator in his early twenties. Is everyone in the Zuoqiu family a freak?”

On one end was the mysterious rising rookie from the East Continent. On the other was the successor of the Zuoqiu family who was ranked ninth on the Heaven List. For a moment, the excitement outside the public square climbed to unprecedented levels.josei

Zuoqiu Yang’s gaze was ice-cold. “Today, I’ll use your blood to uphold justice for my brother!”

Xiao Chen sneered. “You’re not the first one to say that. But look, I’m still standing here alive and well, am I not?”

“Then, let me see if you can leave this place alive!” Zuoqiu Yang roared and a brilliantly resplendent Immortal’s Sword appeared in his hand.

The sword was a gift from the Divine Mist Sect Leader. It carried an endless stream of Immortal’s force. Golden light would stretch on forever with a single swing of the sword. Xiao Chen put strength into hacking with his steel saber. The clanging of metal reverberated as his saber broke into seven or eight pieces after colliding with the Sword Qi. Even Xiao Chen was thrown back five to six steps. Without his True Energy protecting him, this sword attack would have injured him.

Zuoqiu Yang sneered. “Is that how strong you are?”

Xiao Chen didn’t humor him and threw the bare handle to the ground. After reciting a spell, a wide saber that glowed a dazzling red immediately appeared in his hand. The pattern on the saber was strange and imbued with demonic air. Many onlookers outside the arena cried out in alarm. “Is that the Blood Lotus Demon Blade that the He family used to wipe out countless Nascent Soul Realm cultivators?!”

Instantly, the cold wind sprang up everywhere and the clear sky became tainted with heavy, dark clouds in the blink of an eye.

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