The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 206 - Decisive Battle in Canglan City (Part 3)

Chapter 206 - Decisive Battle in Canglan City (Part 3)

Chapter 206 Decisive Battle in Canglan City (Part 3)
A silhouette blurred out of view as a nearby green-robed Elder promptly caught the cyan-robed Elder in midair. He found it too much that Xiao Chen treated his peer this way and glared at him. “You’re powerful, but did you think you alone can contend against an entire family?”

“Naturally, I have made preparations for the worst-case scenario in daring to come here. I’m just an independent cultivator whose life is of no consequence. If you’re determined to make me your enemy, I’ll bury your thousand-member Zuoqiu family with me!”

He sounded neither servile nor overbearing. Up until now, he was also the first who dared to say such words to the Zuoqiu family. Many of the family’s disciples felt a shiver down their backs. They could tell from Xiao Chen’s ways of handling matters earlier that he wasn’t making an empty threat.

The last Elder, dressed in a red robe, said, “It’s not that we’re determined to make you our enemy. But shouldn’t you give us an explanation for killing Zuoqiu Ze?”

Xiao Chen raised his head and laughed heartily. “You might as well bring up those disciples of yours that I killed. I’d like to ask all of you a question. Who among you have pure hands untainted by blood? Are you telling me that if it’s justifiable for you to kill and that those whom you killed could only blame their bad luck? If that’s the rule in large families and sects like yours, then I’ll abolish that rule today!”

In the Violet Manor, some large families did indeed take advantage of their position to bully others. Those whom they killed had it coming but if you kill one of them, they would surely pursue it to the end of the earth. This had become a very common scene in the Violet Manor.

The ones who had it the hardest were the independent cultivators. They were bullied by all large families and sects and had no one to back them up. They could only blame their misfortune. Except for independent cultivators who were fearless and possessed extraordinary cultivation, none dared to resist the way Xiao Chen did.

Xiao Chen sneered. “This world belongs to its people, not you so-called large families! From the day you first murdered someone, you should have prepared yourself to be killed at any time!”

His words struck deep into the hearts of the countless cultivators outside. Many lost their fear of the Zuoqiu family and started cheering.

The three Elders of the Zuoqiu family looked even grimmer. What they despised was not Xiao Chen killing their people, but saying such self-righteous things after committing the killing. What was worse was that they had no room to retort.

“I take that to mean that you’re refusing to give up?” the green-robed Elder asked solemnly. He started to stimulate his True Energy aggressively. Amid rising gale, he lunged at Xiao Chen.

The vast, boundless palm force caused the world to shed some of its colors. The wind picked up the stones on the ground and sent them swirling in the air. Every object caught within the range of the palm force was all crushed into dust in a split second.

Xiao Chen snorted. Bravery flowed through every part of his body as he mustered a force capable of hauling thirty thousand catties. Without hiding or evading, he slammed his palm force of his own in answer. Instantly, a crack large enough to collapse an entire mountain appeared. Under the ravaging of the two forces, half of the courtyard was easily ruined. The two of them also retreated several steps before regaining their footing.

Two similar palms, two similarly unstoppable forces. If one were to say that Xiao Chen had won earlier by ambushing the cyan-robed old man, this time he had demonstrated that he was truly on even footing with the green-robed Elder.

Suddenly, the red-robed Elder struck Xiao Chen as well. Instead of a palm attack like the two previous Elders, he used a punch. The images of fist bathed in golden glow filled the sky above Xiao Chen, looking as concentrated as drops of rain. All of them aimed for the top of Xiao Chen’s head. No matter how nimble one was, it would be nearly impossible to escape the fist shadows that filled the sky.

The red-robed Elder’s fist arts was indeed outstanding. Even with such sharp Divine Sense, Xiao Chen found it a challenge to differentiate between the real punch from the illusory ones. He took the hit from all directions. While resisting in a panic, he felt a punch strike him in the pit of the chest. He was thrown backward by more than ten steps before he could get regain firm footing. Thanks to his True Energy protecting his body, however, the punch didn’t cause any damage.

The only problem was that the Elders were striking him together after finally seeing a flaw in his defenses. It was now a three-versus-one situation. Bold and powerful as he was, it was hard for Xiao Chen to withstand the combined forces of three peak Core Forming Realm cultivators. To make things worse, these three worked very well together.

For a while, the fist shadows and winds caused by palm attacks went off nonstop and destroyed the entire garden. Even the nearby courtyards suffered the aftermath. Countless pavilions and kiosks collapsed in large portions under the palm strength. Instantly, the entire Zuoqiu Manor was covered in smoke and dust. Many disciples had long run away for cover.

Outside the manor, the cultivators were all holding their breath as they watched the battle attentively. Many couldn’t help lamenting on the inside after seeing that Xiao Chen remained at a disadvantage. Even though they wanted to see him teach the Zuoqiu family a lesson in humility, he was nevertheless fighting on his own. He was no match for an entire family.

“The three oldies are ganging up on him. Should we gather some people and help him? We’ll escape immediately after the battle.”

“Have you gone mad? That’s the Zuoqiu family. Shut up and just watch!”

Xiao Chen remained at a disadvantage with three people besieging him. He might be able to travel back and forth between those three with Immortal-override Steps, but their palm strength would inevitably chafe him. Eventually, he made up his mind and retreated more than on hundred feet away until he was out of the courtyard.

The three Elders stopped as well. One of them asked, “What’s wrong? Are you running? Do you think our Zuoqiu Manor is a place where you can come and go as you please?!”

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeve coldly. “I’ll never leave until you hand over my friend!” He started moving his fingers and reciting a spell. Immediately, a wide expanse of dark clouds hovered in the sky close to the earth.

The entire Zuoqiu Manor was instantly shrouded by dark clouds, making it dim and gloomy inside. The dark clouds churned continuously, emitting the faint cry of a dragon. No one knew what was going on, but they could all feel the terrifying breath of the Archean Eon coming from within the clouds.

The cultivators who had climbed onto the tall platforms or hills to watch the battle were feeling an inexplicable feeling of dread. All of them ran for the ground and hid inside buildings.

The three Elders exchanged glances and said in alarm, “This is bad! Stop him!” They lunged at Xiao Chen as quick as lightning. However, Xiao Chen cast another spell with one hand. Four to five golden illusory dragons swirled around him, making it impossible for the three Elders to come near.


A burst of Dragon’s Roar, loud enough to shake heaven, resounded. Dark clouds opened up to reveal a huge dragon’s head. Its eyes were like lamps as it glared at everyone below in fury. The boundless might of a dragon wasn’t to be easily provoked!

The expression of the three Elders changed drastically when they felt the fearsome dragon’s terrifying breath. The Dragon’s Wrath that Xiao Chen produced now look even more authentic after stepping into the Core Forming Realm. The illusory dragon that he manifested looked no different from a true divine dragon.

“It’s a dragon! It’s the legendary Divine Dragon!”

Countless disciples on the ground had all gone weak in the legs from fright. Some of them had heard the rumor that Xiao Chen could summon a Divine Dragon from the Archean Eon, but to witness it with their own eyes was a whole other shocking experience. If the dragon lunged downward, it could very likely wipe out everyone.

Xiao Chen looked grave as he imbued Qi into his voice and shouted at the houses within the Zuoqiu Manor. “Old man of the Zuoqiu family, listen well! Hand over my friend immediately! Once this large dragon crashes down, it will level your entire manor!”

When he was done speaking, the gigantic dragon nestled high amid the clouds emitted a heaven-shattering roar. The eardrums of the weaker Zuoqiu family’s disciples instantly bled after the shock.

Under the pressure of the gigantic dragon hanging overhead, the Zuoqiu Manor fell into utter chaos. Countless women and children were running in all directions. Many disciples had long fallen into shock. They could all feel a catastrophe coming. They wondered why the House Master and the rest would provoke such a terrifying existence. To make things worse, they were nowhere to be found.

“I’m counting to three. If you still refuse to release my friend, don’t blame me for being ruthless! One!”


Just as he was about to yell “Three!” the cyan-robed Elder poured Qi into his voice and yelled toward the interior of the manor, “Don’t panic! This gigantic dragon is just an illusion! Reinforce the Defensive Barrier immediately and wait for the House Master to come out!”

“Three!” Xiao Chen finally finished his countdown. A bloodthirsty glint flashed in his pupils. Under the pull of his spell, the gigantic dragon in the sky roared and instantly dived down on the Zuoqiu Manor. Stunningly, the dragon was three hundred meters long!josei

The violent surging of the vital force nearly warped the air above the Zuoqiu Manor. Countless onlooking cultivators were holding their breath. Once the gigantic dragon hit the ground, the entire manor would surely be reduced into ruins and the survivors would likely be cultivators in the peak Core Forming Realm and beyond. Had Xiao Chen truly come today to exterminate the entire Zuoqiu family?

The three Elders cried out in alarm, knowing that something very bad was about to happen. Simultaneously, they turned into sword lights and crossed the sky. Despite being peak Core Forming Realm cultivators with few opponents in the world, they seemed like ants in the face of the gigantic dragon from the Archean Eon.

The three pooled their powers together to resist the might of the diving dragon, but the gigantic dragon continued to charge forward like it was facing no resistance. On the contrary, the injured cyan-robed Elder looked like he was losing the strength to resist. Blood was seeping out of his eyes, nose, and ears. In the end, he transformed into a bloody mist under the divine power of the gigantic dragon.

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