The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 207 - Decisive Battle in Canglan City (Part 4)

Chapter 207 - Decisive Battle in Canglan City (Part 4)

Chapter 207 Decisive Battle in Canglan City (Part 4)
After seeing what had happened, the Zuoqiu family’s disciples were so frightened that their faces turned ashen. Many women started prostrating on the ground, howling in grief after knowing that they couldn’t escape this calamity. Many children were huddled together in an embrace, ignorant of what was going on. Just moments ago, they were building clay figurines in the courtyard; why was their death upon them now…

Xiao Chen’s Divine Sense caught all of this and the bloodthirsty look in his eyes finally dimmed. He slowly stopped his spell and moved his fingers to cast something else. The gigantic dragon in the sky slowly turned pale and the dark clouds gradually scattered as well.

The two remaining Elders exchanged glances, thinking that Xiao Chen’s powers had run out. They were so badly injured that their heart meridians were nearly crushed. They landed on the ground while coughing up blood uncontrollably.

Xiao Chen walked over to the garden and used his Qi-imbued voice to yell, “Don’t force me to kill! Hand my friend over right now!” He had scanned many places in the manor with his Divine Sense earlier, but couldn’t find any trace of Gui Xian. They must have hidden him.

His voice was just fading when a hundred-feet sword radiance flared from the distant horizon. It was incomparably swift and concealed a fierce, surging force. Even the clouds on the other side of the sky started churning.

Xiao Chen could feel a potent power far beyond the likes of the three Elders. He was about to heighten his Qi and resist the force when the sword radiance appeared in front of him. A huge palm print materialized out of thin air and slammed into him.

He hastily evaded the attack. Subsequently, a loud explosion resounded and formed a large palm-shaped dent on the ground. Under such a force, everything around it was reduced to dust. Even though he managed to dodge just in time, the attack still made his Qi and blood run wild. A thought instantly came to him, “This is a quasi-Nascent Soul Realm expert, perhaps even a real one!”

The sword radiance finally landed on the ground and turned into an old man with greying hair and beard. The Zuoqiu family’s disciples sighed in relief after seeing him making it here in time.

“I’m an independent cultivator from the Northern Wilderness. I don’t intend to make an enemy out of you, but the Zuoqiu family has promised me three Nascent Soul Pills. So, I’ll have to take your life.”josei

Xiao Chen stared at the old man. Judging from his breath, this man had likely not entered the Nascent Soul Realm. He flicked his sleeves coldly and scoffed. “What shameless boast!” He called forth his True Energy and lunged at the old man with a Cyan Dragon Roars attack.

The Dragon’s Roar shook heaven. The independent cultivator from the Northern Wilderness heightened his Qi in resistance at once. Even though he managed to quell most of Xiao Chen’s palm strength, he couldn’t help feeling surprised. “This kid had demonstrated his remarkable supreme arts in his battle earlier, but why is he still so confident?”

Xiao Chen could tell what the old man was thinking. That was exactly what he hoped to achieve with his palm attack earlier. He said icily, “Senior, are you that confident in subduing me? If I go all out today, you might not gain any benefit at all. I advise you to weigh the pros and cons carefully!”

The independent cultivator narrowed his eyes, finding the kid’s words to be reasonable. If Xiao Chen went ballistic without concern for his life, he would probably gain no benefit whatsoever. On the contrary, he might even make himself a target for a few old things hiding in the crowd. Did he show up too soon in the game? Why didn’t he wait until the kid was at the end of his life?

Suddenly, a cold radiance lunged at Xiao Chen. With his sharp Divine Sense, Xiao Chen had naturally detected the cultivator that was hiding somewhere nearby. He retrieved a steel saber from behind him and swiped it. Blood sprayed in all directions as he cut off the arm of the Core Forming Realm cultivator who tried to ambush him.

Simultaneously, about ten Core Forming Realm cultivators blurred out of view and reappeared in the courtyard. One of them said to the independent cultivator from the Northern Wilderness, “Don’t listen to him, senior. We should work together and eliminate this person immediately!”

Xiao Chen focused on guarding against these people. The Zuoqiu family had truly spared no expenses in getting help. He knew there were even more people hoping to kill him today. He raised his head and laughed, all while moving his Qi into his Elixir Field. His voice extended more than 5 kilometers away. “All of you who wish to kill me are free to give it a try, but I promise you I’d drag a few of you to hell with me! Hehe! Let’s see who among you are lucky enough to join me!”

Sure enough, the cultivators who were beginning to make their move stopped after hearing what he said. Each of them wanted to be the one to swoop in at the end and reap the benefits. No one wanted to be the first to attack and be stepping stones for the rest.

His words were not only imbued with excessive True Qi, but also carried the mental manipulation arts of the Mystic Cyan Sect for added effect. He sneered again and yelled, “If I don’t die today, I’ll surely eliminate all those who provoke me today! Even if I must pursue you to the end of the earth in the future, I promise that I’ll kill you!”

This time, he sounded even more ruthless. The cultivators in the area didn’t dare to make any reckless move. Xiao Chen’s reputation had been on the rise lately. Everyone knew that he was someone who wouldn’t think twice about throwing away his life when he went berserk. Just from the fact that he had breached the Zuoqiu Manor on his own today, they could tell that he wasn’t to be trifled with.

In an instant, the atmosphere turned out the way Xiao Chen had planned for. Everyone who came here today harbored sinister thoughts. They wanted another to be the first to attack and to be last to pick up the benefits in the end. Then, an ice-cold voice rang out in the darkness. “How dare you boast when you’re at death’s door!”

A sword radiance suddenly lunged at Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen scoffed and waved his arm, unleashing psychokinesis and Dragon Roar Palm at the same time. The cry of a dragon reverberated as a golden illusory dragon emerged from the hollow of his palm. The illusory dragon flew toward where his attacker was standing. With a hard pinch, the dragon caused the attacker’s seven apertures to bleed.

“Dear God, what was that?! Was that the legendary Dragon-taming Divine Method, a supreme art from the Archean Eon?”

The cultivators outside cried in alarm as they watched Xiao Chen summon the golden spiritual dragon and even control it with ease.

The independent cultivator’s pupils flashed with an ominous glint. Out of the blue, he ambushed Xiao Chen from the side. Xiao Chen, who was on guard against him all along, struck him with the combination of psychokinesis and Dragon Roar Palm again. A golden illusory dragon immediately slashed him.

The independent cultivator yelped, knowing that he was in trouble. He wouldn’t be injured even if he allowed this illusory dragon to wind around him, but he would be disgraced. He hastily retreated and got out of the dragon’s offensive range.

Upon seeing this, the ten or so Core Forming Realm cultivators in the garden took out their magic treasures and flying swords and attacked Xiao Chen at the same time. Scoffing, Xiao Chen pulled out his Unsullied Sword. While controlling his flying sword to block the magic treasures and Immortal’s Swords attacking him, he charged at the independent cultivator.

This frightened the independent cultivator. Was the kid targeting him? He hastily used his magical power and supreme arts to aim a large golden palm print at Xiao Chen.

A large explosion resounded as dust scattered in the air. Many buildings and halls nearby were caught in the explosion and subsequently collapsed.

Xiao Chen unleashed his Immortal-override Steps and moved as eerily as a ghost, preventing his attackers from guessing his next step. Strong as the independent cultivator’s golden palm print was, it couldn’t even touch the corner of Xiao Chen’s sleeve.

The battlefield was becoming increasingly dire. Every now and then, a large golden palm print would materialize in midair and a white radiance on the ground would flee. The onlooking cultivators no longer knew what they were looking at, but they continued to exclaim in surprise.

The independent cultivator from the Northern Wilderness was lamenting about his hardship on the inside. The kid was truly targeting him. Instead of striking weaker opponents, Xiao Chen kept attacking him. He repeatedly turned Xiao Chen’s words earlier over in his mind. Xiao Chen had promised to drag people to hell with him if he were to die. Was this kid planning to die with him?

“He’s mad! He’s absolutely mad!”

He deeply regretted his decision to show up so soon on the battlefield. The oldies who refused to step out of the dark even now must be waiting for the kid to die with him and then come out to claim the profit.

Thinking of this, he decided to throw all caution to the wind. He hastily cast a spell, turned into a meteorite bolt of lightning, and disappeared into the distance.

The cultivators outside cried in shock. They didn’t expect a quasi-Nascent Soul Realm expert to be forced into making his escape.

Xiao Chen had also come to a stop, panting hard. That was quite enough. He must not pressure that old man too much. If he cornered the old man until he went mad, he might really have to perish here.

He turned around and saw that the group of ten or so Core Forming Realm cultivators as well as Zuoqiu family’s disciples had caught up to him. A cold glint flashed in his eyes and the Unsullied Immortal’s Sword in the air turned into a rain of innumerable sword radiance. Cries of pain rang out without an end. Instantly, bloody Qi shrouded the entire Zuoqiu Manor.

Right then, tens of Zuoqiu family’s disciples emerged from the horizon and saw Xiao Chen becoming a murderous devil—going berserk with his techniques and killing everyone he saw. One of them went to the independent cultivator who was busy using his powers to ease his breathing and said, “Senior! Please stop him immediately!”

It wasn’t easy for the independent cultivator to shake off that lunatic. He had already made up his mind to strike only after the old fools showed themselves. He replied, “I’m low on energy after running 500 kilometers…”

Another disciple immediately handed him a small jade bottle without waiting for him to finish his sentence. “These are the Energy Pills that Elder Que refined.”

The independent cultivator’s eyes gleamed. Without another word, he took the jade bottle. He poured out one pill, threw it into his mouth, and put the bottle into his sack.

The jade bottle contained tens of Energy Pills. Zuoqiu Que’s order had been to give every cultivator three pills, but the disciple thought he shouldn’t protest when the situation had come to this. He hastily saluted the independent cultivator and said, “The Elders are about to succeed. Please stop that person immediately.”

The independent cultivator from the Northern Wilderness raised his hand. “Calm down. We can talk after I ingest this pill.”

Suddenly, a silhouette flitted across his side and said icily, “Humph! Just stay here and slowly take in the pill, senior. I’m going ahead!” The disdain was obvious in his tone.

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