The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 218 - Ye Wuxin's Ambition

Chapter 218 - Ye Wuxin's Ambition

Chapter 218 Ye Wuxin’s Ambition
Detecting Ye Wuxin’s malicious gaze, Xiao Chen raised his guard. The palm of his hand that was gripping the Blood Lotus Demon Blade was covered in sweat.

“Well, it’s time to end this.”

With a sinister smile on his face, Ye Wuxin walked over to where Xiao Chen was. His Corpse Puppet walked behind him, its fierce gaze striking fear into everyone’s hearts.

Seeing this, Fengxi and the rest swiftly joined Xiao Chen’s side. Ye Wuxin’s stare turned icy. “What’s wrong? Do you wish to make an enemy out of the Corpse Refinery Sect?” Instantly, an overwhelming Qi fell over the scene, making it difficult to breathe.

It was true that no one here was his opponent anymore. Never mind the Corpse Puppet with him, he had turned his body into that of a Corpse Puppet in the pursuit of supreme power. His strength was far stronger than a puppet that lacked wisdom.

Still, Fengxi and his companions didn’t withdraw. Ye Wuxin sneered. “If you’re determined to thwart me, I fear you won’t be able to protect your Fallen Dust Bead today.” He pointed to the nearby Zuoqiu Qitian.

The Elders of the Pavilion of Swords and the Pavilion of Thoughts immediately turned to look at Zuoqiu Qitian. Their figures blurred out of view before reappearing in front of the Bloodied Mad Swordsman.

The Bloodied Mad Swordsman was livid that Ye Wuxin drew these people’s attention onto him. How could he steal Zuoqiu Qitian’s Fallen Dust Bead now?

“Ye Wuxin, what do you mean by this?! Didn’t you come here for the Fallen Dust Bead today?!”

Ye Wuxin sneered. “That’s your problem. What does it have to do with me?”

“You!” The Bloodied Mad Swordsman couldn’t restrain his anger anymore. He finally understood that Ye Wuxin was using him to exhaust the orthodox cultivators when he suggested that the mysterious woman was Ye Yuexuan, all so Ye Wuxin could achieve his goal.

If he was at tiptop condition right now, the first thing he would do was to cut this man down.

Ye Wuxin scoffed and ignored him. His large hand reached out for Xiao Chen. Yu Linglong’s figure blurred out of view as she rushed over to Xiao Chen’s side. With a punch, she sent Ye Wuxin’s hand flying. Standing in front of Xiao Chen, she said in anger, “Ye Wuxin, I won’t let you succeed!”

The Bloodied Mad Swordsman laughed out loud. “Nicely done, Yu Linglong! Beat that arrogant ass for me!”

Surprisingly, Yu Linglong didn’t get into an argument with him this time. It was as if they were both sharing the same enemy. She placed her hands on her hips and glowered at Ye Wuxin.

Ye Wuxin shook his head, smiling. “Ignorant.” His voice had just fallen when he flicked his sleeve. A shadow sprang forth from his sleeve, bypassed Yu Linglong, and swiftly lunged at Xiao Chen.

“Don’t you dare hurt the handsome Elder Brother!”

Yu Linglong bellowed. Like a bolt of lightning, she swiftly overtook the shadow. To her surprise, the shadow abruptly changed directions and knocked into her abdomen. Following a loud collision sound, she was sent flying more than a hundred feet away while coughing up blood.

“What?!” The Bloodied Mad Swordsman turned pale. He glared at Ye Wuxin and yelled in anger, “Ye Wuxin! Do you know who she is?! How dare you hurt her; are you trying to rebel?!”

Yu Linglong climbed out of a pile of rubble, shaking as she did. In a hateful tone, she cried, “Despicable! What did you do to me?! Why am I completely powerless now?!”josei

Xiao Chen turned around. Despite knowing she was from the Devil Clan and was his mortal enemy, she had sustained injuries while trying to protect him. Frowning, he asked, “Hey, are you alright?”

Yu Linglong raised her head and her pained expression immediately melted away. She bashfully said, “Handsome Elder Brother… are you worrying about me?”

She lowered her head as she spoke, her face turning beet-red. She said quietly, “If I say I’m in pain, would he run over and give me a hug? If I close my eyes and pretend to faint, he’ll definitely kiss me, won’t he? Then will he… Ugh, how annoying! What should I do…?”

The Bloodied Mad Swordsman was so angry that he was jumping. “Hey! How can you think of such nonsense right now? Moreover! You’re only fifteen! Can you stop thinking about adult stuff?”

Basically, Xiao Chen was so stunned that he was petrified. Yu Linglong’s face turned even redder as she muttered to herself. Suddenly, she raised her head and said, “Hmm! I’ve made up my mind! I’m going to elope with this handsome Elder Brother and run to the end of the world…”

Before she could finish her sentence, she slowly floated into midair. Her face became contorted with pain.

Xiao Chen was alarmed. Turning his head around, he spotted Ye Wuxin casting a spell while muttering nonstop. In the distance, the Bloodied Mad Swordsman was also similarly shocked as he yelled, “You! You’ve already evolved into a Spirit Corpse! What are you trying to do to her?! Have you gone mad?!”


Ye Wuxin wore a smile so sinister that it made others tremble in fear. He said solemnly, “What good is the Spirit Corpse Realm? I need a furnace to evolve into the Devil Corpse Realm. When that happens, all of you will become my Corpse Puppets…”

“Stop dreaming! Put her down right now! She’s the Empress’ daughter! How dare you think of using her as your furnace! Do you want to die?!” the Bloodied Mad Swordsman yelled, berating Ye Wuxin.

Ignoring him, Ye Wuxin continued casting a seal. Yu Linglong’s expression became increasingly twisted with pain. Ye Wuxin struck her with his puppet-manipulating technique earlier, making it impossible for her to break away from him.

Xiao Chen asked solemnly, “You’re going to kill one of your kinsmen?”

Ye Wuxin sneered. “Kinsmen? In my world, only I exist and no one else. What’s wrong? Do you feel heartache for her? Oh, right. I forgot to tell you. She remains devoted to you even after going through countless cycles of reincarnation. So will you be obedient and become my furnace? Or will you watch me turn her into a Corpse Puppet, unable to ever reincarnate again?”

Xiao Chen scoffed. “Did your brain rot after making one too many Corpse Puppets? I’m an orthodox disciple; she’s from the Devil Clan. You’re using her to threaten me?”

In the distance, Yu Linglong’s face swiftly dimmed. “Someone from the Devil Clan… The handsome Elder Brother calls me someone from the Devil Clan. Sob, this time I’m really hurt…”

“Hehe. Is that so?” Ye Wuxin sneered. He sped up his movements in casting the seal. Immediately, a heart-rendering screech came from Yu Linglong.

“Stop it, b*stard!” the Bloodied Mad Swordsman bellowed.

Xiao Chen made a move, wanting to rush over Yu Linglong. Fengxi hastily stopped him. “Dumb kid! She’s a demonic woman from the Devil Clan! If you save her in front of so many people, do you think you’ll be able to roam around the Violet Manor after this? Do you want to get yourself imprisoned in the Immortals’ League?”

Suddenly, a murderous Devil Qi sprang forth from the eastern horizon and flitted across the clouds. Everyone looked up and saw dark clouds churning nonstop above. Nearly all of them could feel danger. The Devil Qi was so strong that it was nearly tangible.

“Is it inevitable in the end…?” Bai Susu muttered to herself solemnly.

“What intense Devil Qi,” the Elders of the Pavilion of Swords and the Pavilion of Thoughts said in unison.

A mass of black fog swiftly flew over and transformed into two people. One of them was hidden under a black mantle and had black Qi swirling around. It was pitch-black under the hood of the mantle, making it impossible to see the person’s face. The other was an enchanting woman.

The arrival of the two people caused the gathering of dark clouds above Canglan City. Under the vast sea of Devil Qi, nearly everyone was holding their breath.

Xiao Chen’s heart sank. Such strong Devil Qi! These two were true members of the Devil Clan from the Devil World. The cloaked person… was that devil who came to the Three Pure Sect back then!

“Uncle Feng, save me!” Yu Linglong yelled.

Ye Wuxin chuckled. “To think that Lord Feng You would come to the Human World personally. Is it really you or is it just your doppelganger?”

“Let her go,” said an icy voice coming from under the mantle.

“Hehe. The little princess is just too mischievous. I’m just giving her a scare.” Ye Wuxin chuckled. While speaking, he secretly gathered all of his vital force.

“Uncle Feng, don’t trust him! He tried to kill me earlier!” Yu Linglong was beginning to regain control over her body.

Xiao Chen’s heart clenched. Just who exactly was the cloaked man? His name was Feng You?

The enchanting woman next to the cloaked person said icily, “Ye Wuxin, you’re pretty brave, aren’t you? Do you know who the person you’re trying to make your furnace is?” The “furnace” that she was referring to was obviously not Yu Linglong but Xiao Chen.

Ye Wuxin chuckled. “If I’m not brave, how will I find the courage to support my ambition? Lord Feng You, don’t you agree?” He turned to look at the cloaked man.

“You’ll have to see if you have the strength to fit your tall ambition,” the cloaked man said breezily. He gave his sleeve a gentle flick and countless black mist emerged, extending over to Ye Wuxin.

Ye Wuxin had long prepared for this. He struck with a palm attack, with his palm force forming purple Qi that reached for the cloaked man. A deafening explosion resounded as two forces interweaved. Immediately, the entire world seemed to shudder.

Countless Zuoqiu family’s disciples failed to dodge the wave of leftover force and were reduced into a bloody mist. Bai Susu, Fengxi, and the rest propped up a Barrier, protecting those behind them.

The Bloodied Mad Swordsman was alarmed. Was this Ye Wuxin’s true strength? To think that he could block Feng You’s attack!

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